
Ships Of The Galaxy : I-1 Iona

I-1 or Iona is the flagship of the Starbotian fleet and one of the most famous and recognisable ships in the galaxy. For centuries now I-1 has been at the forefront of Starbotian struggles for independence from the Tarbotian hoards. The ship has a simple enough design, long fuselage and straight wings but has been continuously updated and rebuilt several times. In fact nothing of the original I-1 remains though the ship is still thought to be the same one.

I-1 is an advanced ship, able to split itself into 3 modules that can fight independently though this would only be used against smaller combatants such as Tarbotian fighters as only the engine module retains heavy firepower, the other modules only have secondary laser armament. That firepower is 2 energy cannons drawing power directly from a singularity, this captured black hole gives I-1 enormous power and thus speed though currently it's top speed of 600c is inadequate against the latest generation of foes. The Starbotians are looking to a new rebuild soon.

I-1 is a well travelled ship, as the Starbotians are robots I-1 has no need for supplies of water, air or food and the singularity in theory will provide infinite energy. I-1 is designed to be self-repairing and maintaining and in theory could operate indefinately though in practice is does require a refit every few months.