
Faction In Focus : Bolitic Confederacy

In a new series we will be taking a weekly look at some of the other planets and factions in our region of the galaxy that the Big 3 (DDS, Dinos & Clones) have to deal with.

There are over 18 worlds in the Bolitic Confederacy, with the capital being Castarian, many of the planets are pretty barren. The Bolitic are Dinos but don't tell them that as it will make them very unhappy. Several thousand years ago the Dinos first reached a technological level where they could begin space exploration. Using technology now unknown to us they sent out several colonist fleets, one of which was to Castarian. Soon after the colonist fleet left Dino-Land was wracked by a savage war between the two main nations. Within a few months Dino-Land was an irradiated wasteland. Civilisation destroyed and the Dino survivors reverted to primative pre-technoligical societies. It took the Dinos thousands of years to return to their previous level.

The Castarian colonists were free from the war but once they reached Castarian they soon floundered without assistance from the mother planet. The proto-Bolitic also regressed though not as far back as the Dinos did. In time technology was re-learnt. One thing that was never forgotten was a hatred of the home land who let them down in their time of need. Hence the modern day sheer hatred of the Dinos even though they are their ancestors.

The Bolitic developed space travel and spread out to some nearby planets to form the Bolitic Confederacy. The Bolitic are very different to the Dinos. Their language and culture is totally different, some think fairly similar to the old pre-nuclear dinocaust culture on Dino-Land. The Bolitic are a savage, brutal militaristic society. It's soldiers wear armour and prefer to fight with cold steel. The Bolitic is split into many pan-species Baronies each ruled by a Baron. Civil wars between Baronies are common as the stronger Barons jockey for position.

The strongest Baron is regarded as the leader of the Bolitic but he always has to look over his shoulders. 99% of Bolitic leaders end up assassinated. Informally he is known as the Emperor though officially he still has Baron rank. It is estimated there are over 400 Baronies but most are small groups and only around 7 or 8 are powerful enough to have any influence (and have major armies and fleets), they mostly subcontract their forces to more powerful Barons. Ranked below Barons are the Knights, they have to have the patronage of a Baron and fight for him. They can purchase a Barony or pay to become a Baron's heir though including that of an outside Barony. Non-aligned Knights are rare and tend to be fugatives.

Bolitic technology is generally good though lacking in some areas such as propulsion. Their ships tend to be large, powerful but also slow and lumbering. They have no real alliances though they have sold some ships to the Clones in the past. Their frequent civil wars usually prevent them from having the time and energy to attack other nations : except the Dinos, the only thing that can unite the tribes. Wars between the Bolitic and Dinos are fairly common though the Dinos technological advantages have now tended to reduce the Bolitic to the occaisional skirmish or sneak attack.

In military technology the Bolitic do excel, they field huge armies of slaves controlled by powerful mind-control drugs and propaganda. Battles between these armies are usually unbelievably bloody, in one case a million men died in one day with horrific radiological and chemical weapons being widely used.

The Bolitic are an awkward, violent yet proud race. They are beatable but they would fight to the last man. Their strength is weakened by their internal strife, if they could be finally united for good then they would become a serious regional power.