
Oojok granted full Emperor powers by HCS & CSE government

The Cloneworld government, governors of planets in the CSE-W and the HCS general staff (or the part in the west of the empire anyway) have endorsed the full restoration of Oojok's absolute powers which he had before the coup some years before. Oojok has restored the Church Of Oojok as the state religion but promised there would be freedom of religion in the empire and a respect for secular institutions. Ayatollah Clone XE, also restored as spiritual leader, said there would be no reprisals.

Admiral Anderson has been confirmed as head of the HCS. The coronation has not gone without opposition though those opposed to Oojok are keeping a lower profile now after a spate of mysterious deaths of senior officers and politicians over the last week. Oojok's deputy Sleeze is said to have told the HCS general staff that those opposed to Oojok will be allowed to retire and would be left alone as long as they were "discreet".

Benito has been quiet on the coronation so far.