
Other Fleets

Here are some of the other fleets in the local group of systems.

Remedian Fleet (Tier 1 NS Ally)

1 Mulberry 111R Command Cruiser

R20 Brartiga II

The new flagship of the Remedian Fleet, based on the Yel'Tema/Mulberry design.

6 Corkscrew 423R Medium Combat Ships

R10 Remedia Prime III R11 Lord Argrox III R12 Citix of Remedia II 
R13 Loeuss III R14 Mila III R15 Lord Golux

The backbone of the Remedian fleet.

4 (+1) Pentekonter Protector 255R Patrol Ships

R30 Galantas R31 Horvenox R32 Goren Tux
R33 Melgi Jos (R34) TBA

Performing local patrols. 

2 Depender 756R EW Ship

R60 Arextiga R61 Lord Billox

Providing EW/Elint and intelligence gathering.

2 Extender Oiler / Transport Ships

R50 Relgis Golor R51 Remedia Minor

Providing transport support for Remedian operations.

Raegris Defence Fleet (Tier 1 NS Ally)

The Raegris are a fast growing power, they have spent a lot of money on NS hardware and have some good home-built designs.

4 DC-1 Uhm'Waa / Quasar Battlecruiser

The DC-1 is the ex-NS Quasar cruiser. 6 were bought in 2105 and became the flagships of the RDF. All ships were upgraded in 2109 (to bring them close to NS Quasar ILU standard). In Raegris service the DC-1 has been fitted with extra close-in laser weapons. The ships have also been fitted for mine laying, static mines being a key part of Raegris defence. The surviving ships are to be sold back to NS.

8 (+10) RC-2B/C Yel'Tema / Cosmos Cruiser

The RC-2 will be familiar to HCS personnel, being the design which was licence built by the Clones as the Cosmos cruiser. The RC-2 is a powerful design and is the backbone of the RDF. The RC-2 differs from the Cosmos in not having the large supercannon. The NS have updated the fleet to RC-2B standard, with a turreted Z-cannon and a transphasic missile launcher. The Raegris are building new ships to an improved RC-2C standard from 2113. RC-2Bs will be upgraded to C standard at a later date.

9 DF-1 He'Taka / Isometric

The DF-1 is a frigate based on the NS Terran Sea Type D and Isometric-E designs. All will be upgraded to a similar standard to the NS Mediterranean Sea.

0 (+12) "Repulse"

These ships are a localised version of the Repulse destroyer. The first 3 will be NS built with the rest home built. Expected from 2124.

10 (+5) PC-1 Gu'Telis / Pentekonter

The PC-1 is based on the Pentekonter-E which is being produced by the Raegris and NS for export orders. It is used for training and local defence duties. Deliveries began in 2110.

2 (+3) KA-1 Norenka / Olympus

These carriers will support the Ferret UCV force. Introduced from 2114.

230 (+135) MQ-5BR Ferret-GR

Unmanned combat space fighters, these entered service from 2114.

3 WF-1 Ku'Yema / Extender

These are Raegris customised versions of the Extender-E oiler, introduced after 2114.

Porquat 640 Space Navy (DDS satellite)

Porquat 640 has rebuilt it's fleet after the disastrous war in the early 2100s which almost totally wiped out it's fleet. Now they are Tier 1 DDS allies.

5 Xian 508 Cruiser

The Xian 505 cruiser was the major combatant of the old Porquat 640 fleet but all were destroyed in the war. The new Xian 508 has updated systems and firepower as well as a more extensive C3 suite. The Xian acts as flagships for the Porquat fleet squadrons.

4 Quagan 658 Frigate

One Quagan 658 was the sole survivor of the P640 fleet after the war. For a time it was operated by the Aritans but now has been returned to the Porquatians. The Quagan is a nimble and powerful warship, in some ways an inspiration for the DDS Panther design. The 5 ships were upgraded systems and weapon wise to the later 665 standard in 2113 but will be rebuilt and merged into the 665 from 2118.

22 (+2) Quagan 665 Frigate

The Quagan 665 is an upgraded version of the 658 with a secondary armament as well as more internal space for troops, weapons or supplies. The 665 is slightly larger than the 658 as a result.

8 Pentekonter 632 Frigate

These Pentekonter-E100s perform local patrol duties and policing.

(0+5) Pentekonter 633M Minesweeper

From 2125.

90 MQ-5AP Ferret-E Unmanned Space Fighter

Used for orbital defence and training.

1 (+1) Olympus 884 Carrier

These carriers will act as motherships for the Ferrets. Deliveries from 2116.

2 Teknan 902 Combat Support Ship

Based on ex-commercial freighters of the Tarbotian Uranakan class. These have been fitted out for carrying troops and combat supplies though these days mostly serve in the intelligence gathering / reconnaissance role.

6 Extender 908 Oiler/Transport

The new backbone of the P640 transport fleet are these Extender-Es and the Provider-Es below.

2 Provider 925 Transport

These new transports are due to be delivered from 2114.

6 (+6) Coril 954 Shuttle

These new shuttles are being delivered from 2113.


Molab is a cash-rich planet in the Free Eritran States who have become the NS' best export customers and are now assembling a very useful fleet.

3 Isometric-EMM2 Frigate

The most powerful part of the Molab fleet are these mid-spec Isometric-Es which have been upgraded to fire TPMs and received sensor updates in 2118 as part of an upgrade to EMM2 standard.

1 Isometric-ME Frigate / Mine Warfare Control

This frigate is a dedicated mine warfare control ship. It will be upgraded to EMM2 standard in 2120 when it is replaced as a mines warfare control ship by the Depender.

20 Kalahati Tuul Frigate

These are ex-Utrek ships are being refurbished and updated by the NS. They will be replaced by the mid-2120s.

15 Pentekonter Protector 259M Patrol Ship

These mid-range Pentekonter-Es form the bulk of the Molab patrol force. They have been upgraded to high-end spec along with 3 new ships to 259M standard.

0 (+2) Depender 759M Mine Warfare Control

These ships are fitted with mine warfare control systems to direct the Pentekonter ME fleet.

6 (+2) Pentekonter-ME/105M Minesweepers

These are export versions of the Pentekonter-M. They are operated as a shared FES fleet.

3 Dinomark XT Patrol Ship

These will be delivered from 2113, they are NS owned but will be on long-term lease to the Molab.

40 (+60) MQ-5AM Ferret-E UCV

Molab will receive 100 of these UCVs from 2113 which will operate with QPM. The Isometric-EMMs will act as mother ships.

3 (+1) Provider Transport

Deliveries of these transports (operated jointly between the Molab military and a civilian company) began in 2110.

6 Extender Oiler/Transport

These ships form the backbone of the Molab transport fleet. There are a number of older types also operated but these are gradually being phased out of service.

11 Coril Shuttle

3 Tarbot built versions of the Coril are already in service, several NS built Coril-Es are also on order.

Bolitic Confederacy War Fleet

The Bolitic are a warlike nation with a powerful fleet. The Bolitic go for large powerful ships and all are classed as battlecruisers. Its not known if the Bolitic will follow the trend for smaller more agile ships. The Bolitic are a strange race whose technology is a bizarre mixture of the archaic and advanced. Ship numbers are vague, Bolitic Houses keep their strength secret from each other and also often hide ships, even pretending they have been destroyed, the below numbers are low estimates.

26 Furl BS7500

This new generation heavy cruiser replaces the Snarl in production. Unlike previous generations of heavy cruiser the Furl is more agile and multi-role.

M : J95 triple-core nuclear drive
S : 800c
A : Proton cannon, various other cannons and missiles

9 Reptoli Tuul BS6809

These Utrek ships have been transferred to the Bolitic fleet and are operated by the Chosen Men elite troops of the Emperor. The RT is said to have a speed exceeding 800c and is equipped with a number of high-power energy weapons.

M : Hedris Morlak drive
S : 800-830c
A : Stinger cannon, auxiliary guns and missiles

28 Snarl BS4040

The Snarl is the current main type in Bolitic service. Like all Bolitic designs its large, powerful, well protected and lumbering. Its top speed is reported as being 300c. Though recent technology transfer from the Utrek may have boosted the speed of some by over 100%.

(Data for latest BS4040F Snarl-F)
M : 3 x J89M engines with Utrek hyperspace booster system
S : 750c
A : Proton cannon, various energy cannons, missiles

35 Helwin BS4004

The Helwin was the previous front-line design before the Snarl. Its still a powerful ship, though now a little too slow topping out at 240c. The HCS once operated 3 of these as part of their fleet but later sold them back to the Bolitic. The Bolitic are currently updating some of the older ones.

M : 3 x J56A-U engines
S : 240c, some updated to 300c
A : Various energy cannons and missiles

103 Meltinan BS2062

The Meltinan is a smaller type like a scaled down Helwin though some types more resemble the Redhull. Its used for general purpose and patrol duties especially in the more remote parts of the Bolitic Confederacy.

(Data for BS2062L Meltinan-L)
M : 3 x J50Q-E engines
S : 600c
A : Various energy cannons and missiles, multi-role gondola