
Manifesto for glory by Team Redjec

Commander Redjec Esq, future DDS Commander, here again. The year is off to a great start for Team Redjec, truly the home of winners! Membership is up 0.7% on last month and up 100% on this time last year, which is astounding for a faction of the youth of TR that has only been going a month or so. It is no doubt down to the leadership, courage and modesty of Commander Redjec.

We have also agreed a list of measures in our manifesto for glory which will lead to Team Redjec becoming pre-eminent in the DDS and Commander Redjec the next DDS Commander as Windy is too old and fat, i am told.

Words on a page that mean Team Redjec is destined for ultra glory

The manifesto of glory :
  • Team Redjec is the third way between the extermist filth of Hoodism and WM
  • Quarz must be destroyed as Redjec hates him
  • Redjec is the master of the universe
  • Er... thats it!
Short maybe but to the point! This is the 22nd century after all and there is not time to waste as the DDS needs to see sense and make me it's commander before it is destroyed by the filth that is Quarz, whom i hate.

Quarz is a worm and i hate him

I have received intelligence that the loathsome so-called female Crystal Ribbon has made a move on Quarz, whom i hate of course. Although there is a certain satisfaction is knowing that Quarz, whom i hate and despise, will one day be sodomised by a degenerate woman wearing a massive strap on dildo such moral decay must be removed from the DDS which i will rebuild in the image of Team Redjec.

Therefore the future DDS will be professional, clean, virginal... wait don't put that last one! People might get the wrong idea that i am a virgin, actually i have had many girlfriends of course, some i have even met. Well one. Kind of.

Love is obsolete, unless it is love of Redjec of course

I read that XE still lives and Windy will kill him because XE killed his boyfriend (that is Windy's bf not XE's though he is probably gay too). Windy will risk intergalactic war for love. How sad! Love is obsolete and only invented to further the ends of internal capitalism and cryto-fascism. I do not need love, unless it is love for Redjec as of course i deserve it as i am so utterly brill, and modest. No body loves Quarz, whom i hate, except Crystal Ribbon but that is like the love between a man and a badger.

One day i, Commander Redjec Esq, will win.