
Units in focus index

Some of the elite and (in)famous military units in the DDS universe...

March 2006

SS Iron Fist Brigade
RP Cloisters Brigade
Windy Cult / Windy Massive

February 2006

The Immortals
Emperor Special Body Guard
The Hoods

January 2006

Black Dragon Martyrs Brigade
Oojok Death Squad
6th Legion
Red Lizard


HCS Intelligence Reports

As well as overseeing the development of the latest cutting edge tech Dr Forbidden also keeps an eye on what the HCS are up. Here will be a collection of his reports.

December 2106

Recent developments in HCS AFVs

September 2106

The case for a HCS bomber

August 2106

The HCS after the Benito war

July 2106

The State of the HCS Fleet


DDS Exports portfolio

Current offering of DDS warships with options, contact the DDS sales office on 1-900-WINDY-IS-HARD for further information and to purchase. The DDS accept all major credit cards. Updated : 18/06/17.

Yel'Tema YT cruiser

Well proven Raegris technology, a version is the backbone of the HCS fleet. Updated with the latest DDS weapon and sensor technology.
  • YT-150 - top-end, TPM, Z7 turret, passive sensors
  • YT-110 - low-end, Z5 turret, missile launchers
Olympus carrier

Affordable UCV carrier and command ship. Ferret-UCV also available. Missile carrier version now in development.
  • Olympus Mons 910 - carrier model
  • Olympus Balista 950 - missile carrier

The next generation of DDS patrol ship, available from 2115.
  • Corkscrew 420 - baseline model, specification TBA
    Pentekonter Protector patrol boat

    Unrivalled value for money, a combat and sturdy patrol asset. The Pentekonter is available in the following models, those with e-Core have the fuel efficient Proton RM-01 engine :
    • Pentekonter Protector 360 & 360 e-Core - high end, TPM-VLS, Z6t turret, UCV support, IWC, passive sensors
    • Pentekonter Protector 260 & 260 e-Core - mid-end, QPM-VLS, Z5m turret, IWC
    • Pentekonter Protector 261M & 261M e-Core - As 260 with MCM module
    Provider transport

    The backbone of DDS and UNP military transport, a rugged and spacious transport giving class leading capacity.
    • Provider 500 - standard model
    Extender oiler/transport

    Highly flexible and customisable fleet support and refuelling.
    • Extender 520 - standard model
    Depender multi-role combat support transport

    A mutl-role combat support ship based on the Friendship 75A, mission specific modules can add a number of roles including intelligence gathering, EW, communications, reconnaissance and fleet replenishment.
    • Depender 750 - standard model
    Coril shuttle

    Classic shuttle design with high performance and reliability.
    • Coril ST - standard shuttle
    • Coril XL - VIP fit
    * restricted

    Other Fleets

    Here are some of the other fleets in the local group of systems.

    Remedian Fleet (Tier 1 NS Ally)

    1 Mulberry 111R Command Cruiser

    R20 Brartiga II

    The new flagship of the Remedian Fleet, based on the Yel'Tema/Mulberry design.

    6 Corkscrew 423R Medium Combat Ships

    R10 Remedia Prime III R11 Lord Argrox III R12 Citix of Remedia II 
    R13 Loeuss III R14 Mila III R15 Lord Golux

    The backbone of the Remedian fleet.

    4 (+1) Pentekonter Protector 255R Patrol Ships

    R30 Galantas R31 Horvenox R32 Goren Tux
    R33 Melgi Jos (R34) TBA

    Performing local patrols. 

    2 Depender 756R EW Ship

    R60 Arextiga R61 Lord Billox

    Providing EW/Elint and intelligence gathering.

    2 Extender Oiler / Transport Ships

    R50 Relgis Golor R51 Remedia Minor

    Providing transport support for Remedian operations.

    Raegris Defence Fleet (Tier 1 NS Ally)

    The Raegris are a fast growing power, they have spent a lot of money on NS hardware and have some good home-built designs.

    4 DC-1 Uhm'Waa / Quasar Battlecruiser

    The DC-1 is the ex-NS Quasar cruiser. 6 were bought in 2105 and became the flagships of the RDF. All ships were upgraded in 2109 (to bring them close to NS Quasar ILU standard). In Raegris service the DC-1 has been fitted with extra close-in laser weapons. The ships have also been fitted for mine laying, static mines being a key part of Raegris defence. The surviving ships are to be sold back to NS.

    8 (+10) RC-2B/C Yel'Tema / Cosmos Cruiser

    The RC-2 will be familiar to HCS personnel, being the design which was licence built by the Clones as the Cosmos cruiser. The RC-2 is a powerful design and is the backbone of the RDF. The RC-2 differs from the Cosmos in not having the large supercannon. The NS have updated the fleet to RC-2B standard, with a turreted Z-cannon and a transphasic missile launcher. The Raegris are building new ships to an improved RC-2C standard from 2113. RC-2Bs will be upgraded to C standard at a later date.

    9 DF-1 He'Taka / Isometric

    The DF-1 is a frigate based on the NS Terran Sea Type D and Isometric-E designs. All will be upgraded to a similar standard to the NS Mediterranean Sea.

    0 (+12) "Repulse"

    These ships are a localised version of the Repulse destroyer. The first 3 will be NS built with the rest home built. Expected from 2124.

    10 (+5) PC-1 Gu'Telis / Pentekonter

    The PC-1 is based on the Pentekonter-E which is being produced by the Raegris and NS for export orders. It is used for training and local defence duties. Deliveries began in 2110.

    2 (+3) KA-1 Norenka / Olympus

    These carriers will support the Ferret UCV force. Introduced from 2114.

    230 (+135) MQ-5BR Ferret-GR

    Unmanned combat space fighters, these entered service from 2114.

    3 WF-1 Ku'Yema / Extender

    These are Raegris customised versions of the Extender-E oiler, introduced after 2114.

    Porquat 640 Space Navy (DDS satellite)

    Porquat 640 has rebuilt it's fleet after the disastrous war in the early 2100s which almost totally wiped out it's fleet. Now they are Tier 1 DDS allies.

    5 Xian 508 Cruiser

    The Xian 505 cruiser was the major combatant of the old Porquat 640 fleet but all were destroyed in the war. The new Xian 508 has updated systems and firepower as well as a more extensive C3 suite. The Xian acts as flagships for the Porquat fleet squadrons.

    4 Quagan 658 Frigate

    One Quagan 658 was the sole survivor of the P640 fleet after the war. For a time it was operated by the Aritans but now has been returned to the Porquatians. The Quagan is a nimble and powerful warship, in some ways an inspiration for the DDS Panther design. The 5 ships were upgraded systems and weapon wise to the later 665 standard in 2113 but will be rebuilt and merged into the 665 from 2118.

    22 (+2) Quagan 665 Frigate

    The Quagan 665 is an upgraded version of the 658 with a secondary armament as well as more internal space for troops, weapons or supplies. The 665 is slightly larger than the 658 as a result.

    8 Pentekonter 632 Frigate

    These Pentekonter-E100s perform local patrol duties and policing.

    (0+5) Pentekonter 633M Minesweeper

    From 2125.

    90 MQ-5AP Ferret-E Unmanned Space Fighter

    Used for orbital defence and training.

    1 (+1) Olympus 884 Carrier

    These carriers will act as motherships for the Ferrets. Deliveries from 2116.

    2 Teknan 902 Combat Support Ship

    Based on ex-commercial freighters of the Tarbotian Uranakan class. These have been fitted out for carrying troops and combat supplies though these days mostly serve in the intelligence gathering / reconnaissance role.

    6 Extender 908 Oiler/Transport

    The new backbone of the P640 transport fleet are these Extender-Es and the Provider-Es below.

    2 Provider 925 Transport

    These new transports are due to be delivered from 2114.

    6 (+6) Coril 954 Shuttle

    These new shuttles are being delivered from 2113.


    Molab is a cash-rich planet in the Free Eritran States who have become the NS' best export customers and are now assembling a very useful fleet.

    3 Isometric-EMM2 Frigate

    The most powerful part of the Molab fleet are these mid-spec Isometric-Es which have been upgraded to fire TPMs and received sensor updates in 2118 as part of an upgrade to EMM2 standard.

    1 Isometric-ME Frigate / Mine Warfare Control

    This frigate is a dedicated mine warfare control ship. It will be upgraded to EMM2 standard in 2120 when it is replaced as a mines warfare control ship by the Depender.

    20 Kalahati Tuul Frigate

    These are ex-Utrek ships are being refurbished and updated by the NS. They will be replaced by the mid-2120s.

    15 Pentekonter Protector 259M Patrol Ship

    These mid-range Pentekonter-Es form the bulk of the Molab patrol force. They have been upgraded to high-end spec along with 3 new ships to 259M standard.

    0 (+2) Depender 759M Mine Warfare Control

    These ships are fitted with mine warfare control systems to direct the Pentekonter ME fleet.

    6 (+2) Pentekonter-ME/105M Minesweepers

    These are export versions of the Pentekonter-M. They are operated as a shared FES fleet.

    3 Dinomark XT Patrol Ship

    These will be delivered from 2113, they are NS owned but will be on long-term lease to the Molab.

    40 (+60) MQ-5AM Ferret-E UCV

    Molab will receive 100 of these UCVs from 2113 which will operate with QPM. The Isometric-EMMs will act as mother ships.

    3 (+1) Provider Transport

    Deliveries of these transports (operated jointly between the Molab military and a civilian company) began in 2110.

    6 Extender Oiler/Transport

    These ships form the backbone of the Molab transport fleet. There are a number of older types also operated but these are gradually being phased out of service.

    11 Coril Shuttle

    3 Tarbot built versions of the Coril are already in service, several NS built Coril-Es are also on order.

    Bolitic Confederacy War Fleet

    The Bolitic are a warlike nation with a powerful fleet. The Bolitic go for large powerful ships and all are classed as battlecruisers. Its not known if the Bolitic will follow the trend for smaller more agile ships. The Bolitic are a strange race whose technology is a bizarre mixture of the archaic and advanced. Ship numbers are vague, Bolitic Houses keep their strength secret from each other and also often hide ships, even pretending they have been destroyed, the below numbers are low estimates.

    26 Furl BS7500

    This new generation heavy cruiser replaces the Snarl in production. Unlike previous generations of heavy cruiser the Furl is more agile and multi-role.

    M : J95 triple-core nuclear drive
    S : 800c
    A : Proton cannon, various other cannons and missiles

    9 Reptoli Tuul BS6809

    These Utrek ships have been transferred to the Bolitic fleet and are operated by the Chosen Men elite troops of the Emperor. The RT is said to have a speed exceeding 800c and is equipped with a number of high-power energy weapons.

    M : Hedris Morlak drive
    S : 800-830c
    A : Stinger cannon, auxiliary guns and missiles

    28 Snarl BS4040

    The Snarl is the current main type in Bolitic service. Like all Bolitic designs its large, powerful, well protected and lumbering. Its top speed is reported as being 300c. Though recent technology transfer from the Utrek may have boosted the speed of some by over 100%.

    (Data for latest BS4040F Snarl-F)
    M : 3 x J89M engines with Utrek hyperspace booster system
    S : 750c
    A : Proton cannon, various energy cannons, missiles

    35 Helwin BS4004

    The Helwin was the previous front-line design before the Snarl. Its still a powerful ship, though now a little too slow topping out at 240c. The HCS once operated 3 of these as part of their fleet but later sold them back to the Bolitic. The Bolitic are currently updating some of the older ones.

    M : 3 x J56A-U engines
    S : 240c, some updated to 300c
    A : Various energy cannons and missiles

    103 Meltinan BS2062

    The Meltinan is a smaller type like a scaled down Helwin though some types more resemble the Redhull. Its used for general purpose and patrol duties especially in the more remote parts of the Bolitic Confederacy.

    (Data for BS2062L Meltinan-L)
    M : 3 x J50Q-E engines
    S : 600c
    A : Various energy cannons and missiles, multi-role gondola


    DDS Classic Quotes

    the DDS are known for the coolest dialogue in the galaxy, here is a choice collection of funnies that will be built up over time. warning : bad language is below, also using these quotes in your everyday conversation may make you cool but it won't make you Windscorpion. (Newest quotes in bold).

    M-B-H : Can you sense my hatred? Can you feel my loathing?
    RONALD : Can you feel my knee smashing into your groin?

    WINDSCORPION : Put a shell over those Limp Dick's heads.
    SALAMANDER : How do you know their dicks are limp?
    WINDSCORPION : Because I'm not naked yet.

    WINDSCORPION : The VR Deck? Oh yeah... where losers have sex.

    SOLDIER #1 : Its meaningless, it doesn't make any sense.
    SOLDIER #2 : You are in the military now boy, nothing will ever make sense again.

    FORTRAN : Whats that smell? Oh has Useless filled his pants?
    MARCUS USELESS : Silence! Its just that this armour is very sweaty.
    FORTRAN : Since when did sweat smell like that?

    ROTARIOS : Useless Ratboy! Its all his fault! Everything he touches turn to smeg! He is a reverse Midas!

    ROTARIOS : I'll prove to you why I am great and you are geek.

    THE FRIAR : Its me The Friar! I'm Grand Master!
    EPSILON : Oh I see.

    COOKER TEE : Insane? I am a military genius! Did they call Napoleon mad? Stalin? Hitler?
    ORCHID : They did actually.

    ORCHID : Quiet, unless you want my boot to head into bollocksville again!

    M-B-H : Aha Jimmy, I have a new role for you that perfectly suits your skills and ability : Chief Toilet Attendant.

    DDS MAN : I'll make him talk sir. I'm the Punisher and my boyfriend finds out every night!

    HOOD : Death is too good for this... thing! He must die!

    LORD ROTARIOS : You! Trojan Twat, do you have any ideas?
    ACTION PAINTING : It'll be the first time ever if he does.

    HORSEHEAD : I live for death!

    OPERATOR : I'm sorry sir but the enemy ships are moving too quickly!
    DR SLOW : Wrong! You are moving too slowly!

    WINDSCORPION : Gee Rollerball, theres a big hole in you!

    About the DDS Universe

    This is probably the best place to start, what is the DDS?

    Seeing Star Wars for the first time in the late 1970s inspired me to draw comics, from those primitive beginnings i have gradually developed a complicated and rich comic universe and in recent years have tried to tidy up continuity with the help of this website and the other satellite sites such as the timeline and character database.

    The DDS Comic Universe is set 100 years in the future and runs roughly in real time, so a story written now in November 2012 roughly takes place in November 2112. Humankind spread out into the stars during the 21st century and formed a number of colonies which later became independent worlds linked with Earth under the United Nations of Planets (UNP) banner.

    However it is a dangerous universe out there with many other competing powers and factions. Some are fairly friendly like the Dinos but others are dangerous like the Clones and Tarbotians and these powers have sought to conquer the UNP. To protect the UNP from conquest the DDS is employed.

    The DDS (which stands for Dino Death Squad though this full term is seldom used nowadays) was originally set up by the Emperor of the Dinos Ronald while he was on a sabbatical to protect his interests but has since grown into a huge multi-spectral paramilitary organisation that now forms the core of UNP defence (the UNP's own militaries tend to be only civilian defence units now).

    Led by Windscorpion, perhaps the greatest hero in human history, the DDS has held firm against attacks by the Clones, Utrek, Tarbotians, ABBOs and others. Windy has taken a bit more of a back seat now but is still there to help out when the DDS is in need.

    The major strand of the comic universe is the Dinos, reptilians who evolved on Sirius. They have been led by Ronald, a peerless warrior but he has also decided to step back a bit. However the safety of the galaxy from evil is still firmly in the hands of Ronald and Windscorpion...

    This is basically it. So check out a few stories and immerse yourself in the DDS Comic Universe...

    All names, events, characters, artwork and likenesses in the DDS Comic Universe is (c) Chris Davies and cannot be used without permission and not for personal gain. See here for the licence all of these details are released under.

    All similarities to persons, living and dead, and events are purely co-incidental. Many thanks to my friend Dr Carl Vincent who has helped with so many ideas over the years including the original concept for Windscorpion.

    The comics often have an adult theme so beware that some stories or events may cause offence... 


    The New DDS Universe

    Click the map to view it full-size
    Last update 05/11/08

    The New DDS Fleet

    Fleet page has now been moved to here.

    The Clone Space Fleet

    Update : 04/04/24, fleet numbers are based on DDS Intelligence estimates and may differ from actual force levels.



    The Soulaki is the CSF's top-of-the-line battlecruiser, the introduction of the Soulaki finally gave the clones a ship that would not be disgraced going up against a top-line DDS ship like the Quasar 15A. The Soulaki is large and powerful, and the fastest ship in their fleet, able to reach near 700c. Weaponry is reported as triple-phase proton cannons. All Soulaki SL and SLB/K have begun an upgrade and unification programme to SLM standard .

    Built : 2101-2107
    Planned Withdrawal : 2025 onwards
    Speed : 680c (cruise)
    Armament : triple-phase proton cannons, quad-phase missile launcher


    The final Soulakis were to a higher specification, changes included improved performance and firepower. A further 5 examples are to the slightly improved SLBK standard. Some older SLs have also been bought up to this standard. All ships will be bought to the unified SLM standard.

    Built : 2107-2112
    Planned Withdrawal : 2031 onwards
    Speed : 700c-730c (cruise)
    Armament : triple-phase proton cannons, quad-phase missile launcher


    This will be the unified/upgraded fleet of Soulaki battlecruisers. Key to the upgrade will be the fitting of Dino supplied W1A worm drives.

    Built : 2118-2122
    Planned Withdrawal : 2142-5
    Speed : 4800ec (worm) 730c (cruise)
    Armament : triple-phase proton cannons, quad-phase missile launcher, EM cannon


    The CS version of the Cosmos was a long-awaited second generation (known as the Advanced Cosmos) with a new engine giving a top speed of 650c. The super-energy cannon was also upgraded, rumoured to be as powerful as the Z cannon currently used in DDS Quasar class ships. Sensors and ECM were also been upgraded. Whereas normal Cosmos CA/K are used as general purpose ships Cosmos CS tend to be used in fleet operations as backup to the Soulakis and Molentics and are classed as First Line Cruisers. The later CG is fairly similar to the CS though has a more ground attack optimised armament.

    Built : 2107-2108 (CS) 2111- (CG)
    Planned Withdrawal : 2127 onwards
    Speed : 650c
    Armament : super-energy cannon, various laser cannons, missile launcher


    The MTM was an upgrade programme that refurbished and standardised the entire fleet of MTA, MTG and MTV cruisers. Work took place between 2109 to 2110. The programme also included 2 newly secured ex-Utrekian ships. The work included upgrades to the propulsion and armament as well as life extending refurbishment. Twenty new built MTMs are to be built to an improved MTM2 standard from 2119.

    Built : 2094-2102, 2117-
    Planned Withdrawal : 2130 onwards
    Speed : 650c
    Armament : 3 twin-phase+ cannons, missile launcher


    These are localised Mekit 4 mushroom ships formerly in Rectoid service. They are mainly used for long-range patrols and scouting missions. The first 8 are MK4As and will be followed by 8 enhanced MK4Ys. Eight more MK4Ys have been ordered, the MK4As will also be upgraded.

    Built : Late 2090s, refurbished 2114-5. MK4Y 2116-22
    Planned Withdrawal : N/A
    Speed : 710-740c
    Armament : various particle and beam weapons, missile launcher

    21 (+4) KELSAN KS BOMBER

    The Kelsan is a strike bomber intended to attack ground targets and major space targets. The Kelsan has 8 missile bays large enough to carry missiles like CSM-S though these bays can also carry a variety of smaller missiles. It also has a secondary mine-laying role. It is rumoured that it can be also used in a Sigint role with an appropriate pod. The last 8 ships will be to KSE standard with improved sensors, a more powerful engine and improved self-defence weapons. The older ships will later be upgraded to the same standard.

    Built : 2110-2113, 2117, 2122-
    Planned Withdrawal : 2148-50 (KSE)
    Speed : 500c
    Armament : up to 8 missiles including CSM-S, ion cannon (twin quad-phase cannons KSE), mines



    New build Cosmos designed for operational flexibility and long-range patrol. Replacing the Cosmos CA and Kalahati Tuul S from 2124.


    The Cosmos A (usually just referred to as Cosmos) is a development of the Raegris designed Yel'Tema class, after the earlier reliance on Utrekian technology proved the CSF's downfall in a battle against the Utrek the CSF has standardised on the Cosmos as it's main cruiser type. Although the ship is a bit slow, current examples can only reach 450c, it is heavily armed. The Cosmos' main cannon is nearly as devastating as the DDS Z-cannon. Nowadays these older ships have been redesignated Second Line Cruisers and are known officially as Legacy Cosmos to differentiate them from later ships.

    All but 18 ships have undergone rebuilding to give them another 12-15 years of life, there have also been some minor updates done, these are known as Cosmos CK.

    Built : 2097-2106
    Planned Withdrawal : early 2120s (CA) mid-late 2130s (CK)
    Speed : 450c (later models & K) 400c (earlier models)
    Armament : super-energy cannon (not all CA), various laser cannons


    These were rebuilds of ageing Kalahati Tuul A/B cruisers, the rebuilding programme included replacing of stressed and worn out components to give up to another 10 years life to the ships. Updates included new tactical systems and a boosted powerplant. Ships rebuilt included all the remaining baseline KT class and selected KT-B class ships. They will be replaced by the Shark SKBE from 2126.

    Built : 2103-6 onwards (rebuilds) and 2111-2
    Planned Withdrawal : mid 2120s
    Speed : 520c
    Armament : twin laser cannons, triple missile launchers


    This new design frigate entered service in 2108. It replaced the KT and KT2 classes in HCS service. Some later ships were to SKH standard and are the mineweepers of the fleet. From 2112 an uprated SKB model has entered production. All older Shark SKs are also being upgraded to SKB. Thirty Shark SKBE are also being built to replace the KTS.

    Built : 2108-
    Planned Withdrawal : late 2130s onwards
    Speed : 600c
    Armament : twin laser cannons, missile launcher, SPECNES (SKH)


    This is an unmanned superluminal capable reconnissance and scout drone. The first 10 are the NLs with only a self-defence armament, the final 2 were NLBs with system improvements and a better engine. The 10 earlier NLs were updated to NLB. The Clones are now working on the NLM which will have an offensive capability.

    Built : 2110 onwards
    Planned Withdrawal : early 2140s
    Speed : 400c
    Armament : (NL) self-defence laser weapons


    Subluminal combat UCV. A simple design with hyper-agility thanks to a 140 degree vector thrust and 250 degree angle cannon.

    Built : 2111-
    Planned Withdrawal : Unknown
    Speed : 0.2c
    Armament : laser cannon


    Always at the forefront of any CDF invasion, these carriers can enter a planet's high atmosphere to launch aircraft and also carry space-ground assault shuttles. In amphibious operations they act as the command ships. The fleet will be replaced by an upgraded Tiamon TMK from 2128.

    Built : 2098-2109, 2111-3, 2125-
    Planned Withdrawal : 2123-2130
    Speed : 400c
    Armament : various laser cannons, air power component, Sprite NG drones


    One of the most interesting warships in CSF service is this assault transport, it is designed to transport elite units into the heart of battle either by shuttle (including the Skar assault shuttle), landing pods or teleportation. The design also serves as the basis for the CSF's new generation of transports. The Intruder design has also been sold to the NS.

    Intruder releasing landing pods

    Tapir IFV leaving a landing pod

    Built : 2101-2112
    Planned Withdrawal : 2126-2137
    Speed : 430c
    Armament : various laser cannons



    The Freighter is the backbone of the CSF transport fleet, one of the oldest types designed by the CSF and still in production now. The Freighter is a basic transport with detachable cargo pods and only a small pressure hull for the crew. The oldest versions were limited to 180c but the current TYA6 version can reach 220c. The oldest TYAs are now being withdrawn but are being replaced by new build including the new TYA8 type that will be able to reach 300c.

    25 TYA3/4s are being re-engined and refurbished by the NS to give them 20 more years service as the TYA7R which has the same engine as the TYA7 and can reach 220c.

    Built : 2090 onwards
    Planned Withdrawal : Variable
    Speed : 200-300c
    Armament : various laser cannons and self-defence systems


    The Nerval was designed at the same time as the TYA and differs mainly by having a full pressure hull. The TYB has been the standard troop transport since the earliest days of the CSF fleet. Some have been rebuilt to help them service into the mid-2120s.

    Built : 2090-2103
    Planned Withdrawal : 2110-2125
    Speed : 200c
    Armament : various laser cannons


    The TYJ is the standard CSF fleet oiler. Its based on the TYA transport.

    Built : 2093 onwards
    Planned Withdrawal : Variable
    Speed : 220c
    Armament : various laser cannons and self-defence systems

    The TYC is a troop transport based on the Intruder landing ship design but has a complete pressure hull instead of landing pods. From 2121 the TYC2 with boosted powerplant (500c) has entered service.

    Built : 2106 onwards
    Planned Withdrawal : 2130 onwards
    Speed : 430c / 500c
    Armament : various laser cannons


    This new type has replaced the Type U as a "super-heavy" transport. As the name suggests the TYZ consists of 2 TYA transports connected together with a large hold fitted in-between. The total size of this hold is unknown but it has to be big enough to transport the CDF-CN's new and future aircraft carriers and other major types between different planets in the CSE.

    Built : 2111-
    Planned Withdrawal : 2136-39
    Speed : 220c
    Armament : various laser cannons and self-defence systems


    A USV for short-range transport and special transport duties.

    Built : 2115-
    Planned Withdrawal : TBA
    Speed : 400c
    Armament : Self-defence systems, internal security drones

    The Dino Space Fleet

    The Dino Space Fleet consists of two separate forces, a dedicated space defense force and air/space units attached to army units. The SS also have a number of Dinomarks. In practice all space assets fight side by side. All Dino space craft are called the Dinomark, though the various sub-types are often totally different designs. Most Dinomarks are dual-air/space craft and are used as an air force as well as a space force by the Dinos. Some specialist variants of the XT can also operate underwater. Data is given for the latest production variant. Latest update : 01/05/11.


    The RS is the most powerful warship in the Dino Fleet and one of the most powerful in the known galaxy. Unlike most Dinomarks it is a large cruiser with little air-capability. The RS class is used as the flagships in space operations, one is always on station in orbit around Dino-Land for home defense. Because of the huge cost only a few have been built. The ships have high performance but tend to be used as static defence.

    E : Ultraburst GX nuclear drive
    S : Over 800c
    A : Multi-phase missile launchers, Fusion cannon, various auxiliary cannons and guns
    C : Over 60

    36 DINOMARK PT (7 in SS)

    The PT is the latest design to enter service and has become the primary asset of the Dino Fleet. It is a powerful and fast warship with excellent agility and armament. The Dinos are building them as fast as they can and are expected to maintain a fleet of around 75. The current variant is the PT/2. The future PT/3 is expected to be able to reach 920c. A growing number of PTs have been fitted with wormhole drive (w-drive).

    E : 2 x Pulseburst GX-200 nuclear drive, some PTs have W2A/B wormhole drive
    S : 875c / Mach 6.5, 4873-4950c with w-drive
    A : Multi-phase missile launchers, various laser and energy cannons, AGMs
    C : Usually 8


    The Dinomark itself was the first XT class ship to be constructed over 50 years ago. Since then it has been rebuilt over and over again incorporating the latest technology and maintained as the flagship. Recently it has been totally rebuilt after being badly damaged in a terrorist attack and was been restored to it's position as the flagship. Since Ronald has stood down as head of state it has reverted to being his personal ship and is loaned out to the Dino-Land Defence Fleet when it is not needed.

    E : Super Solarburst GX-1000K2-WE nuclear drive / W2B worm drive
    S : 730c / Mach 3.5 / 4950c (worm drive)
    A : Multi-phase missile launcher, various laser and energy cannons, AGMs
    C : Usually 9

    138 DINOMARK XT (27 in SS)

    The classic Dinomark is the XT which has been in continuous production for over 50 years. The ship is compact and sturdy and highly adaptable. The Dinos use it for general purpose operations, in many ways it is the Dino's Jeep able to travel in space, in the air and some versions can even travel under water. The data given below is for the latest XT/120 variant though many XTs in service are of older variants and will have less capability. Other XTs exist in the reserve, private hands and other agencies like the Weather Service and CSS and can be bought in should the need arise.

    Data for XT/120
    E : Solarburst GX-982 nuclear drive / W2B worm drive
    S : 650c / Mach 3.2 / 4950c (worm drive)
    A : Multi-phase missile launcher, various laser and energy cannons, AGMs
    C : Usually 8

    7 (+1) SX-98 LANDING SHIPS

    These are Consolidated-ETA SX-98 heavy lift transports bought by the Dinos for use as landing ships. They have large docking bays that can accept up to 4 XTs at a time. The cargo bay can carry up to 30 large AFVs and other equipment.

    M : Hitachi HS-400H nuclear drive
    S : 300c
    A : none but will be fitted with self-defence system
    C : 25

    6 (+2) PROVIDER EDA

    The Provider EDA is a modified version of the DDS Provider transport. The first 3 were built by the Raegris with subsequent Providers (it is expected the order will grow) being built by the Dinos themselves.

    M : Hitachi HS-740B nuclear drive
    S : 500c
    A : 2 x laser cannons, missile launcher
    C : 8-12

    10 (+14) DINOMARK MX

    Some time ago the Dinos had a small fleet of Dinomark MA transport ships which were similar to XTs but scaled up. These have all been withdrawn but the Dinos are resurrecting the concept with the new MX which replaces the failed MR project. The MX will bring real strategic and assault capabilities to the Dino Fleet.

    E : 2 x Solarburst GX-965A nuclear drive
    S : 500c / Mach 2.4
    A : Multi-phase missile launcher, various laser and energy cannons, AGMs
    C : Usually 14


    The Dinomark prior to the iconic XT was the AX, which indeed was the ship that made first contact between the Dinos and Humans. The Dinos have kept a handful for heritage and training purposes. A shorter-range version of the AX was the AG which was standard local defense before the XT and is not capable of FTL travel. One is retained for heritage trips.

    E : RP-65b nuclear drive
    S : 50c / Mach 2.5
    A : None
    C : Usually 15

    NS Terrestrial Forces : NS Air Division

    Current equipment and strength of the NS Terrestrial Forces Air Division (NS-TFAD) which provides air defence and battlefield support duties among other duties. Some UAS are operated by the Land Division though responsibility for maintaining and developing the systems remains with the AC. Last update 20/06/24

    Structure of the NS-TFAD

    Air Defence Command
    Close Support Command
    Logistics Command
    Internal Security Command
    Maritime Air Support Command

    Combat Aircraft & UAS

    130 F-10S Shark 2100

    The F-10S started off a development of the F-10A but in the end turned out to be a very different beast. The F-10S is an advanced multi-role fighter, highly agile and capable, some have been upgraded to the improved SIM standard. The second batch from 2112 is the F-10SEP with enhanced performance and systems.

    A third generation F-10SNG has replacing the remaining F-10As from 2120 with an improved tactical system, ECM suite and 3D vector thrust. The next NS fighter is expected to be the F-20 which will begin replacing the oldest F-10S in the early 2130s.

    0 (+50) F-12 Hammerhead

    This new type will take over LEO defence duties from the F-10S from 2126. It is a subsonic high altitude and high endurance interceptor to be armed with 3 TPM-As.

    0 (+300) OA-25 Advanced Close Support Aircraft (ACSA)

    This will be a hybrid duct fan powered close support and COIN aircraft to replace the A-85 and K-19D in NSAD service. It is expected to enter service by 2126.

    106 A-85/NTN Browning

    The first 80 of these are ex-HCSAF COIN aircraft which were bought into service at the end of 2110. A later batch of 25 aircraft are new NTNs.

    120 Next DDS Attack Aircraft A-12

    The NDAA is a small light attack aircraft for COIN and CAS to supplement the F-10S and UCAVs. Entry into service was in 2112. The fleet will be upgraded (NDAA 2.0) with an uprated engine and systems. There was also some new build from 2121.

    120 K-18D

    This is a modified version of the new Dino attack aircraft the K-18 and is a tough close support attack aircraft. Deliveries began in 2110. It will be withdrawn by 2127.

    6 (+4) RP-30 Canada Goose

    These small amphibious flying boats are used for maritime patrol around NS GHQ. They also have a limited anti-shipping function. Four more are under construction as the RP-30A with improved anti-shipping facilities, the older planes will also be upgraded.

    0 (+4) RP-50 Albatross

    These maritime patrol aircraft are based on the Consolidated RFX airliner. Deliveries from 2125.

    62 Long Loiter Attack Drone MQ-14

    The LLAD MQ-14 which is a key part of NS attack capability. The LLAD is a subsonic stealthy UCAV with sophisticated guidance and mission management, it has a long range and also a long loiter for anti-insurgency patrols. A naval maritime and strike version called MQ-14N is also being built in small numbers.

    624 Ferret-G MQ-5B

    This is an air capable version of the space fighter MQ-5A Ferret-E. It entered service in early 2110. They are operated and maintained by the space fleet in co-operation with the air force.

    55 Man Portable Spotter Drone RQ-9L Raven

    Raven is a small drone for surveillance and artillery spotting. The Raven is a MAV with a 10cm wingspan but has infrared and enhanced vision cameras and a flying time of 2 hours. The Raven can provide datalinks direct to the DDS' artillery and also F-10 bombers. Data can also be transmitted to troops in the field with visual data being displayed in the troops combat glasses or to handheld receivers.

    32 Field Surveillance Drone RQ-10 Osprey

    Osprey is a larger (3m wingspan) UAV that can stay aloft for up to 24 hours. Like the Raven the Osprey has a range of visual sensors though has also electronic "sniffing" sensors. It can also provide datalinks to a variety of platforms. The Osprey is launched off a catapult rail on the back of a specially equipped truck. It is later recovered after landing using a parachute. A larger version (RQ-10B) capable of taking off from runways has also been developed but as yet it has not been ordered (though forms the basis of the RQ-12N and MQ-16B).

    30 Light Attack Drone MQ-16C Attack Osprey

    This is an attack version of the RQ-10B. It has a modified wing with 4 hardpoints plus improved EO sensors. It entered service in 2110.

    18 NBC Reconnaissance Drone RQ-12N Flash

    Flash is based on the Osprey-B platform but has been enlarged to enable it to take-off and land from runways. It contains a number of sensors for NBC reconnaissance to detect NBC contamination.


    73 Cherrybee CBH-90

    These are used for counter-insurgency and security patrols, deliveries began in mid-2112. Upgrades to the improved CBH-90M standard have begun.

    6 Honeywell VH-35 Helix

    These helicopters will be used for VIP transport. They are due from 2118.

    164 CAC C/M/SH-26 Halogen

    Ex-HCSAF CH-26 transport, MH-26 multi-mission and SH-26 naval helicopters. They started entering service by 2110. Some MH-26 are new build.

    Support aviation

    50 C-440/KC-440

    The new mainstay of NS transport are these medium-sized transport aircraft, some are configured in a full-passenger role, mixed role and pure freight. Deliveries began in 2109. Some are KC-440 tankers.

    26 C-485

    These are medium sized transports more suited to rough field operations. Deliveries began in 2111.

    25 C-491

    The C-491 is a medium sized (though smaller than the C-440) transport designed for rougher air strips with STOL performance. Deliveries began in 2109.

    12 VC-370

    These ex-HCSAF (and refurbished) airliners form the mainstay of the VIP arm. Deliveries began in 2109.

    10 C-380

    These new regional airliners based on Proxima 5 for personnel shuttling between GHQ and the P5 spaceport. Deliveries from 2112.

    Character of the week index

    Character of the week gives the crucial biog and stats on the top superstars in the DDS game. Characters profiled to date are :

    Dino Death Squad

    Truman - Not as bad as once feared
    Tsunami - Lackey
    The Shiner
    - Finance Officer
    Knobhead - Steady performer
    Rubiks Cube Warrior - Mediocre Talent
    Trojan Warlord - Loser
    Firefly - Deputy to Windy
    Caratore - Ship Captain
    Kurt Von Kane - Ship Captain
    Delicate Flower - Extreme pervert
    Torus - Ship Captain
    Lord Rotarios - DDS Commander
    Action Painting - Director Of Operations
    Dr Forbidden - Head Of DDS Research
    Vodaphone - Director Of Communications
    Horsehead - DDS Fleet Commander
    Salamander - Triad member
    Quarz - Captain and loser (updated 08/05/09)
    The Hoods - Vanguard of the Rotarios regime
    The Orchid - DDS Fleet Commander
    Windscorpion - DDS Protector
    Sea Urchin - DDS Fleet Commander
    Redjec - DDS Security Officer

    The Dinos

    Hans & Otto - Der SS
    Pircasa - Technical Support
    Dougson - Chief Scientific Officer
    Fuzzy - DDS Liaison Officer
    G-B-H - Ronald's right-hand Dino
    Gibson - Former head of Der SS
    Ronaldson - youngest son of Ronald
    Xaron - fish obsessed young man
    SS Traffic Wardens - parking on yellow lines is a disease and they are the cure
    Holisai - the Empress
    Stinkyson - Ronald's son that went wrong
    Henry - Lakes' enforcer
    Razorback - Executive Officer
    El Diablo - Home Secretary
    Smellyson - ESBG Commander
    Jimmy - Co-Emperor
    The Cabal - bizarre cult maniacs
    Spikeson - Chief Medical Officer
    Zanus - Dino Legion Commander
    Crickson - Dino Reality TV "star"
    Z-B-H - Dino special duties
    Cruggson - Dino Deputy Emperor
    Lakes - Deputy SS Commander

    The Hospital Carnage Squad

    Ayatollah Clone XE - Spiritual Leader (updated 07/05/09)
    Delta Clone - Superclone
    Admiral Anderson - Idiot
    Chief Inspector Warkloz - RP Inquisitor
    Marcus Totallyuseless - Deputy to Benito
    Benito Clone - Rebel Leader
    Ayatollah Akiwati - Spiritual Leader of the Clones
    Sleeze - HCS Deputy Emperor
    The Friar - Deputy Spiritual Leader of the HCS
    Megara - HCS Secret Agent
    Captain Clone - HCS Commander and all-time legend

    Ships Of The Galaxy Index

    Below are profiles of some of the most famous and notable spaceship classes in the galaxy.

    Extender Oiler (DDS)
    Panther Destroyer (DDS)
    Terran Sea Frigate
    Dinomark XT (Dinos)
    Kalahati Tuul - HCS Models (HCS)
    Pulsar Heavy Cruiser (DDS)*
    Dinomark NG (Dinos)
    RC-2 Yel'Tema / Cosmos (Raegris/HCS)*
    Starsystem Frigate (DDS)
    Kenora Cruiser (Tarbot)
    Dinomark RS (Dinos)
    Solaris II Scout (DDS)*
    I-1 Iona (Starbot)
    Isometric Frigate (DDS)*
    Samara Frigate (Tarbot)
    Soulaki Cruiser (HCS)
    Quasar Cruiser (DDS)*
    Intruder LPD (HCS/DDS)
    Velocity Destroyer (DDS)*

    * updated

    Factions In Focus Index

    Here we take a look at the different factions in our violent galaxy, the different factions and foes and allies the 3 Central Powers (DDS, HCS and Dinos) have to deal with...

    The Zones - updated
    They are the pirates and mercenaries of the galaxy...

    Tarbotian Federation
    The greatest threat to galactic peace, a vast star empire with imperial ambitions, and they smell...

    Oscar - updated
    A split planet that might draw the DDS and HCS into a war...

    Vosun Voth Star Empire - updated
    An ancient space empire that had been in decline for millennia, then split by the Bolitic...

    The Vegans
    Violent and warlike maniacs who like heavy metal...

    Porquat 640
    They defied to challenge the Central Powers... and nearly succeeded...

    Urlik Utrek Federation - updated
    One of the major powers in the known galaxy...

    The Raegris - updated
    A medium-power now greatly increasing the power of it's fleet...

    The Aritans - updated

    A key DDS ally now but they almosty drew the DDS into a war...

    Automated Bio-mechanical Battle Organisms (ABBOs) - updated
    Robot warriors with a mission to destroy...

    The Rectoids
    The most dangerous enemy the DDS have ever faced...

    Bolitic Confederacy - updated
    Related to the Dinos but don't tell them that as they hate them intensely...