
Preparations for a hand-over of power

MBH has returned to Pulsin after a brief time on Dino-Land to chair a meeting of the senate. Now he is in the final days of his time as one of the Consuls of the republic, at the end of the year Jimmy will take his place. Normally this would be a smooth and seamless transfer of power but of course as MBH is involved it is a little more complicated.

Cruggson has put the Dino Army on alert and confined the SS to barracks incase they try a coup. Although MBH officially gave up any control over the SS when his deputy Lakes stood down as SS Commander it is well-known that the SS still regard MBH as their leader and many SS men think MBH should be the republic's dictator. Leading the Dinos into a future of total law enforcement. But then again that is the SS.

Relations between the Army and SS are a little more fraught than usual, there was a fight outside a SS base on Yavilanda that resulted in 7 men being beaten and 4 raped. Two Dino Army soldiers were captured by the SS and their fates are not currently known... except that it is probably rather unpleasant.