
Dinos to take part in Operation Ground Shock

The DDS have named their next exercise deployment which will be the debut of the DDS' amphibious warfare capabilities and their new army. Operation Ground Shock will begin next month and will also include Dino and Aritan forces.

The list of space craft to take part has not yet been announced but it is expected both of the DDS' Intruder class landing ships will be included. The Dinos are to send 2 of their SX-98 landing ships to take part as well as some Dinomarks and 2 centuries of ground troops, likely to be from the 3rd Armoured Brigade. The Aritans will provide the DDS troops to be deployed as only the Aritan 1st Armoured Brigade is operational in the new DDS Army though some human troops will also be deployed in the special forces and support roles. An Aritan warship will also take part in as one of the escorts.

Further details of Ground Shock are expected before the end of the month.