
Clones to invade Lornaca Melnig?

Lornaca Melnig is a free planet located on the northern fringe of the Rim Worlds. It is currently populated by a small number of colonists ranging from some Zones to Aritans, even some humans. Now there are rumours the Clones wish to add the planet to the Clone Star Empire. The planet is of little worth though does have some mineral deposits that can be exploited. It's main worth would be it's location on the Southern flank of the Dino Republic and near to Aritan space. Invading the planet would also form a handy morale boost for Captain Clone and divert attention away from his handling of the Xenon emergency.

Over the last week Aritan patrols have detected HCS warships in the vicinity of Lornaca perhaps conducting reconnaissance. Two HCS legions are known to be on a high alert on Cloneworld and 9 Intruder landing ships and a Tiamon assault cruiser have been prepared for departure though the destination is secret.

The Clones may be planning to invade now while the DDS is occupied with the Commander election and on a low-alert status for Christmas. Because Lornaca is a "free-planet" however then there is nothing legal against a HCS attack as Lornaca does not come under the responsibility of the UNP or any other major power. It's own defences are scant with no space fleet though there is a territorial style defence force in the Zone and Aritan sectors.