
Oojok calls for calm

The HCS have confirmed that Captain Clone was killed when the CH-26 helicopter he was travelling in was shot down by insurgents on Lornaca Melnig. HCS troops rushed to the scene but Captain Clone was found dead in the wreckage. The HCS has been put on full alert with a curfew raised across the entire Clone Star Empire - West.

One problem the CSE-W has is there are no rules for transition. Captain Clone never defined how his successor should be chosen or even what his official title was apart from "leader". Benito Clone has even suggested he should be the leader now as he leads CSE-E.

Oojok has called for calm though there are signs he is trying to strengthen his position and make his honorary role as Emperor somewhat less honorary. Zone light brigades who have a fiercely fanatical loyalty to Oojok have been placed at strategic locations across Cloneworld along with heavy units commanded by known Oojok loyalists. Admiral Anderson has been named temporary Commander-in-Chief of the HCS.