
Cyber attack launched on DDS

A cyber attack has been launched on DDS computers on Malau and Saeou 6. The info weapon was delivered via a hyper laser link, the superluminal beam originating near Blant 5831. The planet in question is not thought to have been the source of the cyber attack as they are a minor power with little space borne military. Blant 5831 has been host to skirmishes by the 7 Sa Sao and Tarbotians lately however so the attack may have been from either power.

The info weapon is being analysed by the DDS. No lasting damage was caused to DDS facilities on the two targeted planets though the orbital defence system on Malau was disabled for a few minutes.

A DDS warship is currently returning from a visit to Vontapi which is 5 light years away from Blant 5831. The DDS have ordered the ship to divert to the Blant system to investigate the attack.