Latest update : 08/02/25.
62 Dinomark PT (+ 8 in SS, 2 in SS-D)
The PT is a later design of Dinomark to enter service and became one of the main assets of the fleet. It is a powerful and fast warship with excellent agility and armament. The current variant is the PT/2. The PT/3M upgrade has just begun and is expected to be able to reach 900c and will unify all PTs into one standard. A growing number of PTs have been fitted with wormhole drive (w-drive).
E : 2 x Pulseburst GX-200 nuclear drive, some PTs have W2A/B wormhole drive
S : 875c / Mach 6.5, 4873-4950ec with w-drive
A : Multi-phase missile launchers, various laser and energy cannons, AGMs
C : Usually 8
1 Dinomark
The Dinomark itself was the first XT class ship to be constructed over 50 years ago. Since then it has been rebuilt over and over again incorporating the latest technology and maintained as the flagship. Recently it has been totally rebuilt again after being badly damaged in a terrorist attack and was been restored to it's position as the flagship. Since Ronald has stood down as head of state it has reverted to being his personal ship and is loaned out to the Dino-Land Defence Fleet when it is not needed. Although an old XT this is one of the most powerful ships in the Dino fleet.
E : Super Solarburst GX-1000K2-WE nuclear drive / W2B worm drive
S : 730c / Mach 3.5 / 4950ec (worm drive)
A : TPM missile launcher, various laser and energy cannons, AGMs
C : Usually 9
Second Line
132 (+7) Dinomark XT (+ 23 in SS, 8 in SS-D, 40 in support services)
The classic Dinomark is the XT which has been in continuous production for over 50 years though in late 2115 this finally ceased for the Dino Army. The Dinos have recently resumed development of the type and will begin production of the XT/126 in 2122.
Voth Space Navy
5 Kalahati Tuul destroyer
These KTs came from a variety of sources including the DDS but have been upgraded to a common standard. They will be the backbone of the fleet until the late-2120s.
5 (+7) Pentekonter Protector 281V
These ships will form the future backbone of the fleet, from 2121.
18 Dinomark XT
Delivery from 2112. Some ex-Dino Army ships have also been donated.
1 Extender-E/EDA class transport
This oiler is used to support Voth operations.
40 (+110) Ferret UCV
Delivery from 2123.
Yeng Defence Force
3 Pentekonter Protector 281Y
These will be the backbone of the Yeng fleet, from 2121.
22 (+3) Dinomark XT
Deliveries from mid 2112. A second batch of second-hand Dino XTs will be delivered from 2122.
1 Extender-EDA class transport
This oiler is used to support Yeng/DTA operations.
75 Ferret UCV
Delivery from 2115.
1 Freedom 41B Class Frigate
I-43 Fortune
These are Isometric-Es similar to the NS Type 41B.
2 Iota Class Scout
I-2 Iota, I-62 Igneous
The Iota is a smaller ship used for reconnaissance and scouting missions.
4 Dinomark XT Class Scout
I-13 Atom I-14 Electron I-15 Neutron
I-23 Electron
These are 3 ex-Dino Army XTs transferred to the Starbotians a few years ago for the support role. A 4th was later ordered.
1 (+2) Olympus 23A Class Carrier
I-51 Mekanaka (I-52-3) TBA
Dino Army Space Fleet
The Dino Army Space Fleet consists of three separate forces, the Front Line (dedicated space operations), Second Line (army co-operation adjoined to the legions) and Heavy Lift (amphibious warfare and strategic transport).
The SS also have a number of Dinomarks. All Dino space combat craft are called the Dinomark, though the various sub-types have totally different designs. Most Dinomarks are dual-air/space craft and are used as an air force as well as a space force by the Dinos. Some specialist variants of the XT can also operate underwater. Data is given for the latest production variant.
Front Line
3 Dinomark RS
The RS is the most powerful warship in the Dino Fleet and one of the most powerful in the known galaxy. Unlike most Dinomarks it is a large cruiser with little air-capability. The RS class is used as the flagships in space operations, one is always on station in orbit around Dino-Land for home defense. Because of the huge cost only a few have been built. The ships have high performance but tend to be used as static defence around key positions in the Dino Republic. They will be replaced by a Furl development by 2130.
The Dino Army Space Fleet consists of three separate forces, the Front Line (dedicated space operations), Second Line (army co-operation adjoined to the legions) and Heavy Lift (amphibious warfare and strategic transport).
The SS also have a number of Dinomarks. All Dino space combat craft are called the Dinomark, though the various sub-types have totally different designs. Most Dinomarks are dual-air/space craft and are used as an air force as well as a space force by the Dinos. Some specialist variants of the XT can also operate underwater. Data is given for the latest production variant.
Front Line
3 Dinomark RS
The RS is the most powerful warship in the Dino Fleet and one of the most powerful in the known galaxy. Unlike most Dinomarks it is a large cruiser with little air-capability. The RS class is used as the flagships in space operations, one is always on station in orbit around Dino-Land for home defense. Because of the huge cost only a few have been built. The ships have high performance but tend to be used as static defence around key positions in the Dino Republic. They will be replaced by a Furl development by 2130.

E : Ultraburst GX nuclear drive / W1BA worm drive
S : Over 800c / 4800ec
A : TPM missile launchers, Fusion cannon, various auxiliary cannons and guns
C : Over 60
68 (+2) Dinomark AM (+ 12 SS)
This new type from 2115 was a dedicated ground attack cruiser though has an excellent all-round combat performance and has become the backbone of the fleet. Optimised for attack it is fitted with a number of stealth features including very quiet fanjets for atmospheric operation.
E : Pulseburst HK-890 nuclear drive / W1B worm drive / 2 x RJ-410 fanjets
S : 820c / 5100ec
A : Various missiles, particle weapons, mines
C : 20-30
S : Over 800c / 4800ec
A : TPM missile launchers, Fusion cannon, various auxiliary cannons and guns
C : Over 60
68 (+2) Dinomark AM (+ 12 SS)
This new type from 2115 was a dedicated ground attack cruiser though has an excellent all-round combat performance and has become the backbone of the fleet. Optimised for attack it is fitted with a number of stealth features including very quiet fanjets for atmospheric operation.
E : Pulseburst HK-890 nuclear drive / W1B worm drive / 2 x RJ-410 fanjets
S : 820c / 5100ec
A : Various missiles, particle weapons, mines
C : 20-30
62 Dinomark PT (+ 8 in SS, 2 in SS-D)
The PT is a later design of Dinomark to enter service and became one of the main assets of the fleet. It is a powerful and fast warship with excellent agility and armament. The current variant is the PT/2. The PT/3M upgrade has just begun and is expected to be able to reach 900c and will unify all PTs into one standard. A growing number of PTs have been fitted with wormhole drive (w-drive).
E : 2 x Pulseburst GX-200 nuclear drive, some PTs have W2A/B wormhole drive
S : 875c / Mach 6.5, 4873-4950ec with w-drive
A : Multi-phase missile launchers, various laser and energy cannons, AGMs
C : Usually 8
The Dinomark itself was the first XT class ship to be constructed over 50 years ago. Since then it has been rebuilt over and over again incorporating the latest technology and maintained as the flagship. Recently it has been totally rebuilt again after being badly damaged in a terrorist attack and was been restored to it's position as the flagship. Since Ronald has stood down as head of state it has reverted to being his personal ship and is loaned out to the Dino-Land Defence Fleet when it is not needed. Although an old XT this is one of the most powerful ships in the Dino fleet.
E : Super Solarburst GX-1000K2-WE nuclear drive / W2B worm drive
S : 730c / Mach 3.5 / 4950ec (worm drive)
A : TPM missile launcher, various laser and energy cannons, AGMs
C : Usually 9
Second Line
132 (+7) Dinomark XT (+ 23 in SS, 8 in SS-D, 40 in support services)
The classic Dinomark is the XT which has been in continuous production for over 50 years though in late 2115 this finally ceased for the Dino Army. The Dinos have recently resumed development of the type and will begin production of the XT/126 in 2122.
The ship is compact and sturdy and highly adaptable. The Dinos use it for general purpose operations, in many ways it is the Dino's Jeep able to travel in space, in the air and some versions can even travel under water.
The data given below is for the latest XT/125 variant though many XTs in service are of older variants and will have less capability. Other XTs exist in the Civilian Reserve, private hands and other agencies like the Weather Service and CSS and can be bought in should the need arise.
Data for XT/125
E : Solarburst GX-990 nuclear drive / W2B worm drive
S : 675c / Mach 3.2 / 4950ec (worm drive)
A : TPM missile launcher, various laser and energy cannons, AGMs
C : Usually 8
32 (+45) Dinomark LM (+7 SS +1 CSS)
This was to be the Dinomark XT replacement. It entered service in 2117. Similar in size to the XT its cylindrical layout is much more efficient in space and it had over 30% more usable volume. However design flaws and technical issues mean production ended in 2120. The ships will become a dedicated deep space patrol fleet.
Data for XT/125
E : Solarburst GX-990 nuclear drive / W2B worm drive
S : 675c / Mach 3.2 / 4950ec (worm drive)
A : TPM missile launcher, various laser and energy cannons, AGMs
C : Usually 8
32 (+45) Dinomark LM (+7 SS +1 CSS)
This was to be the Dinomark XT replacement. It entered service in 2117. Similar in size to the XT its cylindrical layout is much more efficient in space and it had over 30% more usable volume. However design flaws and technical issues mean production ended in 2120. The ships will become a dedicated deep space patrol fleet.
The completely redesigned LM/2 began production in 2124.
Data for LM/1
E : Solarburst GX-990Y nuclear drive / W2B worm drive
S : 700c / Mach 4 / 4950ec (worm drive)
A : TPM missile launcher, various laser and energy cannons, AGMs
C : Usually 8
Heavy Lift & Support
5 Dinomark JE
Support/UCV carrier, a localised NS Olympus-E. Deliveries from 2119.
0 (+6) Dinomark SR
Landing ship, localised Clone Intruder design. Deliveries from 2126.
Data for LM/1
E : Solarburst GX-990Y nuclear drive / W2B worm drive
S : 700c / Mach 4 / 4950ec (worm drive)
A : TPM missile launcher, various laser and energy cannons, AGMs
C : Usually 8
Heavy Lift & Support
5 Dinomark JE
Support/UCV carrier, a localised NS Olympus-E. Deliveries from 2119.
0 (+6) Dinomark SR
Landing ship, localised Clone Intruder design. Deliveries from 2126.
(0+15) Pentekonter-MD (Dinomark KX)
Part of the joint DTA minesweeping force, deliveries TBA.
12 Provider SX (SX-98) Landing Ship
These are Consolidated-ETA SX-98 heavy lift transports bought by the Dinos for use as landing ships. They have large docking bays that can accept up to 4 XTs at a time. The cargo bay can carry up to 30 large AFVs and other equipment.
M : Hitachi HS-400H nuclear drive
S : 300c
A : self-defence system
C : 25
19 (+1) Provider EDA
The Provider EDA is a modified version of the DDS Provider transport. The first 3 were built by the Raegris with subsequent Providers (it is expected the order will grow) being built by the Dinos themselves.
M : Hitachi HS-740B nuclear drive
S : 500c
A : 2 x laser cannons, missile launcher
C : 8-12
5 (+4) Extender EDA
The Extender EDA is a modified version of the DDS Extender oiler built by the Dinos themselves.
M : Hitachi HS-740B nuclear drive
S : 500c
A : 2 x laser cannons, missile launcher
C : 8-12
40 Provider MX
Some time ago the Dinos had a small fleet of Dinomark MA transport ships which were similar to XTs but scaled up. These have all been withdrawn but the Dinos resurrected the concept with the new MX which replaced the failed MR project. The MX brings real strategic and assault capabilities to the Dino Fleet. Twenty MX are allocated to the Second Line and the rest Heavy Lift. This ship was originally called the Dinomark MX.
E : 2 x Solarburst GX-965A nuclear drive
S : 500c / Mach 2.4
A : Multi-phase missile launcher, various laser and energy cannons
C : Usually 14
8 (+2) Provider XMA
These are old former-Dino Army XTs rebuilt and fitted to operate as drone transports. They are intended to resupply deep space patrols and units and are fitted with worm drives and self-repair systems.
E : Solarburst GX-982b nuclear drive / W2B worm drive
5 Dinomark AX/AG
The Dinomark prior to the iconic XT was the AX, which indeed was the ship that made first contact between the Dinos and Humans. The Dinos have kept a handful for heritage and training purposes. A shorter-range version of the AX was the AG which was standard local defense before the XT and is not capable of FTL travel. One is retained for heritage trips.
E : RP-65b nuclear drive
S : 50c / Mach 2.5
A : None
C : Usually 15
Dinomark AX in original configuration.
195 (+305) Ferret UCV
Deliveries from 2115.
New Arit Defence Force
The New Arit Defense Force, the Is Lanki, was known, rather cruelly, as the DDS Space Ship Museum because many of their ships were obsolete DDS types sold to the Aritans. Fellow CIN member Artic provides personnel for the Is Lanki which also protects Artican territory.
12 Provider SX (SX-98) Landing Ship
These are Consolidated-ETA SX-98 heavy lift transports bought by the Dinos for use as landing ships. They have large docking bays that can accept up to 4 XTs at a time. The cargo bay can carry up to 30 large AFVs and other equipment.
M : Hitachi HS-400H nuclear drive
S : 300c
A : self-defence system
C : 25
19 (+1) Provider EDA
The Provider EDA is a modified version of the DDS Provider transport. The first 3 were built by the Raegris with subsequent Providers (it is expected the order will grow) being built by the Dinos themselves.
M : Hitachi HS-740B nuclear drive
S : 500c
A : 2 x laser cannons, missile launcher
C : 8-12
5 (+4) Extender EDA
The Extender EDA is a modified version of the DDS Extender oiler built by the Dinos themselves.
M : Hitachi HS-740B nuclear drive
S : 500c
A : 2 x laser cannons, missile launcher
C : 8-12
40 Provider MX
Some time ago the Dinos had a small fleet of Dinomark MA transport ships which were similar to XTs but scaled up. These have all been withdrawn but the Dinos resurrected the concept with the new MX which replaced the failed MR project. The MX brings real strategic and assault capabilities to the Dino Fleet. Twenty MX are allocated to the Second Line and the rest Heavy Lift. This ship was originally called the Dinomark MX.
E : 2 x Solarburst GX-965A nuclear drive
S : 500c / Mach 2.4
A : Multi-phase missile launcher, various laser and energy cannons
C : Usually 14
8 (+2) Provider XMA
These are old former-Dino Army XTs rebuilt and fitted to operate as drone transports. They are intended to resupply deep space patrols and units and are fitted with worm drives and self-repair systems.
E : Solarburst GX-982b nuclear drive / W2B worm drive
S : 350c / Mach 2.2 / 4950ec (worm drive)
A : Multi-phase missile launcher, various laser and energy cannons
C : Usually none but can be optionally manned
5 Dinomark AX/AG
The Dinomark prior to the iconic XT was the AX, which indeed was the ship that made first contact between the Dinos and Humans. The Dinos have kept a handful for heritage and training purposes. A shorter-range version of the AX was the AG which was standard local defense before the XT and is not capable of FTL travel. One is retained for heritage trips.
E : RP-65b nuclear drive
S : 50c / Mach 2.5
A : None
C : Usually 15
Dinomark AX in original configuration.
195 (+305) Ferret UCV
Deliveries from 2115.
New Arit Defence Force
The New Arit Defense Force, the Is Lanki, was known, rather cruelly, as the DDS Space Ship Museum because many of their ships were obsolete DDS types sold to the Aritans. Fellow CIN member Artic provides personnel for the Is Lanki which also protects Artican territory.
5 Pentekonter Protector 2XXA
These ships entered service from 2122.
8 Shark SKH-EA frigate
These Clone built ships entered service from 2114.
11 Kalahati Tuul destroyer
The ships are localised ex-Utrek, HCS & DDS KTs, refitted and entered service from late 2108. They are due to withdrawn by 2126.
14 Dinomark XT
The first 4 of these ships are older ships from the Dino Army reserve, the rest are new build or recent build.
4 Provider MX
4 of these Dino assault transports are on order.
3 Provider-EDA transport
3 are on order.
2 (+2) Extender-E/EDA class transport
This oiler is used to support Aritan operations. One other ship will be DDS built, further ships will be Dino built.
5 Coril class shuttle
These are used for VIP transport and general communications. Some are ex-DDS ships with later ships new Coril-Es.
Sirikwan Defence Force
The Sirikwan Defence Forces are currently undergoing a modernisation.
14 Pentekonter-E120 / Pentekonter Protector 350 class patrol ship
Sirikwan Pentekonter-Es are to the E-120 standard with TPM-1 launchers and passive sensors. The first two ships were ex-DDS ships with deliveries of new ships are beginning in 2109. The latter ships are to the Pentekonter Protector 350 standard, the earlier ships will also be bought up to this standard. Another Pentekonter joined the fleet from New Arit.
13 Shark SKH-E patrol ship
Performing patrol and mine warfare duties. The fleet will be bought up to SKH-E2 standard.
8 Shark SKH-EA frigate
These Clone built ships entered service from 2114.
0 (+10) Dinomark AME
An export version of the multi-mode Dinomark AM, expected from 2125.
0 (+12) Swordfish
A Dino built patrol ship, expected to replace the Kalahati Tuuls from 2125.
11 Kalahati Tuul destroyer
The ships are localised ex-Utrek, HCS & DDS KTs, refitted and entered service from late 2108. They are due to withdrawn by 2126.
14 Dinomark XT
The first 4 of these ships are older ships from the Dino Army reserve, the rest are new build or recent build.
4 Provider MX
4 of these Dino assault transports are on order.
3 Provider-EDA transport
3 are on order.
2 (+2) Extender-E/EDA class transport
This oiler is used to support Aritan operations. One other ship will be DDS built, further ships will be Dino built.
5 Coril class shuttle
These are used for VIP transport and general communications. Some are ex-DDS ships with later ships new Coril-Es.
Sirikwan Defence Force
The Sirikwan Defence Forces are currently undergoing a modernisation.
14 Pentekonter-E120 / Pentekonter Protector 350 class patrol ship
Sirikwan Pentekonter-Es are to the E-120 standard with TPM-1 launchers and passive sensors. The first two ships were ex-DDS ships with deliveries of new ships are beginning in 2109. The latter ships are to the Pentekonter Protector 350 standard, the earlier ships will also be bought up to this standard. Another Pentekonter joined the fleet from New Arit.
13 Shark SKH-E patrol ship
Performing patrol and mine warfare duties. The fleet will be bought up to SKH-E2 standard.
0 (+8) Swordfish
A Dino built patrol ship, expected from 2126.
6 Helwin class patrol ship
These Bolitic patrol ships form the backbone of the Sirikwan combat fleet. The Sirikwanese will keep them in service until 2128 with a modernisation and life-extension programme taking place in 2114. The Helwin ILU is equipped with TPM launchers and upgraded sensors and computer systems.
15 Dinomark XT class patrol / co-operation ship
The Sirikwan have purchased a number of Dinomark XTs as patrol assets and ground force co-operation ships, some are underwater capable.
6 Helwin class patrol ship
These Bolitic patrol ships form the backbone of the Sirikwan combat fleet. The Sirikwanese will keep them in service until 2128 with a modernisation and life-extension programme taking place in 2114. The Helwin ILU is equipped with TPM launchers and upgraded sensors and computer systems.
15 Dinomark XT class patrol / co-operation ship
The Sirikwan have purchased a number of Dinomark XTs as patrol assets and ground force co-operation ships, some are underwater capable.
0 (+10) Pentekonter-M minesweeper
Part of the joint DTA minesweeping force, deliveries from 2125.
95 (+105) MQ-5AS Ferret-E UCV
The Ferret-E is a small UCV designed by the DDS, Dinos and Starbotians. It can be equipped with a variety of payloads for a number of missions. Existing Ferrets are DDS examples later Ferrets will be the similar Dino built version.
3 Arutan Multi-Role Combat Support Ship (MRCSS)
These ships are multi-role combat support ships based on the Avery-Dunlop Star Rider (Friendship) platform and have extensive docking and C3 facilities. They entered service in 2115.
3 (+4) Provider-E class transport ship
The first ship was delivered in 2110. A further 6 are due to be delivered from 2121.
4 (+3) Extender-E/EDA class oiler/transport ship
These ships were delivered after 2108, they have been recently modified to allow them to refuel and support other DTA ships including Dinomark PTs. After ship 3 it is expected they will be Dino built EDAs.
The Ferret-E is a small UCV designed by the DDS, Dinos and Starbotians. It can be equipped with a variety of payloads for a number of missions. Existing Ferrets are DDS examples later Ferrets will be the similar Dino built version.
3 Arutan Multi-Role Combat Support Ship (MRCSS)
These ships are multi-role combat support ships based on the Avery-Dunlop Star Rider (Friendship) platform and have extensive docking and C3 facilities. They entered service in 2115.
3 (+4) Provider-E class transport ship
The first ship was delivered in 2110. A further 6 are due to be delivered from 2121.
4 (+3) Extender-E/EDA class oiler/transport ship
These ships were delivered after 2108, they have been recently modified to allow them to refuel and support other DTA ships including Dinomark PTs. After ship 3 it is expected they will be Dino built EDAs.
0 (+5) Loader/Type C transport ship
New build transports to replace the Nerval from 2125.
7 Nerval/Type B transport ship
These ex-HCS transports entered service from 2110. They will remain in service until 2126.
0 (+10) Coril ST/XL shuttle
These shuttles will enter service from 2126. 8 will be ST general purpose shuttles and 2 XL VIP.
7 Nerval/Type B transport ship
These ex-HCS transports entered service from 2110. They will remain in service until 2126.
0 (+10) Coril ST/XL shuttle
These shuttles will enter service from 2126. 8 will be ST general purpose shuttles and 2 XL VIP.
Voth Space Navy
5 Kalahati Tuul destroyer
These KTs came from a variety of sources including the DDS but have been upgraded to a common standard. They will be the backbone of the fleet until the late-2120s.
0 (+6) Swordfish
Dino built patrol ship, expected to replace the Kalahati Tuuls from 2128.
3 Rebuilt Helwin
These ex-Bolitic destroyers have been rebuilt and updated by the Dinos. Entry into service was in 2123.
5 (+7) Pentekonter Protector 281V
These ships will form the future backbone of the fleet, from 2121.
18 Dinomark XT
Delivery from 2112. Some ex-Dino Army ships have also been donated.
1 Extender-E/EDA class transport
This oiler is used to support Voth operations.
40 (+110) Ferret UCV
Delivery from 2123.
Yeng Defence Force
3 Pentekonter Protector 281Y
These will be the backbone of the Yeng fleet, from 2121.
22 (+3) Dinomark XT
Deliveries from mid 2112. A second batch of second-hand Dino XTs will be delivered from 2122.
1 Extender-EDA class transport
This oiler is used to support Yeng/DTA operations.
75 Ferret UCV
Delivery from 2115.
Starbot Fleet
3 Panther 35A/B Class Destroyer
I-22 Margay
I-35 Inflexible I-36 Irresistable
The Panther is the principle NS warship, the Starbotians operate 3 which are responsible for protecting Starbotian space. I-35/36 are Independance 35B destroyers.
I-35 Inflexible is the Starbotian flagship.
1 Iona Class Destroyer
I-1A Iona
I-1A was the historic flagship of the Starbotian fleet. It has been at the forefront of the Starbotian fleet for over 300 years (though has been rebuilt dozens of times over the years so there is hardly anything left of the original). It still serves as S101's personal ship though has more of a support role these days.
1 Ixis Class Destroyer
I-11 Ixis
I-11 was originally intended as a replacement for I-1A though as the flagship was retained it has become the reserve flag.
I-35 Inflexible I-36 Irresistable
The Panther is the principle NS warship, the Starbotians operate 3 which are responsible for protecting Starbotian space. I-35/36 are Independance 35B destroyers.
I-35 Inflexible is the Starbotian flagship.
1 Iona Class Destroyer
I-1A Iona
I-1A was the historic flagship of the Starbotian fleet. It has been at the forefront of the Starbotian fleet for over 300 years (though has been rebuilt dozens of times over the years so there is hardly anything left of the original). It still serves as S101's personal ship though has more of a support role these days.
1 Ixis Class Destroyer
I-11 Ixis
I-11 was originally intended as a replacement for I-1A though as the flagship was retained it has become the reserve flag.
1 Freedom 41B Class Frigate
I-43 Fortune
These are Isometric-Es similar to the NS Type 41B.
2 Iota Class Scout
I-2 Iota, I-62 Igneous
The Iota is a smaller ship used for reconnaissance and scouting missions.
4 Dinomark XT Class Scout
I-13 Atom I-14 Electron I-15 Neutron
I-23 Electron
These are 3 ex-Dino Army XTs transferred to the Starbotians a few years ago for the support role. A 4th was later ordered.
1 (+2) Olympus 23A Class Carrier
I-51 Mekanaka (I-52-3) TBA
These small carriers based on the Friendship/River platform perform specialist UCV support. They can carry up to 40 Ferret-E UCVs and have extensive C3, servicing and maintenance facilities.
3 (+3) Depender 755S Combat Support Ships
Thought to going to be used in the intelligence gathering and Elint roles. Deliveries from 2121.
2 Extender 73A Oiler/Transport/Repair Ship
I-16 Starbotian Spirit I-17 Energy Of Starbot
The Extender is based on the SUP design, the ships are optimised for fleet refuelling and can carry out a nuclear refuelling of a warship within 3 hours. They also perform repair and maintenance of ships away from port and provide R and R facilities for other ship's crews. They also have an auxiliary transport role.
2 Provider 71A Class Transport/Survey Ship
I-19 Compass I-24 Navigation
The Provider transport class brings heavy lift capability to the Starbotian fleet who before had to rely on civilian ships under contract. The Provider class is based on the SUP (Standard Utility Platform) that forms the basis of the current generation of DDS support craft. They are also used for surveying missions and reconnaissance with the addition of a Starbotian designed mission pod.
0 (+3) Loader TYCS Transport
These are Clone built ships. Deliveries TBA.
0 (+3) Omiten TYJS Transport
These are Clone built ships. Deliveries TBA.
470 MQ-5A/B Ferret-E/G Unmanned Space Fighter
The Ferret-E is the DDS' first USV and is a small drone for reconnaissance, patrol and attack missions, the AI and electronic system was designed by the Starbotians who also build the whole UCV for the DDS and Starbotians. Production later switched to Ferret-G which has littoral warfare capabilities.
3 (+3) Depender 755S Combat Support Ships
Thought to going to be used in the intelligence gathering and Elint roles. Deliveries from 2121.
2 Extender 73A Oiler/Transport/Repair Ship
I-16 Starbotian Spirit I-17 Energy Of Starbot
The Extender is based on the SUP design, the ships are optimised for fleet refuelling and can carry out a nuclear refuelling of a warship within 3 hours. They also perform repair and maintenance of ships away from port and provide R and R facilities for other ship's crews. They also have an auxiliary transport role.
2 Provider 71A Class Transport/Survey Ship
I-19 Compass I-24 Navigation
The Provider transport class brings heavy lift capability to the Starbotian fleet who before had to rely on civilian ships under contract. The Provider class is based on the SUP (Standard Utility Platform) that forms the basis of the current generation of DDS support craft. They are also used for surveying missions and reconnaissance with the addition of a Starbotian designed mission pod.
0 (+3) Loader TYCS Transport
These are Clone built ships. Deliveries TBA.
0 (+3) Omiten TYJS Transport
These are Clone built ships. Deliveries TBA.
470 MQ-5A/B Ferret-E/G Unmanned Space Fighter
The Ferret-E is the DDS' first USV and is a small drone for reconnaissance, patrol and attack missions, the AI and electronic system was designed by the Starbotians who also build the whole UCV for the DDS and Starbotians. Production later switched to Ferret-G which has littoral warfare capabilities.