
Ships Of The Galaxy : Intruder LPD (updated)

The Intruder LPD is one of the key weapons in the HCS armoury and has revolutionised the deployment of land forces to planets, so much so that the DDS took the unprecedented step of buying an Intruder of their own!

The Intruder is based on the HCS' second generation Type C Transport design but includes a number of detachable landing pods which are launched from the Intruder in low orbit and then travel down to the planet. Each pod can include up to 40 troops and 2-3 AFVs. Intruders can carry a variety of configurations but the usual load is 20 pods meaning that one Intruder can deploy a HCS armoured batallion in minutes. Intruders would be used to deploy the first wave of an invading force.

When the DDS was looking at their equivalent they did look at trying to copy the design but the Intruder works so well they decided it would be pointless to go to the effort of re-inventing the wheel when the HCS were willing to sell. One Intruder was loaned/sold outright to the DDS while negotiations between the DDS and HCS were carried out about a proper DDS Intruder. Unfortunately over the last few years relations between the two superpowers have been somewhat fraught and at one stage the project was cancelled with just 1 ship completed and another half-completed ship the object of a legal tug-of-war. Pragmatism has now been restored, never let hostility get in the way of zarks they say. The Clones produce Intruder hulls which are then completed by the DDS with localised systems and engines to form the Pangaea class. Because of the delays the DDS are behind schedule though as the actual DDS Army which would be deployed by the Intruder is even more delayed it hasn't proved that big a problem yet!