
Soulaki cruisers to be upgraded

HCS bloggers are reporting that the Soulaki SL and SLB battlecruisers, the most powerful ships in the HCS Space Navy, will be upgraded and unified into one standard. The Soulaki SLK will comprise all 30 ships with upgrades beginning later this year as the oldest SLs go into their major refits.

The SLK will receive strengthened structures and engine upgrades to boost top speed to "the vicinity of" 750c though cruise is expected to be in the low 700s. Armament will not change though the cannons and missiles carried will be upgraded. The secondary quad-bank laser cannons will be deleted and replaced by a CIWS and externally carried missiles including one day CSM. The main triple-phase proton cannons will receive a ground attack mode though this is likely to mainly because of commonality with the Cosmos K (the main weapon at it's core is the same as the Soulaki's). Soulaki SLK will carry the in-development attack system however but it is thought ground attack will be firmly a secondary role.

The HCS are known to be working on passive sensors though Soulaki SLK will not receive them yet as the HCS are some way behind the DDS. The SLK will receive much improved datalinking however and a new main databus. All ships will receive refurbishment to enable them to continue operation until 2120 when the next refurbishment will be needed, all ships will also receive an increase to their design lives into the early 2130s (SLs were due to last until the mid-2120s originally).

Finally the Soulaki SLK's docking bay will be improved to add support for the forthcoming Nybble UCV. The upgrades will begin before the end of the year but the programme will take some years to complete. It is likely that further improvements like passive sensors may appear in later batches of SLKs.