
CNS Cloneworld completes proving tests, now being readied for service

The first new HCS Navy aircraft carrier CNS Cloneworld has completed the second phase of it's proving tests which mostly tested it's aircraft handling facilities and electronic systems. The carrier has now been cleared to begin working up to enter service next Summer.

A lot of work still needs to be done on ironing out the little quirks a source said but nothing that can "stop the show" has been revealed yet. The HCSN plan to deploy the carrier in a carrier task force next Autumn. Initially it will deploy with 6 F-40Ns and 6 SH-26 helicopters. It can carry more aircraft than this but the HCSN want to work the ship up fairly gently considering the decades that have passed since the HCS last fielded a carrier.

The second carrier in the Cloneworld class, CNS Clone Empire, will begin it's proving trials before the end of 2110.