The first amphibious landing of Ground Shock 2110 has taken place on Proxima 5. "Opposed" by a couple of Prowler unit acting as the enemy a battalion of the 2nd Light Brigade (Remedia) was landed from L112 Gondwana. The landing ships were protected by Ferret-G UCVs, F-10 fighters acted as the enemy trying to attack the landing ships.
Unfortunately a Remedian soldier died when a vehicle got loose aboard a landing ship during the descent and crushed him. It is thought the restraining cables were not properly attached. Windy has said procedures for lashing down vehicles would be reviewed and tightened up if necessary. "I shall make lashings a personal interest, this evening, when i discuss the matter with the officer in charge of that landing ship." he said.
The fleet will now travel to Loeuss to link up with Dino and Remedian Army troops for further exercises.