Force Voth
R107 Archer (flag)
F161 Sea Of Tranquillity
P131 Fighting Falcon
P134 Merlin
F136 Barents Sea
F116 Cryptozoic
M102 Demostenes
M103 Sappho
A146 Argus
SKS Undian (Sirikwan)
(C110 Eurasia)
(F137 South China Sea)
(F101 Cambrian)
Ensuring Passage
R105 Grenadier (flag)
F148 Solomon Sea
A142 Stratotanker
Force Starbot
D109 Cougar* (flag)
F150 Sea Of The Hebrides
F103 Carboniferous (Windy flag)
F126 Mesozoic
A141 Extender
+ Starbotian fleet
* Starbotian crewed
Remedian Border Protection Force
C122 Photon (flag)
D151 Velocity
F110 Miocene
A150 Refinery
RS-DF1-03 (Raegris)
RS-DF1-05 (Raegris)
+ Remedian Police Customs Patrol
Ships returning to HQ