
Character of the week : Gibson

Gibson's career has had more lives than a Dino Cat, he is the great survivor of the Dino Army, even though he has had to frequently perform under extreme pressure...

Gibson rose up the ranks of the SS, mostly though being a competant administrator, and became SS Commander. However his lack of perversions and honesty put him at odds with most of the rest of the SS. Ronald chose him to be the Liaison Officer with the DDS instead. This is when his trouble began. Windscorpion gave him a long list of Dino materials wanted by the DDS but to procure these materials he had to see various Dino ministers, all obese sweaty old men. He found the price of getting these materials very high...

After months of violent buggery by fat old men Gibson was a mental wreck and tried to kill himself but Windscorpion prevented him, he found himself in the control of The Windy One. Then the Dino's relationship with the DDS broke down and Gibson escaped back to Dino Land. But then he found himself suffering from the effects of his ordeal. He tried to rejoin SS service but got a hard on whilst on parade. His reputation and mental well being were utterly shattered and he was released by the SS.

Some time later Ronald agreed for him to return to the SS but he suffered frequent jibes from other SS who didn't want to be "under him". To his horror however Windscorpion tried to use him again to gain Dino technology for the mission against the Rectoids. This time however Gibson was caught trying to give secrets and then the terrible things that had happened to Gibson all came out. Gibson found strength from the support of the Dinos and has managed to put these past torments behind him (so to speak). He was made deputy commander of the SS with a secret brief to watch for Lakes' rule breaking.

However Lakes framed Gibson as being behind the Jimmy assassination attempt. Ronald knew Gibson was framed but had no choice in releasing Gibson from the SS again. Gibson will probably return to service at some stage, its suspected he will be SS Commander once Lakes is finally got rid of.