
DDS form Amphibious Reaction Force

The announcement was spoiled slightly by the Fleet News announcement but the DDS have formed an Amphibious Reaction Force to supplement the Prowler special forces units. Under the plans for the ARF (which is hoped to become operational next year) one landing ship will be on a 6-hour readiness standby at all times (which means it has to be ready to depart within 6 hours of an alert status).

A company of the New DDS Army (so around 200 troops) will also be on standby to be deployed with the landing ship (earlier reports said a whole battalion would be on standby but this was incorrect, a battalion will be on a 3 day standby with 1 company on a 6 hour standby). The idea is that the troops can be deployed to a UNP/DDS planet within days or weeks of an emergency such as an insurgency, unrest or threat of an enemy invasion. The rapid reaction troops would be used to build and maintain a bridgehead ready for the arrival of other troops later on. The standby ship and battalion will be on duty for a week at a time. The company will only deploy light weapons and vehicles, some of which will be preloaded at the start of an alert period. Three Prowler units will also be placed on standby and will deploy with the other troops though they may travel on ahead in their own transports or other DDS fleet assets.

The ARF will be stationed on Solaris to begin with but will move to Liberation once a new army base and orbital hub have been completed by 2111. Liberation has been chosen as the centre for the New DDS Army and amphibious fleet because it is closer to more likely areas of conflict such as in the Rim Worlds.