How long does it take to develop a brand new design of space warship? For the
Clones it is about 10 years as it has been discovered by
HCS watchers that they have just formed a project team to "create a family of warships to replace the
Molentic Tuul". All three of these types will be withdrawn in the decade or so after 2120 (though some late Soulaki and Cosmos may survive as long as 2135) so a new design will be needed by around 2119.
The "family" nature of the project is interesting, the HCS intend to produce a flexible and extendible design that can serve in the heavy battlecruiser role down to the general purpose fleet asset. It may be a modular design will be adopted with a basic core and extra modules added depending on role.
The HCS are understood to be going to begin a "wide scale consultation exercise with stakeholders" i.e. ask people what they want.