Tensions between the Dino Republic and the Bolitic Confederacy are never that great but on the eve of the elevation of Jimmy to Consul relations have soured still further amid fears the Bolitic may try and spoil the party especially as MBH will be losing power. He and Emperor Aliowaki are known to be friends, they often go bowling together according to some sources.
A powerful task force has been sent to Pulsin headed by a Dinomark RS and some 30 other ships along with re-inforcements for the 3 legions stationed on the planet. Security across the republic has been heightened to combat potential threats both external and internal. The SS have been confined to barracks by Consul Cruggson and SS-Commander Stinkyson though of course have ignored this. Gangs of SS men are said to be prowling the streets of major Dino cities. Young men have been advised to stay at home.