
Large ABBO fleet heading for Xi

The Dinos are reporting detecting a large ABBO fleet heading for Xi in the Dino Republic. At least 60 ABBO warships plus a second column including 30 warships and 20 troop ships have been detected by a Dinomark NG doing point duty near the border. At current speed it is estimated the ABBOs will cross the border in 2 days and be at Xi in 4.

The Dinos will aim to meet the ABBOs long before that though. Consul Cruggson is assembling a warfleet from the Dino forces in the area and as there are around 97 Dinomarks reported in the vicinity of Xi there are no shortages of possible ships though a lot of them are older XTs used for support work. A Dinomark RS has recently arrived at Xi and will act as a flagship in any Dino force.