
Character of the week : Cruggson

Senator Cruggson, one of the Deputy Emperors of the Dino Empire, has had a long career and has literally risen all the way through the ranks. An engineer of peerless skills and ingenuity he soon came to the attention of the new Emperor Ronald and was recruited to his elite 6th Legion. Cruggson's skills managed to save the day many times, getting that extra last bit of thrust out of the engines or repairing critical damage in time to avoid oblivion.

Cruggson also became a close friend of Ronald and rose to Legate rank, being made Minister Of Science and Industry in Ronald's administration. In reality he has not really done much work in this role, continuing to be chief engineer in Ronald's fleet. In recent years he has also taken to command the odd mission himself.

A key ally in the battle against M-B-H Cruggson was rewarded by being made Deputy to the new Co-Emperor Jimmy in 2104. Some even say he could replace Ronald himself when the Glorious One finally steps down. Cruggson is one of the true superstars of the Dino story.