
The Orchid announces her team

If The Orchid is the next DDS Commander then she will have Action Painting as deputy. Today she announced her team which will help her lead the DDS into the "next decade of opportunity and pitfalls". The Orchid said she was bring about a DDS which was "flexible, lean and professional". Action Painting helps cement her potential regime as being a return to Rotariosism.

LPG will be her executive officer. Captain Redjec and his team, Team Redjec, will be in charge of DDS communications. Firefly is expected to be asked to remain City Commander and the Sea Urchin fleet commander.

Rival candidate Knobhead will not announce his team until after the election sparking some to comment that he does not have any friends and intends for Truman, a man so stupid he once got lost inside a telephone kiosk for 4 hours, to be the deputy commander.