
Dr Forbidden revises worm-drive timetable

Dr Forbidden gave a media briefing at DDS Research before a closed-doors conference on worm-drive technology. The conference will bring together the great DDS minds working on various projects under the worm-drive mega-project umbrella to report on progress. And that progress appears to be pretty good.

Dr Forbidden has bought forward his estimate as to when the DDS can begin to test worm-drive on an unmanned ship to 2115 with a possible man-rated drive "by 2118". This is 2-3 years faster than previously stated. "We have made some important breakthroughs recently with a successful series of lab tests. We are also setting our sites on a 3000c drive which will be easier to achieve on the first stage compared to the Dinos 5000c one as it will not have to dive  as deeply through space-time."

He also said that worm-drive technology was already affecting future DDS ship design. "Corkscrew will be designed with a traditional drive speed of 800c. As worm-drive will be added to it within a couple of years we will take the short term hit of lower speed in return for not saddling the ship with all the extra mass and structural strength needed for speeds in the 900-1000c range."