
The frustration of Consul MBH

MBH is now into his second year as Consul of the Dino Republic and he can see that his term of office is running out and he has yet to be able to use his office to achieve anything meaningful. The reason for that is the united front on most issues between Imperial Order and the Liberal Party. Between them they have a majority in the senate and thus have continued to vote against MBH's bills.

The situation is similar to when MBH was Co-Emperor with Ronald. Ronald seemly vetoed anything MBH wanted to pass (and vice versa of course). The only things MBH has been able to pass last year was a minor bill which they achieved because the majority was equalised because of some absentations from the senate and MBH arranged for Ronald to be locked in the toilet.

There are signs that MBH could be becoming frustrated with the political system and Dino-Land as a whole. He has yet to attend senate this year, instead preferring to stay on Pulsin where his Consul post gives him planetary governor powers. There are rumours Ronald has travelled to Pulsin to talk to him. One blogger has reported that Ronald may come up with a deal with MBH that he can stay governor of Pulsin and a senator in return for removing Veritas = Truth from politics. If it is true then it would be a very interesting turn of events.