The Quasar arrived in 2101 just in time for it to help turn the tide in the war against the Utrek then ongoing. The Quasar has incredible performance and firepower, but then the problems started. Development had been rushed and the Quasar to found to have a seemingly endless number of bugs. Although few of these bugs were in critical systems there were several occaisions when a Quasar had to break off from a winning position because it's weapons or sensor suite had decided to shut down. It took several years to iron out these bugs and the Quasar unfortunately gained a bad reputation from crews. Also in that time the Pulsar received it's ILU and then MULE updates to bring it back to the forefront of the DDS fleet. The Quasar had been intended to be the new flagships but now was pushed into a position of supporting act.
The Quasar has been gradually restoring it's reputation and the ILU update has bought the Quasar back to the cutting edge of the DDS. At one stage the DDS did not really like the type though and sold several to the Raegris, with DDS attention switching to the Panther class as primary combatant. The Quasar probably missed out on it's chance for greatness but then again has another 25-30 years service in it so maybe it's time is yet to come.
The latest role for the Quasar is as a strike bomber and it will eventually replace the Pulsar in that role. The ILU has also improved the C3 facilities of the Quasar meaning it will be the command ships of future operations. The DDS have recently begun exploring the possibility of re-opening the production line to build an upgraded variant to replace the Pulsars when they are withdrawn from 2110-2. The Quasar story may have only just begun.

Raegris Quasar, some say the future Quasar builds could be like this.