The DDS is gearing up for war with the Bolitic, a few days ago i spoke to a DDS General off the record and he told me the DDS thought there was an 80% chance of war with the Bolitic sometime this year. The DDS are strengthening it's forces along the border and seeking to maximise available forces. I understand that this year's Marconi update is being reworked to reduce the time each ship will be unavailable from 3 weeks to 1 for example.
But why is this so? Although it is still denied everyone knows Windy and Ronald killed the Bolitic Emperor Aliowaki a few weeks ago, this was supposed to cause the usual war of succession that follows the death of a Bolitic Emperor (sometimes these wars can last years) and would have put the Bolitic out of the reckoning until the next decade. Instead Borca has seized the crown and faced virtually no opposition. The Bolitic have been reunited and now have a genuine grievance against their foes apart from just hatred (though this is usually enough for them).
Borca was a virtual unknown until a few weeks ago, despite being the head of the Emperor's forces in the Imperial House. Check the DDS' public databases on Borca until a few weeks ago and you would have found just a couple of sentences. That is the problem, DDS intelligence was flawed. Borca being strong enough to seize power so quickly was completely off the radar. The Imperial House being so overwhelmingly powerful as to dissuade any rival houses from taking arms against them was also undetected.
But once should not blame the DDS too much, its only recently that they have taken intelligence seriously with the new Intelligence Office. The Dinos are more to blame, they should have known about Borca. Ronald however acted outside of the Dino Army and it is probable that he had not been privy to the latest intelligence (Ronald is rather conservative, he doesn't know olive oil is really an actual oil and not just Popeye's girlfriend).
Windy is said to have let slip (in a gay bar) that he thought Aliowaki was planning an attack which he why he decided to kill him but recent intelligence indicates Aliowaki was actually holding the Bolitic back and Borca is much more aggressive. So it may be that Windy intended to prevent a war but in the end has caused it. We'll have to wait and see.