
New technologies update

In the Summer Dr Forbidden kindly briefed us on the new technologies that could play a part in the future DDS. Here he presents an update on these and presents some new technologies. First the update :


The energy absorbent layer, allowing ships to absorb some of the energy from a directed energy weapon hit, has been delayed. Dr F was hoping to begin trials early this year but this has now been delayed until Q1 2110. Producing the material has proven more difficult than originally thought and the EA-X team has been diverted to the worm drive project (see below) for a few months. The EA-X project is back on track though.

Distributed Adaptive Computing (DAC)

DAC, which allows damaged systems to be replaced seamlessly by other systems, will be a feature of the Isometric ILU project and also has been included on the latest Panther and Romes. Work is on-going to perfect DAC to the eventual target of a ship being able to still operate even if 80% of it's computers have been disabled.

Combat Ware 2.0

Combat Ware 2.0 includes the third generation of IFG, the goggles worn in combat situations, with full-duplex visual data transfer and augmented vision. The new flak vest includes health feedback and locational datalinks. The new equipment is now being rolled out though full functionality will also require modifications to ships, at the moment only the Isometric ILU is due to receive the modifications but it is expected most combat ships will be receiving CW 2.0 support as they receive refits over the next couple of years.

Passive sensors

Passive sensors is a major enhancement to the DDS' combat capabilities  and is gradually being rolled out to the combat fleet. The next generation of passive sensors are expected to exceed the current performance of active sensors and is expected to debut in 2111.

Future weapon systems

The Isometric ILU will be the first ship to receive the new info-warfare capabilities to be rolled out to all combat systems. This is the Info-Warfare Centre (IWC) which will have a dedicated officer and workstation on the ship's bridge. The IWC both co-ordinates defence against enemy cyber attacks and operates the DDS' own new cyber weapons including transmittable computer viruses and sensor spoofing (overlaying an enemy's sensor feed with false information). The IWC includes much improved defences against cyber-attack including a new firewall architecture and active virus defences.

New technologies to look out for :

All Aspect Propulsion Enhancement Project (AAPEP)

With worm-drive around 10 years away the DDS have begun a new project to develop a final speed boost using existing propulsion technology in the 2111-2 timeframe. AAPEP will look at all areas of the propulsion cycle from power generation to the engines themselves to hyperspace field generation to even crew operation and training and look to extract the maximum efficiency and potential from existing technologies. The DDS are hoping they might be able to reach 1200c.

Ultra Stealth Communications (USC)

USC (give me a break, this geek loves acronyms! - Redjec) will be a new generation of stealth communications for use by cloaked ships. Communications has always been the Achilles heel of cloaking as obviously transmitting a message means you are breaking the cloaking field. The DDS use highly directed narrow beam transmission and ultra-low local communications but these are not suitable for all situations and still can give away a cloaked ship. USC will look at piggybacking messages on background radiation and ultra-low subspace communications.

Worm drive

Well this is the big one. I'm afraid worm drive is still 10 years away but we now have a road map and strategy to work to. We threw everything at this project last year to find a starting point and now the DDS have formed a stable and capable team to take this forward. We are hoping for the first worm hole tests around 2114 with maybe a UCV in 2118, manned ships in the early 2120s. I know a lot of people will be disappointed by this but its a simple fact of science, the Dinos started this 30 years ago or more. Its not rocket science, its far far harder.