
DDS and Dino ships collide

Rome class corvette K111 Ovid and Dinomark DM215 have been involved in a fairly serious collision which has left 6 crewmen on the Rome injured and an unspecified number of Dinos also injured. The incident near Loeuss in the Remedian Belt occurred because both ships were operating under cloak and did not see each other. The Rome was able to make it to Loeuss for emergency repairs, including to the reactor battery which suffered damage. DM215 escorted the Rome to Loeuss and provided assistance to the engineering crew.

A DDS spokeswoman quipped that it showed the effectiveness of DDS cloaking technology. The Dinos have yet to explain why they were cloaked in DDS controlled space. The Rome has been patched up and is now en route to Solaris for full repairs.