
Berlin to be cancelled? / Rome update

Although the Fleet Development Review, which will look at current and future fleet make-up and procurement, has only just begun it is now looking like the Berlin corvette class could be a casualty. A long-lead order for the type, the first for items that would not also be useable by the Rome class, has been deferred.

A rumour doing the rounds on DDS blogs is that the DDS may cancel Berlin and instead build 5-6 more Romes. The review will be completed and present it's findings next week but it is thought they acted immediately to defer the order as otherwise they would have incurred a costly penalty if indeed they did cancel the Berlin in the end.

As for the Rome the fleet is to receive a minor upgrade over the next week or so. Most of the upgrade will be software though there will also be a few replacements of systems (which in the Rome's case is very easy as it is a full OA 2.0 ship and so can simply plug and play new equipment).