
Dinos suffer at hands of ABBOs at Halin 4195

Reports are coming in of a serious defeat by Dino forces on the planetoid Halin 4195. The planetoid is normally uninhabited but was being used as a staging post for Dino Army forces preparing for battle with the ABBOs. A force of ABBOs lured away the protective screen of Dinomark PTs and then another force of ABBO warships attacked the Dino amphibious fleet in orbit and the troops on the ground.

12 Dinomarks were destroyed, 2 NGs and the rest XTs. A SX-98 landing ship chartered from a Terran company was also destroyed and 2 others damaged. Several hundred troops died on the ground in a brief but intense bombardment by ABBO warships.

Consul Cruggson has taken personal control of the Dino forces on Halin, the Legate in charge of the screen whose rash actions led to the fiasco has committed suicide.