
Tarbotian fleet seen turning around

A long range patrol based out of Melaris 12 has been on the border of claimed space by the Tarbotian Empire between Altar and New Tarbot provinces. The ship (not announced by the DDS but likely to have been an Indy 35B) detected a fleet of 16 Tarbotian warships heading on a course that would have taken them to the new Kantalda province of the Tarbotian Empire.

However as the DDS ship observed the Tarbotians they left hyperspace and then after half an hour changed course in almost a 180 degree turn and headed back to Altar province, probably heading to Patchawaree which has a major port. The reason for the Tarbotians turning around is unknown, the DDS do not think it is because of their ship which had a fully working cloak.