
Ships Of The Galaxy : Terran Sea (updated)

The Isometric frigate class was highly successful but an expanding DDS fleet saw the need for more. At first the DDS was going to simply build an improved Isometric with experience gained from combat. This "Isometric-B" eventually became different enough to become the "Isometric II". In 2106 the first of these ships began construction and by now it was known as the "Terran Sea" class.

Terran Sea

The Terran Sea is more powerful and advanced than the Isometric, intended more for a fleet escort role than the Isometric which is designed primarily for patrol (though both can perform the other role excellently). The Terran Sea's most noticeable change was a permanent Z-cannon (though all Isometrics now carry the same). Apart from that the Terran Sea looks largely identical to the Isometric though internally is very different.

The Terran Sea uses greater wireless control and new technologies like Open Architecture. As production continued the DDS have improved the design. The Terran Sea-B (later Barents Sea) had an improved engine and ECM, the Terran Sea-C (later Arafura Sea) introduced improved passive sensors and FIDO VR technologies. The DDS are now seeking to bring the whole fleet up to the final C2 standard with 360 CIWS and have already merged the A & B.

At one stage the DDS were to replace production with an up gunned Isometric III but this was cancelled and some of the technology rolled into the C (creating the final spec C2). After the Utrek War the DDS decided to build a small number of uprated Terran Seas based on part of the Isometric III plans and work on the Raegris DF-1 Isometric. This was the Terran Sea D Sea Of Tranquillity class the first of which has just entered service. This is probably the end of the Isometric/Terran Sea story at least in DDS terms as future frigates are likely to use the Rome/Berlin platform.

In combat the Terran Sea has served well though a number have been lost, this is not down to any shortcomings with the design but simply a reflection of the fact they have been so often at the forefront. The Terran Sea fleet is due to remain in service until the early 2140s and forms (with the Isometrics) the backbone of the DDS fleet. This is likely to remain so for the next few decades which means the DDS will be working hard to maintain these reliable and popular birds' edge. The Terran Sea ILU is due for early in the next decade.