
Windy terrorises King Rathun sexually

Windy, returning to GHQ, has reached Rathun's World. He decided to pay an old "friend" a visit as well as allow his current flag, a Rome corvette, to perform some minor repairs. King Rathun, whose throne nowadays is a troubled one with much of the population hating him and wanting democracy, was not very pleased to see Windy and tried to arrange a sudden tour of the far provinces. However his private jet was stopped on the runway of the main airport by DDS gunships from the local garrison.

Windy is said to have held talks long into the night with the King, talks he described mysteriously as "tete a tentacle". He also tried to involve the King in a game of poker, strip of course. A few hours later Windy resumed his journey back to GHQ. King Rathun has gone into therapy.