
Unit in focus : The Oojok Death Squad

The Oojok Death Squad is Oojok's private army, which is why the HCS loathe them. They are recruited from criminals, thugs and people with nothing left to lose. They are under the direct control of Oojok and Sleeze and their loyalty is 100% to them. They are small in number, the DDS estimate the ODS number only 20-30 but they have all the best toys and equipment. Oojok uses them for both his personal bodyguard and for special operations in Oojok's interest. Megara was recruited to the ODS for a special mission to investigate and destroy the Rectoids.

It is thought that the ODS operate in small units known as Active Service Units. Loyalty to Oojok has be total and the punishment for not following this is immediate execution. They have the personal seal of Oojok, no doors are locked to them. Except the door to Oojok's personal comfort room in his private quarters.

Motto : We don't need no stinking motto