
Character Of The Week : Lakes

(the first of a new feature where we profile a notable character in the DDS universe, featuring one who has made a sizeable impact this week. to start with we look at the Deputy SS Commander Lakes)

Lakes' rise to power in the Dino Empire has been remarkable considering his lack of achievement and even greater lack of talent. He first rose to notice as a petty thug in Oojok's criminal gang. He did not have much status there. He was just behind the man who made Sleeze's hats in the gang's heirarchy. When Oojok left his criminal activities behind to concentrate on the Clone empire Lakes found himself out in the cold.

Lakes tried to take over the remnants of the gang himself but following a good kicking from the other members was persuaded to try his talents elsewhere. Lakes returned to his native Dino-Land where he made a name for himself as a pretty useless criminal. He tried pimping but kept being beaten up by his girls.

When M-B-H began his descent into darkness he happened upon Lakes in an SS detention centre that he had been touring at the time. He saw in Lakes the perfect yes-man and stooge. Lakes found himself hired by M-B-H.

As The Chosen One began to spin his web of depravity and doom Lakes found himself given an official role in the SS. Though he was despised by his fellow SS men as being a petty criminal instead of a refined criminal as is the SS norm. When M-B-H became Co-Emperor Lakes was promoted to Deputy SS Commander.

Following M-B-H's downfall Lakes found himself in the dock. However he discovered he had a talent for betrayal and he grassed on an SS plot to kill Jimmy. In return Lakes was cleared of all charges against him and allowed to keep his SS rank. Now Lakes seeks to take the vacant SS Commander post but many in the Empire despise him. Unfortunately for Lakes his exposure to the genius of M-B-H has led him to think that he is a cerebral assassin as well...