Windscorpion has returned to DDS GHQ after his personal ship SS Stoke City took him from Pulsin in the Dino Republic to Proxima 7. Along the way he was able to link up again with some of the long-term guests aboard his ship. Including one Windy called "The King" whom Windy said he "touched base with".
Windy was asked by reporters if he was involved in the death of Emperor Aliowaki, he said maybe Aliowaki's death was the result of an anxiety. Windy was paraded through GHQ by the Windy Massive who wore pink body stockings to celebrate. Passions did run a little high and it is reported there were 12 assaults and 19 rapes in the parade.
Interestingly DDS Commander The Orchid did not greet Windy but was on Solaris on "urgent business".