
Dinos defeat ABBOs but what has gone wrong?

The Dino and ABBO fleets have met near the border of the Dino Republic and unclaimed space in the vicinity of Xi. The battle was large according to sigint enthusiasts (as a rule the Dinos do not comment on ongoing operations) who recorded the telemetry of over 150 ships, around 70 being Dino and the rest ABBO. Comparing traffic before and after notable Dino Army geek The 3lite Tr33t (who obviously doesn't have a girlfriend) says the Dinos won the battle and destroyed over 40 ABBO ships for the loss of around 14 of their own.

However the true story is the unknown incident that occurred afterwards, on Xi. At the same time as the battle there was a Level 1 Lockdown on Xi. Eyewitnesses say the SS is everywhere. It is speculated that a second ABBO force made an attack on Xi.