
Zone division to be moved to Cloneworld

The 115th Panzer division of the HCS is rather notable in that it is largely manned by Zone recruits to the HCS. The division which consists of 2 T-55Z equipped armoured regiments, 2 mechanised infantry regiments (with Tapirs) and a rocket artillery batallion became operational last month. The core of the officers and senior NCOs are Clones but 87% of the manpower is Zone.

Captain Clone has ordered that the division be moved from Colom to Cloneworld to take up duties near to HCS GHQ. This move has raised many eyebrows (or would have if Clones had eyebrows) as the Zone troops are regarded as being rather overzealous and raw. There is also the question of their religious fervour for Oojok Madness but Captain Clone is also idolised by them as their "Father". It is thought that CC wants these loyal troops near to him on Cloneworld. The division will begin moving to Cloneworld next month replacing the 86th division which will be disbanded, 2 of it's infantry regiments going to Colom and the panzer regiment remaining but attached to the 115th.