
Attack on Lornaca Melnig begun?

According to HCS sources the attack on Lornaca Melnig has already begun with up to 6 HCS warships in the system already and preparing to begin a blockade of the planet. Red Lizard special forces are operating on the planet. An invasion force is about to depart from Cloneworld and should be able to begin the invasion in 2-3 days.

Lornaca has no singular authority, the Aritan colonists have appealed to New Arit for help but there isn't a great deal the Aritans can do. Arit has told the Clones to not attack Aritan towns on the planet and for the Aritans to peacefully resist. Aritan ships are on standby to evacuate Aritans, a DDS Provider transport is also on standby to evacuate humans.

The DDS is not anticipating it will mount an armed response, much of the fleet is currently at home ports and getting a task force together would be difficult. Many crews are on leave and DDS Engineering is taking the opportunity to conduct refits, updates and repairs to many of the ships in the fleet.