After the war the HCS embarked on mass production of the Cosmos in one of the biggest space building programmes ever known. In less than 10 years they have built over 100 of the ships, the latest batch being the upgraded S standard. Production has now ended, originally the Clones wanted over 120 but production has now ended just short of 110. The HCS have improved the Cosmos design a lot especially in terms of firepower and performance. The Cosmos is equipped with the Super Cannon, a massive weapon second only to the DDS Z cannon. Speed has been nearly doubled from that of the original Raegris exports.
The Raegris are going to upgrade their fleet of RC-2s on similar lines, using DDS technology. The sheer number of RC-2/Cosmos in service means that they will be a common sight for the next couple of decades at least. Some earlier Cosmos are likely to be withdrawn over the next few years but the core will remain will into the 2120s. The HCS have found them to be the most survivable of their ships and have a high availability. The Cosmos does look somewhat archaic with it's unconventional design but looks are deceptive. Cosmos S cruisers are highly capable and would give anyone a run for their money.