
HCS Navy update

D01 Olana, leadship of the new Olana class destroyer, has left port following modifications to address a number of issues with the propulsion system and topweight that came to light during inital trials and operation. The main radar has been moved further along the structure and the main mast shortened. The HCSN have denied extra ballast has been added to the ship though. If the modifications solve the topweight problems (which are not critical though the ships have been advised not to venture out into very heavy seas) then the other 2 ships will be similarly modified. Future Olana including the soon to be completed D04 will all have these changes from the off.

The HCSN have ordered 6 ex-Dino Army Dinomark XTs with underwater capabilty. The first is due to arrive next year following refurbishment and localisation. To assist with early training the Dinos have loaned to the HCSN an old Dinomark XT/86W until the end of the year.

A programme to upgrade the navy's SH-26 force has begun with improved datalinking for interoperability with manned and unmanned seaborne assets including the highly useful Long Watch UUV.