
Dino-ABBO skirmish near Oscar / DDS attack 2nd fleet

Dino and ABBO forces have skirmished near Oscar. It is thought that a group of ABBO ships returning to their space from the battle near Xi were jumped by a Dino patrol. 5 ABBO ships are reported destroyed and 1 Dinomark NG was lost though most of the crew were able to evacuate.

The Dinos are preparing a raiding party to head to ABBO space according to reports. The Dinos may be intending to bring the battle to the ABBOs.

Meanwhile details have emerged of a DDS attack on a second ABBO column which included troop ships. Operation Fire Spark is understood to have involved the ships of the Ensuring Passage deployment along with 4 Dino ships. The Dinos and the Aritan Solaris ship in the deployment lured the escorts of the ABBO column into a trap which were then destroyed. The DDS then attacked the vulnerable troop ships with main weapons and an attack force of Ferret UCVs (a Missileer carrier is in the deployment), wiping them out. 16 ABBO ships were destroyed to no allied losses though 1 DDS ship did sustain moderate damage. The destroyed troop ships are estimated to have contained over a million ABBO soldier drones.