
The Clone Navy

The Clone Defence Forces - Clone Navy (CDF-CN) is split into separate commands (and fleets) on Cloneworld, Austini 55, Randalf74 and Aquaworld. Last update 18/08/24

Ships are of Cloneworld fleet except those marked (#) Aquaworld (+) Austini 55 (@) Randalf 74

Surface warships

3 Cloneworld class aircraft carrier (CV)

R01 Cloneworld R02 Clone Empire R03 Hospital Carnage Squad

The Cloneworld class of carrier are the centrepiece of the new Clone Navy providing air support for operations and command facilities. The first carrier Cloneworld entered service around 2110. The third ship was completed in 2119. A fourth ship was planned but has been cancelled.

W : 23,000t
Aircraft complement : 4/8 x K45K, 4/8 x K85NTK COIN aircraft, 4/6 x Z26WNS helicopters
A : SA-N-6A close-range SAM, 2 x CIWS, 4 x 20mm cannons

3 West Clone Republic helicopter carrier (CVH)

R04 West Clone Republic R05 Beyond Micom R06 Grenvilla

This helicopter carrier supplements the Cloneworld CVs. It is similar to the Cloneworld CV but a bit smaller and deploys around 12-15 ZK26S helicopters (or other future types) to support amphibious / ASW and anti-surface operations. It entered service in 2112. A second ship joined it in 2117. A third entered service in 2122. 

W : 20,000t
Aircraft complement (expected) : up to 15 x Z26WNS helicopters
A : SA-N-6A close-range SAM, 2 x CIWS, 4 x 20mm cannons

8 Olana class guided-missile destroyer (DDG)

The Olana class destroyers provide AA and ASW defence primarily for the major assets like carriers but can also support other operations.

W : 5,000t
A : SA-N-16 long-range SAM, SA-N-6A close-range SAM, SS-N-9 SSM, SS-NS-2 anti-submarine missile, 100mm gun, , 4 x 20mm cannons, 1 x CIWS, 1 x Z26S helicopter

5 (+1) Ailier II (FFG)

This is a new frigate class built from 2113. It is an updated version of CNS Ailier which will join this class after an upgrade.

W : 3,500t
A : SS-N-8 SSM, SA-N-6A close-range SAM, SS-NS-2 anti-submarine missile, 100mm gun, 1 x CIWS, 2 x 20mm cannons, 1 x Z26S helicopter

1 Ailier class guided-missile frigate (FFG)

Ailier was built for the old HCS Navy and was the only ship not scrapped when that previous organisation was disbanded. Ailier was kept as a museum ship and in good condition and thus was easy to reactivate. Ailier has undergone a major refit and update and often acts as the flagship on operations if a carrier is not present. It will be bought up to Ailier II spec and merge with the newer ship class in 2126.

W : 3,750t
A : SS-N-8 SSM, SA-N-6A close-range SAM, SS-NS-2 anti-submarine missile, 100mm gun, 1 x CIWS, 2 x 20mm cannons, 1 x Z26S helicopter

16 Triona class patrol vessel OPV(H)

(11 allocated to Cloneworld, 3 Austini 55, 2 Aquaworld)

Presently the Triona class patrol boats are the backbone of the CDF-CN. The first examples were originally built for the HCS Riverine Force to provide support for operations in estuaries but the ships were handed over to the reformed navy and modified for blue water operation. The ships are not optimal for blue water operations but have seen combat already and proved their worth. They will receive an update over the next couple of years to improve seakeeping and armament.

W : 2,000t
A : SS-N-8B SSM, SA-N-6 close-range SAM, 76mm gun, 2 x 20mm guns, helipad for Z26S (though no hangar)

8 Triona II class patrol vessel OPV(H)

(The first 6 are allocated to Cloneworld, 2 to Austini 55)

These developed version of the Triona which debuted 2110. They are larger with better seakeeping and are more capable.

W : 2,500t
A : SS-N-8B SSM, SA-N-6A close-range SAM, 76mm gun, 2 x 20mm guns, helipad for Z26S (though no hangar)


6 Dinomark XT class submarine / aerospace vehicle (SSNA)

These Dino XTs are capable of underwater operation and entered service from 2113.

8 Seawolf class submarine (SSK)

These new build submarines built by a new joint-company with the Sirikwanese. They entered service from 2110. They are a development of the Tinfish but greatly improved.

W : 3,000t
A : 6 torpedo tubes (4+2), SS-NS-3 cruise missile

4 Sealion class nuclear attack submarine (SSN)

This class of nuclear attack submarines entered service in 2115 and is equipped with torpedoes and cruise missiles.

W : 5,000t
A : 6 torpedo tubes (4+2), SS-NS-3 cruise missile

1 Warhammer class training (SSK)

This singleton class was built alongside the Seawolf class SSKs and is used for development of the SeaGale and SeaCSM missile systems. It entered service in 2110 after the Walrus enters service it was also used as an auxiliary attack asset able to carry three SeaGale/SeaCSM. Though is now only used in the training role.

W : 3,500t
A : 3 SS-N-10 SeaGale SLBM tubes, 6 torpedo tubes (4+2), SS-NS-3 cruise missile

3 (+3) Walrus nuclear missile attack submarine (SSBN)

Based on the Sealion class these operate the SeaGale SLBM being built from 2117 onwards. It also is able to fire the SeaCSM (SS-N-10N) interstellar version of SeaGale.

W : 6,500t
A : 12 SS-N-10 SeaGale SLBM tubes, 6 torpedo tubes (4+2), SS-NS-3 cruise missile

Support ships

0 (+2) "Flexible Support Ship"

This new class of ship has been ordered for Austini 55 and can act as a supply ship, auxiliary helicopter carrier and also support a variety of operations. It is now planned for 2126.

4 Albatross Intelligence Gathering Ship

Four conversions of freighters for intelligence gathering on Cloneworld. Entering service from 2113.

W : 9,500t
A : SA-N-6A SAM, 2 x 20mm cannon, helipad for Z26S

8 Power class tanker / replenishment ships

(5 allocated to Cloneworld 2 Austini 55 1 Aquaworld)

The original ships of this class were transferred to the HCS Merchant Reserve following the disbanding of the old HCS Navy and have now been returned. They can provide refuelling of ships (though the sphere of current and planned operations is not very large so refuelling is not needed so much) and also general transport and replenishment duties. Examples from A03 onwards are of the new build Power B type which have improved facilities for helicopter operation and other improvements.

W : 11,160t
A : 2 x 20mm cannon, 1 x Z26S helicopter (2 x on Power B)

8 Mariner class general support ships

(6 allocated to Cloneworld 1 Austini 55)

These general purpose support ships fulfill general transport, storage, liaison and utility duties. They have a flight deck that covers half the length of the ship and can operate as a reserve base for helicopter operations (up to 6) though only 1 helicopter is carried in normal operation. The ships also have a comprehensive C3 suite.

W : 9,600t
A : 2 x 20mm cannon, 1 x Z26S helicopter

Aviation (Clone Naval Air Service)

The CNAS operate air power from land bases and aircraft carriers. Current strength is as follows :

Cloneworld Command (CNAS-CCOM)

99 K45K fighters
110 (+10) K85NTN/K COIN aircraft
38 K19BEC maritime attack aircraft
0 (+50) K19NGN maritime attack aircraft
35 K72M maritime reconnaissance aircraft
14 (+2) K72ME EW/Elint aircraft
8 K72MW weather reconnaissance aircraft
0 (+25) Q75 reconnaissance UCV
7 K44 transports, 5 are K22K tanker variant
150 Z26S/WNS helicopters
12 M1 unmanned reconnaissance airships

Aquaworld Command (CNAS-AQCOM)

100 K45A fighters
60 K85NTN COIN aircraft
0 (+20) K19NGN maritime attack aircraft
30 K72M maritime reconnaissance aircraft
35 Z26S helicopters

Austini 55 Command (CNAS-A5COM)

35 K45K fighters
65 K85NTN/K COIN aircraft
14 K72M maritime reconnaissance aircraft
74 Z26S helicopters

Randalf 74 Command (CNAS-R7COM)

40 K85NTN COIN aircraft
8 (+6) K72M maritime reconnaissance aircraft
30 Z26S helicopters

Training is carried out by the CAF who also provide some base facilities.