
Windy orders his personal ship be made ready

Windy's personally owned Friendship class transport SS Stoke City has been ordered to prepare for departure to an unknown destination. The purpose of this ship is unknown but DDS watchers and Windy Massive fans have been speculating on various blogs. One group has tracked the equipment procurements destined for the ship and have come to the conclusion the ship is to be a mobile hospital. "Much medical equipment including scalpels, probes and surgical saws are aboard. As well as some of the best doctors in the DDS, we suspect Windy will use it for soft power or humanitarian missions." the blog, DDS Analysis Inc has said. ("Are they ****ing naive or what?!" - Redjec)


When the ship will depart is unknown but it is estimated it will take at least 8 days to upload all of Windy's gay porn archive to the ship's computers which have had to be expanded with 10 exabytes of extra storage.