
Provider has major refit and upgrade

The oldest Provider transport in the fleet (and hence oldest SUP based ship) is now 5 years old and A101 Provider will "celebrate" by receiving a major refit and upgrade. The Provider class currently numbers 18 (with 1 building) and the fleet is remarkably homogeneous despite the fact that 5 years has seen much technological advance. Although the fleet has received updates from time to time to some key systems like communications the last Provider build is largely the same as the first.

This will change however, the DDS have taken the opportunity to upgrade the platform with the export Provider-E and this technology will be used to upgrade ships when they receive their 5 yearly refit. The upgrade includes replacing the entire computer network with newer technology, remodeling the interiors to improve crew comfort, battle survivability and optimised human-machine interfaces to improve the efficiency of the ship. The Provider will also receive an improved self-defence pack with full datalinking, cannister TPM and improved self-defence laser cannons. The docking bay will also be enhanced to allow for a greater number and variety of ships to dock.

The DDS considered re-engining the refitted ships but decided not to for cost reasons (and also because the ship would not be able to travel much faster without extensive improvements to the load bearing structure anyway) but the Hitachi HS-740B engine has been recored and fitted with a new engine management system which results in 7% less fuel burn for the same thrust and increased reliability. Each Provider refit is expected to take 2 months.


The Friar prepares for the worst

The Friar is understood to have fled to a secret HCS bunker in Micom (which bloggers revealed as being south of the capital Beyond Micom within hours). It is thought he chose the bunker as it has an anti-teleport field and also is adjacent to an army base where a Red Lizard batallion has been stationed as well as his personal guard.

The Friar has repeated his offer to give the "real XE" to the DDS but this has angered many Clones who have called The Friar a traitor. Thousands of Clones marched in the capital Ailier City and demanded Captain Clone hand over The Friar to the DDS instead!

Sirikwanese ship joins Western Pheonix

A ship from the Sirikwanese Space Navy has joined the DDS' Western Pheonix deployment. The Relan class multi-purpose combat support ship contained a company of Sirikwanese Space Marines and these will take part in a number of training exercises with DDS Prowler troops over the next few weeks in the space around Voth.

In other deployment news the Aritan Intrepid II class destroyer AS05 Tulan Lanu has left the deployment and joined the DDS/Arit/Dino force protecting Voth. It's place has been taken by another Intrepid AS02 Youanki. The two ships will interchange the Aritan presence in the deployment every few weeks so both crews can take part in a variety of combat exercises.

Velocity class destroyer D154 Evolution has also gone to Voth for some repairs following a collision with a SROPS on a training exercise. The SROPS was destroyed when a piloting error caused it to crash when trying to dock in the Velocity's docking bay in a manual piloting exercise. Two crew aboard the SROPS managed to be teleported off but were both injured. At the moment it is thought the damage can be repaired by DDS personnel already at Voth though a Panther class destroyer at Solaris has been put on standby in case it has to go and replace Evolution.

The pilot of the SROPS will be questioned by the Windy Massive when he has recovered from his injuries.


The Friar issues passionate (and desperate) denial to DDS

The Friar has made an unprecedented appearance on the UNP's most popular TV channel, BBC 15. He issued a passionate denial that he was Ayatollah Clone XE. He said that XE indeed was alive but that it wasn't him! He said XE's wherabouts were unknown but that XE would be bought to justice.

Ayatollah Clone XE
Where is this man? One sighting had him serving behind the counter of a fish & chip shop in Bradford, alongside Elvis.

The Friar then amazed the TV interviewer by saying that when XE was captured he would hand XE over to the DDS! He said the DDS could try XE for his war crimes. The fact remains now, has The Friar convinced the DDS and most importantly Windscorpion that he is not XE? If The Friar is found in a few weeks with a knife stuck half way up his ass then we know the answer was no.

Windy goes to New Jakarta, training for The Friar?

Windy has traveled to UNP administered New Jakarta with a Prowler unit led by Special FX. Although details are being keep quiet it is thought Windy and the Prowlers went to the planet in a Fulcrum special forces transport with a Panther destroyer offering support. A Panther was used as Windy's flagship SS Carboniferous is currently having some last minute updates fitted, thought to be a new build of the Z5i cannon.

It is reported by a blogger the DDS unit attacked a remote house on New Jakarta using the Fulcrum (which is atmosphere capable) before returning to SS Stoke City and the Panther. It must be speculated that any mission to get The Friar/XE might follow a similar mission profile. Of course that is if Windy does go after The Friar/XE, he hasn't said anything about it. (Though everyone knows he will...)

HCS give details of Shark 2.0, the Thresher

Just 3 more Shark class frigates will be built by the HCS this year before production switches to an upgraded version of Shark. This is known as Shark 2.0 though it is thought the final name will be the Thresher class frigate.

Shark was intended to replace the rapidly aging and obsolete Kalahati Tuul-B and Kalahati Tuul 2 fleets and thus the HCS had to compromise on some details to "get it out of the door". With the immediate need now satisfied the HCS are looking for a ship to replace it's Kalahati Tuul-S fleet and some early Cosmoses. The ship will have a longer range than Shark 1.0 and will also be slightly bigger, in many ways Thresher will be to Shark what the Berlin class will be to Rome. A larger enhanced version of an already pretty decent platform.

Its not known if the HCS will be following the DDS down the modular mission role but Thresher will have extra space for "mission specific equipment". The first Thresher is expected next year.

Captain Clone to hold talks with Oojok

Captain Clone has said he will hold talks with Oojok next week about a possible future role for Oojok in the Clone Star Empire. With the ban on Oojok Madness now lifted there are signs that Oojok could be given an official role in the empire in a ceremonial position.

The Friar has condemned the talks as a "further attack on the secular state" though his words were only carried by one minor TV station, the main Clone TV network was busy showing the final of Cloneworld Idol.


ABBOs attacking freighters, time to all for the A Team baby!


HCS to build first missile attack submarine

The HCS Navy have announced that the second Seawolf SSK hull will be earmarked for the singleton Warhammer class missile attack submarine. This will enter service in 2113 and help develop the submarine launched ballistic missiles for the Walrus class SSBNs that are due around 2116-7. The missiles will be the SeaGale SLBM and the as-yet-unnamed sea launched CSM.

The HCSN said that once the missiles are in normal service and Walrus is in service the Warhammer will become part of the missile attack fleet. As Seawolf/Warhammer is much smaller than Walrus it is expected it will only carry a small number of missiles.

Poll results

66% thought the K-18D would be the key new DDS warplane with all other options trailing a distant second. "Personally i agree for once as it is excellent for dropping napalm on Quarz's, whom i hate, head!" - Redjec.

Check out our new poll!

HCS Round-up (27/01/09)

The bulk of the A-84 attack aircraft fleet (the D,E and F models) are to receive an update known as Enhanced Capabilities Update 2109. All will receive improvements to their night flying capabilities, receive compatibility with a new (unnamed) air-surface missile and have an improved ECM suite.

The first ER-72ACR Airborne Communications Post has been received by the HCSAF. This is a flying radio and data link relay and is part of the HCS' survivability effort in the event of a major attack on Cloneworld and it's infrastructure. The ACRs would act as an emergency communications network should existing links be destroyed. They would also be able to launch the HCS's nuclear and space missiles.

The surveillance blimp the MQZ-1 has been upgraded to A2 standard with improved sensors and larger tail surfaces.

Moving onto the HCS Army the decision has been given to finally withdraw the non-standard T-91s. Only a few 100 remain in service, mainly in reserve and training units. Withdrawals will begin next month with at least half replaced directly by cascaded T-55Zs.

Although due for withdrawal sometime next decade much of the T-88++ tank fleet is to receive an update to it's FCS and auxiliary gun.

The HCS Space Navy have said that the 3 MT-V ex-VIP ships will be the first Molentic Tuuls rebuilt and upgraded to MTM standard. This will take place later this year.

Finally construction has begun of the new submarines for the HCS Navy. The first Seawolf SSK and Sealion SSN has started production at a new shipyard joinly owned and run by a Clone & Sirikwan company.


Sleeze resigns from senate

Sleeze has resigned from the Dino senate after a vote on a bill to grant MBH permanent governorship of Pulsin. Once MBH was satisfied there was no fine print and enough safe guards he agreed to the bill and formally began the process of ending the existence of Veritas = Truth. MBH remains Consul until the end of the year but after that will not play a part in mainstream Dino politics. At least for the foreseeable future.

Sleeze is still aligned to MBH and will dedicate himself to the efforts to get Oojok restored to some position in the Clone Star Empire. The restriction on Oojok's travels to Cloneworld has already been lifted and it is speculated that he may soon regain status as the head of the Oojok Madness religion. This remains in a limbo at present, the religion has been re-legalised but Oojok is not allowed to be the head of the religion (even if by defacto he is).

Lakes has already resigned as SS Commander and hence will leave the senate too. Stinkyson will take his place in the SS and senate. Stinkyson is not officially linked to any party though as he is Ronald's son it is expected he will follow the Imperial Order line. It is expected the Liberal Party will take Sleeze's senate place, ZBH is the obvious candidate.

Ronald, head of the senate and architect of these amazing changes said that the revised republic would function much better without the presence of MBH and company though some democracy campaigners have lamented the lapse into a two party system.

Windy orders his personal ship be made ready

Windy's personally owned Friendship class transport SS Stoke City has been ordered to prepare for departure to an unknown destination. The purpose of this ship is unknown but DDS watchers and Windy Massive fans have been speculating on various blogs. One group has tracked the equipment procurements destined for the ship and have come to the conclusion the ship is to be a mobile hospital. "Much medical equipment including scalpels, probes and surgical saws are aboard. As well as some of the best doctors in the DDS, we suspect Windy will use it for soft power or humanitarian missions." the blog, DDS Analysis Inc has said. ("Are they ****ing naive or what?!" - Redjec)


When the ship will depart is unknown but it is estimated it will take at least 8 days to upload all of Windy's gay porn archive to the ship's computers which have had to be expanded with 10 exabytes of extra storage.

Windy reaches GHQ

Windy has finally reached GHQ after his long journey back from the 7 Sa Sao. He has transferred his flag back to SS Carboniferous and instructed that the ship be made ready for "full combat operations" within 48 hours. It is understood a Prowler unit has been assembled as has a Fulcrum special forces transport though this has been denied by the DDS.

It is thought Windy may be preparing a raid on Cloneworld to kill The Friar. It is known that The Friar, who may or may not be really XE, has left his dacha to a secret location and has also called his personal guard, a Red Lizard unit to protect him.


ABBOs attack Terran freighter

A Terran freighter registered to a commercial spaceline working out of Proxima 5 has been attacked by the ABBOs near to Porquat 640. The freighter reported it was under attack but by the time the nearest ship, a Dinomark, got there the crew were all found to be dead. A later Dinomark under the command of Senator El Diablo investigated the freighter under clearance from the UNP and discovered a dead ABBO drone amid the carnage aboard.

The freighter is now being towed to New Arit by an Aritan Solaris frigate. It is very unusual for the ABBOs to attack a non-Dino target but it is speculated the ABBOs are gathering intelligence.


Western Pheonix encounter Bolitic warship

The joint DDS-Aritan deployment in and around Voth space, Operation Western Pheonix, began earlier in the month in space near to the Bolitic Confederacy border. A few times sensor "ripples" were detected, indictating cloaked ships nearby (the ripples occur when minute EM leakage occurs on a cloaked ship). This was expected however.

Indeed when a Bolitic Snarl class cruiser decloaked yesterday near to the Aritan destroyer Tulan Lanu the only surprise was what had taken the Bolitic so long. The Bolitic ship did not respond to DDS radio messages and instead attempted to probe into the Intrepid class destroyer's communications system with a transmitted software agent. The Bolitic may have considered the Aritan ship was the weak link however it's network security systems were upgraded by the DDS before the mission and the Bolitic SA was unable to penetrate. The Bolitic ship recloaked.

ABBOs rising again

For some decades the main enemy of the Dinos was the ABBOs, a robotic race of unknown origin. Their real name is unknown, the Dinos have called them ABBOs (Automated Bionic Battle Organisms) since first encountering them in 2073. It is thought the ABBOs are the robot soldiers of a now unknown and extinct race.

The ABBOs gave the Dinos a lot of trouble earlier on because of their superior technology and numbers however after 2091 Dino technology surpassed the ABBOs (whose rate of technological improvement is predictable and slower) and the ABBOs ceased to be a main threat. A big turn around occured in 2102 when it was discovered the Rectoids were wiping the ABBOs out by jamming their control systems. The Dinos helped the ABBOs counter the Rectoid jamming and the ABBOs then fought back against the Rectoids. They were an important part in the fight against the Rectoids though were nearly totally wiped out after the fall of the Rectoids.

Now it appears the ABBOs have regenerated and could be planning a new attack on the Dinos. A survey ship was attacked and destroyed near ABBO space last month and Dino intelligence indicates that the ABBOs are massing ships for an attack. The 5th and 7th Legions have been fully mobilised and forces on Xi (the nearest point in Dino space to the ABBOs) put on full alert. The Aritans (who are nearer to the ABBOs but have never been attacked by them) are also on alert.


Stinkyson appointed SS Commander

Ronald's second oldest son Stinkyson has been appointed SS Commander replacing Lakes who stood down earlier in the week. However as Stinkyson is currently on a mission with Senator El Diablo and is not expected back at Dino-Land until next month Lakes has agreed to stay on in a caretaker role until then.

Stinkyson of course has been SS Commander before but stood down a few years ago because he felt the pressure of being in charge of a "hoard of deviant violent scum". Even someone with Stinkyson's rather dubious morals (it is said that he would go to bed with a kitchen sink if it wore a dress) could not take it for ever. However after a few years working in El Diablo's office Stinkyson feels he can take the SS again.

Though he said Commander was in name only. "You don't command the SS." he said in a TV interview a couple of years ago, "You just hold on for dear life and hope you are still in the saddle at the end."

Fleet news (22/01/09)

The Isometric ILU programme has begun, 1 ships at a time will be modified on the former Velocity jig before switching to the Isometric jig early next year (when the Sea Of Tranquility class is completed), then 3 ships at a time can be modified. F102 Silurian is the first ship to enter the programme. The flagship F103 Carboniferous had most of the ILU changes fitted to it last year and is currently having the final changes (including the Z5i cannon) completed at Solaris. It will return to service by the end of the month. Silurian is expected to return to service in late April.

As the Isometric ILU begins so the Quasar ILU ends, C121 Quasar has returned to service following repairs and ILU2 updates which means for the first time in several years the entire Quasar fleet is now in service.

D108 Ocelot is the latest Panther class destroyer to join the fleet, and the penultimate Panther 35A. K120 Trajan is the penultimate Rome corvette. Building has now begun of the first of the follow on Berlin class (Rome 36B) which is expected in the Summer. The third new ship to join the fleet is Extender oiler A155 Skymaster II. The DDS have yet to decide if they will build any more Extenders. Also some are on order construction has yet to begin as the DDS are considering whether any more are needed yet.

F161 Sea Of Tranquility is the first of the Terran Sea 43D frigates and has begun testing. It is expected to enter service by April.

Finally Coril shuttles A557 Joanne and A559 Ruth have been withdrawn. Both have been transferred to the Voth. The first next generation Coril 79B is currently in testing.


Ronald - MBH
It is the battle of the egos as Ronald makes MBH an offer he cannot refuse...


End of an era as final Soulaki completed

The final Soulaki has been accepted into service bringing to an end the long-lived production of the type. The 5th Soulaki B and 30th overall in service (though more have been built, some were lost in the civil war) joined Benito's fleet yesterday. The type has not been that popular in HCS service though it is without a doubt the most powerful warship they have.

The Soulaki was designed to counter the Pulsar and stretched Clone technology and know how to the limit, in some ways it is akin to the Quasar in that it's early service life has been by no means trouble free but as time has gone on the type has gained in reliability and ability (though at some cost!) It is thought by some observers the Soulaki's bad name is not justified and may be largely down to excessive expectations when the type was being designed. The Soulaki was hoped to eclipse the Pulsar as the galaxy's principle warship but that was highly ambitious. Indeed it is only in the last couple of years that the Panther and Quasar ILU have finally achieved that.

The Clones are looking into a major upgrade programme for the next couple of years to bring older ships up to a "B+" standard.


Lakes stands down as SS Commander

Lakes has unexpectedly resigned as SS Commander sparking scenes of rampant joy (and rape) at SS HQ. His announcement came largely out of the blue, there were few if any rumours that he was planning to stand down. He instead will become head of the Pulsin National Guard, the 3 legions in the army permanently located on Pulsin, the second planet in the Dino Republic. Consul MBH, who is governor of Pulsin as part of his portfolio, has promoted Lakes to Legate in the army (much to the disgust of the army).

There are rumours that MBH may have been offered a permanent role as governor (otherwise his term of office ends when he stands down as Consul at the end of the year) by Ronald and the Lakes resignation could be part of this. MBH, who was on Pulsin, is understood to be en route to Dino-Land.

Lakes is remaining in charge of the SS until his replacement is chosen. It is understood that election of SS Commanders will no longer take place and instead will be appointed by the senate.

Poll result : How will Windy kill The Friar/XE?

The people have voted in their... well 7 people anyway. The question was, how would Windy kill The Friar now he knows that he is really XE in disguise. Although the vote was split everyone was unanimous The Friar's demise would be rather unpleasant and involve lots of anal trauma. 57% said it would "Something involving lots of lubricant" and 42% said "Rocket up the backside". To be honest The Friar would be very lucky if that is all that will happen to him...

CSS Commander dies in plane crash

The HCS has been put on heightened alert after the head of the Clone Secret Service, and a key Friar loyalist, died when his VIP plane (a VC-370) crashed in southern Micom. The cause of the crash is unknown, the VC-370s have an excellent safety record and the weather was fine. At first some feared it was Windy arrived to begin his revenge on The Friar but then cooler heads noted that Windy was still far from Clone space in a Rome corvette.

The Friar has ordered an investigation into the crash.
The Sinking Feeling
The false rumours that The Friar is XE is a cause for concern with The Friar...


Manifesto for glory by Team Redjec

Commander Redjec Esq, future DDS Commander, here again. The year is off to a great start for Team Redjec, truly the home of winners! Membership is up 0.7% on last month and up 100% on this time last year, which is astounding for a faction of the youth of TR that has only been going a month or so. It is no doubt down to the leadership, courage and modesty of Commander Redjec.

We have also agreed a list of measures in our manifesto for glory which will lead to Team Redjec becoming pre-eminent in the DDS and Commander Redjec the next DDS Commander as Windy is too old and fat, i am told.

Words on a page that mean Team Redjec is destined for ultra glory

The manifesto of glory :
  • Team Redjec is the third way between the extermist filth of Hoodism and WM
  • Quarz must be destroyed as Redjec hates him
  • Redjec is the master of the universe
  • Er... thats it!
Short maybe but to the point! This is the 22nd century after all and there is not time to waste as the DDS needs to see sense and make me it's commander before it is destroyed by the filth that is Quarz, whom i hate.

Quarz is a worm and i hate him

I have received intelligence that the loathsome so-called female Crystal Ribbon has made a move on Quarz, whom i hate of course. Although there is a certain satisfaction is knowing that Quarz, whom i hate and despise, will one day be sodomised by a degenerate woman wearing a massive strap on dildo such moral decay must be removed from the DDS which i will rebuild in the image of Team Redjec.

Therefore the future DDS will be professional, clean, virginal... wait don't put that last one! People might get the wrong idea that i am a virgin, actually i have had many girlfriends of course, some i have even met. Well one. Kind of.

Love is obsolete, unless it is love of Redjec of course

I read that XE still lives and Windy will kill him because XE killed his boyfriend (that is Windy's bf not XE's though he is probably gay too). Windy will risk intergalactic war for love. How sad! Love is obsolete and only invented to further the ends of internal capitalism and cryto-fascism. I do not need love, unless it is love for Redjec as of course i deserve it as i am so utterly brill, and modest. No body loves Quarz, whom i hate, except Crystal Ribbon but that is like the love between a man and a badger.

One day i, Commander Redjec Esq, will win.

Dinos deliver developmental K-18D

The Dinos have delivered a developmental K-18D to the DDS for flight testing and final development. The plane will be localised by the DDS and fitted with some DDS systems such as the radio and IFF before it begins flight trials in the early Spring. The developmental K-18D will help develop the customised sensor fit for the final K-18D which will have a mix of Dino and DDS sensors and systems.

Meanwhile NDAA Prototype 01 has been fitted with the first build of it's attack system and will begin ground trials and testing next week. Flight testing is expected in March.

Zone division to be moved to Cloneworld

The 115th Panzer division of the HCS is rather notable in that it is largely manned by Zone recruits to the HCS. The division which consists of 2 T-55Z equipped armoured regiments, 2 mechanised infantry regiments (with Tapirs) and a rocket artillery batallion became operational last month. The core of the officers and senior NCOs are Clones but 87% of the manpower is Zone.

Captain Clone has ordered that the division be moved from Colom to Cloneworld to take up duties near to HCS GHQ. This move has raised many eyebrows (or would have if Clones had eyebrows) as the Zone troops are regarded as being rather overzealous and raw. There is also the question of their religious fervour for Oojok Madness but Captain Clone is also idolised by them as their "Father". It is thought that CC wants these loyal troops near to him on Cloneworld. The division will begin moving to Cloneworld next month replacing the 86th division which will be disbanded, 2 of it's infantry regiments going to Colom and the panzer regiment remaining but attached to the 115th.


The frustration of Consul MBH

MBH is now into his second year as Consul of the Dino Republic and he can see that his term of office is running out and he has yet to be able to use his office to achieve anything meaningful. The reason for that is the united front on most issues between Imperial Order and the Liberal Party. Between them they have a majority in the senate and thus have continued to vote against MBH's bills.

The situation is similar to when MBH was Co-Emperor with Ronald. Ronald seemly vetoed anything MBH wanted to pass (and vice versa of course). The only things MBH has been able to pass last year was a minor bill which they achieved because the majority was equalised because of some absentations from the senate and MBH arranged for Ronald to be locked in the toilet.

There are signs that MBH could be becoming frustrated with the political system and Dino-Land as a whole. He has yet to attend senate this year, instead preferring to stay on Pulsin where his Consul post gives him planetary governor powers. There are rumours Ronald has travelled to Pulsin to talk to him. One blogger has reported that Ronald may come up with a deal with MBH that he can stay governor of Pulsin and a senator in return for removing Veritas = Truth from politics. If it is true then it would be a very interesting turn of events.

TPM-1D4 cleared for service

Although TPM-2 is the latest weapon and now gradually entering service development is continuing of the TPM-1 though production has slowed dramatically because of the stockpile. TPM-1D4 is the latest version and will begin production later this month. 100 old TPM-1Bs will also be remanufactured to D4 standard.

D4 has modifications to the data link transponder to make the missile compatible with Dino data links (as TPM-2 already are), there are also improvements to the phasing field and storage security systems.

Terran Sea Enhanced Capability Update 2109

Terran Sea Enhanced Capability Update 2109 (TS-ECU09) has begun on schedule, the programme will upgrade all Terran Sea ships as part of their refit schedule this Spring. The changes are as expected but now with the addition of IWC. In summary all ships will be TPM-2 compatible by the end of the year and also all have a secondary attack role with Z5i and iSAS fitted.

Initially it was planned to upgrade all ships by February 2109 but because of the other work going on and budget pressure the aim is now to complete all ships by the late Summer. This programme is separate from the plans being made to standardise the Terran Sea fleet, which is now not likely to happen until the Terran Sea ILU which could begin in 2112.

DDS unveil Missileer 21B

As promised in the Summer the Missileer would switch to the 2nd generation model from ship #07 onwards. That ship R107 Archer is now in testing and the DDS have unveiled the differences in what is called under the new DDS nomenclature Missileer 21B.

Initially it was thought the 21B would use SUP-X but this has lagged behind in development so the standard SUP remains in place though has been patched using some X technology (and is known as SUP-C). This allows the 21B to have a boosted performance to 725c thanks to a re-cored and uprated engine evolution known as the HS-740-100A.

21B will also have a Z5ti cannon as well as an MRM launcher and storage space for up to 10 of the future missile. This will not impact on existing weapon load, it is said that a Missileer even loaded with as many TPMs and Ferrets as possible still has around a third of it's internal volume empty.

As for TPMs all 4 launchers have been improved to make them fully TPM-2 compatible (they could fire the new missile before but not at full rate). The internal missile storage arrangements have also been remodelled to improve efficiency, safety and crew operation.

As expected 21B will also have IWC and Combat Ware 2.0. Crew facilities have also been improved after complaints at the rather spartan arrangements in the earlier ships.

Panther 35A2 coming soon

From D110 Tomcat onwards (which has just started building now) the Panther will move to a revised specification known as Type 35A2 or Panther 35A2. This is then expected to be the standard for the rest of the Panther build. The changes are :
  • TM-07A-J engine, boosting dash speed to 1125c and cruise to 980c
  • Z5ti cannon with multi-mode
  • iSAS-PAN attack system
  • Info Warfare Center (IWC)
  • Improved computer systems with greater DAC
  • Combat Ware 2.0 support
The DDS said that the changes will enhance the performance and combat ability of the Panther and also make it a true multi-role warship with an excellent ground attack ability.


DDS warship skirmishes with HCS ships over Oscar

Tensions are rising between the DDS and HCS over Oscar. On the ground the HCS backed CAO seems to have the upperhand over the DDS backed OTA but in space DDS and HCS warships have clashed. An unnamed Isometric frigate is reported to have been fired on by 2 Cosmos cruisers after it got too close to 3 Type A transports bringing yet more military supplies to the CAO.

The Cosmos fired low-energy shots which did not cause the DDS ship any damage though it was forced to take evasive action. The sudden movements causing some minor injuries. Later on in another incident a Ferret-E drone was destroyed by the HCS after it tried to take photographs of the docked transports in Oscar. The DDS have protested the loss of their drone which the HCS said was destroyed because "we feared it was out of control and might hit one of our ships".

In a third and final incident a Cosmos cruiser near Oscar was "jumped" by 2 DDS Rome corvettes and forced into a small asteroid field. The Cosmos sustained 2 hits and it is reported 3 crewmen were injured.

There are signs however the DDS are preparing to pull out of Oscar, giving up on the OTA. The latest shipment of arms has turned back to Proxima 7 due to "technical reasons" (the real reason it is rumoured is that the DDS don't think the OTA will last much longer and they don't want the weapons falling into Clone hands). The handful of F-10A(S) fighters deployed to Oscar have also been removed and returned to Proxima 7.

Is Ayatollah Clone XE alive?

A number of years ago, at the height of the Clone Wars the spiritual leader of Oojok Madness Ayatollah Clone XE somehow managed to have Windscorpion's boyfriend Ralphie kidnapped. Live on Clone TV XE executed Ralphie (which makes a change from the usual fare on Clone TV : Fear Factor : Cloneworld and Strictly Come Sequins). Windy of course was enraged, driven wild by grief and headed for Cloneworld with the cream of the DDS for a showdown with XE and the Religious Police.

In a great battle the RP were crushed and XE killed (eventually) by Windy... or so everyone thought. Now there are reports coming out of Cloneworld, from pretty reliable sources, that XE is alive and well and disguised as The Friar. The reports say that it was The Friar and not XE who died at Windy's hands (and various other parts of Windy's body) after The Friar heroically sacrified himself and swapped clothes with XE.

Since that day XE has continued to live as The Friar, even engineering the secular downfall of Oojok Madness to increase his power. Windy has not yet made any comment.


New technologies update

In the Summer Dr Forbidden kindly briefed us on the new technologies that could play a part in the future DDS. Here he presents an update on these and presents some new technologies. First the update :


The energy absorbent layer, allowing ships to absorb some of the energy from a directed energy weapon hit, has been delayed. Dr F was hoping to begin trials early this year but this has now been delayed until Q1 2110. Producing the material has proven more difficult than originally thought and the EA-X team has been diverted to the worm drive project (see below) for a few months. The EA-X project is back on track though.

Distributed Adaptive Computing (DAC)

DAC, which allows damaged systems to be replaced seamlessly by other systems, will be a feature of the Isometric ILU project and also has been included on the latest Panther and Romes. Work is on-going to perfect DAC to the eventual target of a ship being able to still operate even if 80% of it's computers have been disabled.

Combat Ware 2.0

Combat Ware 2.0 includes the third generation of IFG, the goggles worn in combat situations, with full-duplex visual data transfer and augmented vision. The new flak vest includes health feedback and locational datalinks. The new equipment is now being rolled out though full functionality will also require modifications to ships, at the moment only the Isometric ILU is due to receive the modifications but it is expected most combat ships will be receiving CW 2.0 support as they receive refits over the next couple of years.

Passive sensors

Passive sensors is a major enhancement to the DDS' combat capabilities  and is gradually being rolled out to the combat fleet. The next generation of passive sensors are expected to exceed the current performance of active sensors and is expected to debut in 2111.

Future weapon systems

The Isometric ILU will be the first ship to receive the new info-warfare capabilities to be rolled out to all combat systems. This is the Info-Warfare Centre (IWC) which will have a dedicated officer and workstation on the ship's bridge. The IWC both co-ordinates defence against enemy cyber attacks and operates the DDS' own new cyber weapons including transmittable computer viruses and sensor spoofing (overlaying an enemy's sensor feed with false information). The IWC includes much improved defences against cyber-attack including a new firewall architecture and active virus defences.

New technologies to look out for :

All Aspect Propulsion Enhancement Project (AAPEP)

With worm-drive around 10 years away the DDS have begun a new project to develop a final speed boost using existing propulsion technology in the 2111-2 timeframe. AAPEP will look at all areas of the propulsion cycle from power generation to the engines themselves to hyperspace field generation to even crew operation and training and look to extract the maximum efficiency and potential from existing technologies. The DDS are hoping they might be able to reach 1200c.

Ultra Stealth Communications (USC)

USC (give me a break, this geek loves acronyms! - Redjec) will be a new generation of stealth communications for use by cloaked ships. Communications has always been the Achilles heel of cloaking as obviously transmitting a message means you are breaking the cloaking field. The DDS use highly directed narrow beam transmission and ultra-low local communications but these are not suitable for all situations and still can give away a cloaked ship. USC will look at piggybacking messages on background radiation and ultra-low subspace communications.

Worm drive

Well this is the big one. I'm afraid worm drive is still 10 years away but we now have a road map and strategy to work to. We threw everything at this project last year to find a starting point and now the DDS have formed a stable and capable team to take this forward. We are hoping for the first worm hole tests around 2114 with maybe a UCV in 2118, manned ships in the early 2120s. I know a lot of people will be disappointed by this but its a simple fact of science, the Dinos started this 30 years ago or more. Its not rocket science, its far far harder.


UV137 : Winners Need Not Apply

Look at that! How cool it is that I... Commander Sir Redjec Esq is on the cover of the latest book! Proof indeed that Redjec is the future of the DDS! Hold on... Dump is behind me and he looks horny... noooo!
  • In The Courtyard Of The *s- Windy comes face to face with the Grand Facilitator of the Argon Faction, 7SS...
  • Fixture List - Windscorpion is loose on the ship, every young man's nightmare. But Toko decides to take him on... man on man... the fool!...
  • Blood And Ice - ZBH and company go on the hunt for a traitor...
  • Doing Tha Hit On Tha Bum- With Oscar in danger of falling into Clone hands Special FX is given an ultra-dangerous mission...
  • An Unholy Marriage - Quarz is hurled into the danger zone in more ways than one...
  • Backlash - Ayatollah Clone XE returns to Cloneworld and plans a grisly end for The Friar...
How can that be beaten? Lets try with the next book UV138 : Beyond The Violence.

Latest poll result

In our latest poll 57% thought the Clone Space Missile was all it was cracked up to be and the DDS should nuke the Clones now! 

Isometric ILU begins

The Isometric ILU will be the biggest ship upgrade programme in DDS history with the whole fleet being extensively rebuilt and modernised to take them into the early 2120s (when a final rebuild is expected). The flagship F103 Carboniferous has already had a partial ILU though some new systems were not fitted as they were not yet ready. F102 Silurian will become the first ship to receive the full ILU though Carboniferous has also returned to Solaris shipyard to have it's ILU completed.

The ILU (Intermediate Life Update) includes a full rebuild, refit and replacement of worn components and the following updates :
  • TPM-2 launcher
  • Z5i multi-mode cannon
  • iSAS-ISO1 attack system
  • MRM support with optional dorsal pylon and datalink support
  • Dedicated info-warfare station with improved communications sub-system and next generation security firewall
  • Open Architecture 2.0 (FIDO, distributed systems, zero-setup install et cetera)
  • CIWS 2.0
  • Combat Ware 2.0 support
  • Improved docking bay with improved SROPS and Ferret support
  • Shatter resident material covering for all internal surfaces
  • Improved battle damage handling systems
  • Engine re-cored to TL-02Hi-6, performance boosted to 990c dash / 725c cruise
  • Passive sensor suite improvements
  • Many other minor updates
Each ship update is expected to take 3-4 months though Carboniferous will be completed in a fortnight.
Ayatollah Clone XE returns to Cloneworld and plans a grisly end for The Friar.

An Unholy Marriage
Quarz is hurled into the danger zone in more ways than one...


Captain Clone lifts ban on Oojok Madness

Captain Clone has lifted the ban on the worship of Oojok, the Church of Oojok and Oojok Madness in his half of the Clone Star Empire. Although worship did continue quietly on a "keep quiet and we'll turn a blind eye" the formal lifting of the ban means that preachers will be allowed to speak publicly and clerics able to return to their robes. Clerics will still be banned from the media and will be monitored to make sure they do not interfere with politics.

The ban has been lifted after the successful trial of the religion to calm and control the millions of Zone refugees now on Colom. The Friar has demanded Captain Clone change his mind calling Oojok Madness a "cancer at the heart of the old ways" though it is unlikely he will be heeded.

It is unlikely Benito will follow suit in his half of the empire though it is reported worship is tolerated but heavily monitored.

CAO raid OTA capital

Clone Army of Oscar (CAO) aircraft, reported to be 6 F-40s and 3 A-85s, have launched a surprise attack on Oscar City, the capital of the human part of Oscar and HQ of the Oscar Terran Army (OTA). The government's main offices and the defence ministry were hit by a number of laser guided bombs. The Browning COIN aircraft hit the OTA's barracks in the south of the city firing rockets and strafing the buildings with 20mm cannon pods. The OTA have reported at least 40 casualties.

One F-40 crashed on the way back to CAO lines, possibly due to a technical fault and a A-85 was shot down by ground fire. The OTA have most of their anti-aircraft equipment at the front line though including a number of SAMs. In response to the attack the OTA say they will deploy SAM and extra AA guns at the capital at the expense of the front line. Though one more big offensive by the CAO could make the distinction moot analysts say.


Windy terrorises King Rathun sexually

Windy, returning to GHQ, has reached Rathun's World. He decided to pay an old "friend" a visit as well as allow his current flag, a Rome corvette, to perform some minor repairs. King Rathun, whose throne nowadays is a troubled one with much of the population hating him and wanting democracy, was not very pleased to see Windy and tried to arrange a sudden tour of the far provinces. However his private jet was stopped on the runway of the main airport by DDS gunships from the local garrison.

Windy is said to have held talks long into the night with the King, talks he described mysteriously as "tete a tentacle". He also tried to involve the King in a game of poker, strip of course. A few hours later Windy resumed his journey back to GHQ. King Rathun has gone into therapy.


Windy gets his Friendship

An extra Friendship class transport has been delivered to the DDS, although it will be operated by the DDS as part of the Friendship fleet the ship, A211 Stoke City, is actually owned by Windscorpion. The DDS Commander (at the moment - Redjec) procured the ship using his own money earlier in the year. It is not yet known for what purpose Windy will use his ship.

When Windy is not using the ship it will be allocated to the DDS General Communications Pool. At the moment the ship is to the standard Friendship configuration but it is thought Windy may have his ship customised later on.


Wayne King-Meiouf : Ronald's legacy

In the latest posting by Professor Wayne King-Meiouf he looks at the legacy of Ronald who a few days ago finally stepped down from the head of the Dino state.

Ronald headed the Dino Empire for decades and later created the Dino Republic. During the years of his reigns the Dino state has turned from being an obscure local power to the superpower it is today and if that is not enough Ronald also created the DDS, though it is not all down to Ronald of course.

The role of Senator Jimmy cannot be understated, though he seems to do so himself. In the 2080s Ronald took a break from the Emperorship and left Dino-Land for awhile (sort of like an intergalactic gap year). He left Jimmy in charge while he went travelling the galaxy with GBH getting drunk and creating the DDS. Jimmy laid the foundations for the current military and financial might of the Dino Republic when he instigated financial reforms to greatly grow the economy and started to build vast cash reserves.

Thus in 2099 when Ronald returned to the throne after the disastrous reign of El Diablo and the One-Horn coup the Dinos had a cash stockpile of over half a trillion zarks (according to some sources, the actual state of Dino cash reserves is a state secret). The Dinos had suffered in the war against the Tarbot a few years earlier and Ronald saw the need to greatly increase the effectiveness of the Dino armed forces. He began a huge programme to quintuple the size of the army, began the Dinomark PT programme and ended the traditional semi-isolationist foreign policy stance of the past. The Dinos began to build bases and alliances across the galaxy culminating in the 37 billion zark bail-out of the Clone Empire which nearly collapsed in 2102.

So how is the Dino Republic Ronald has left behind? The cash reserves have been greatly depleted but still said to be over 200 billion zarks, the Dinos have completed much of their planned military expansion. A much larger army armed with new AFVs such as the T-55ZDM and the future Dino financed Tapir, a large fleet of Dinomark PTs, upgraded XTs and bases. Ronald has also given democracy to the people even if the same faces have remained in charge, for now. The question will be how the Dinos will use their far greater military might and influence. In the past the Dinos have resisted large scale wars except in self-defence, how willing the Dinos are to pay a blood sacrifice in the aims of foreign policy will be a key part of Ronald's legacy.

CAO general killed, Clones accuse DDS

The mastermind behind the recent success of the Clone Army of Oscar (CAO), General Cholada, has been killed by a team of assassins. The Clones are accusing the assassins of being DDS though the Oscar Terran Army have claimed responsibility. The DDS have denied their personnel were behind the attack though did say they have trained the OTA well.

It is thought the attack was a desperate attempt to halt the CAO's recent success as Cholada, who was formerly a general in the HCS, had really turned around the CAO and turned them into a potent fighting unit (assisted with lots of HCS hardware of course). However analysts say the loss of Cholada will only delay the inevitable. 100 more tanks and 12 more A-85s were delivered to the CAO today from the HCS as well as a number of artillery pieces and mortars. The CAO have bought up a fresh division and may be planning a new offensive soon which could see the OTA defeated.

The DDS clearly think the game is nearly up, some reporters are saying DDS units on Oscar and "quietly" preparing for evacuation including the F-10A(S) flight which is said to be going to return to Proxima 7 for "technical reasons".


NDAA completes first phase of flight testing; K-18D

The DDS' forthcoming light attack and ground support aircraft, the NDAA A-12, has completed the first phase of flight testing. Prototype 01 XA-12 made it's maiden flight in December (a couple of weeks late due to teething troubles) but flight testing proceeded without any problems. The test pilots have called the NDAA a very nice plane to fly.

Prototype 01 has returned to the factory for fitting out with a first build of the attack system to be fitted to the type and will be joined by Prototype 02 for more extensive flight testing which will take place into the Summer. The DDS hope to start building production NDAAs and get them into service in 2110.

Meanwhile the Dino close support aircraft, the K-18, has been unveiled in a customised version for the DDS. The K-18D is fully localised and replaces the Dino IR sensors with the same DDS designed pack to be fitted to NDAA. The first evaluation K-18D is expected to be handed over to the DDS this Spring and the DDS will work with the Dinos on integrating DDS systems and weapons into the K-18D. The type could reach DDS squadrons before the end of the year. The DDS have 150 on order.

Fleet news (06/01/09)

The DDS shipyards shut down for the holiday period though some new ships are expected soon to be delivered for testing including the second Pangaea class. Two more Fighting Falcon class ships were received from the Dinos however, P134 Merlin and P135 Hawk. Final localisation and installation of DDS sensitive equipment will be carried out and the ships are expected to enter service in a couple of months.

Two ships have left the fleet. The singleton Neptune research ship X101 Neptune II has been paid off and donated to the Proxima 7 Space Museum. The ship was already in reserve and to reactive it would have meant a reactor refuelling and some other maintenance. The DDS decided to remove it from the fleet early and completed the system shut down. Coril shuttle A563 Kate has also been withdrawn due to fatigue problems. The run down of the Coril fleet is continuing though the first of the new build Coril-DDS will arrive later this year.

A glorious new year for Team Redjec

Happy New Year humanoids from Commander Redjec Esq! It will be a truly happy new year for Team Redjec as this is the year we will reach the top of the DDS and Quarz, whom i hate, will suffer a long and painful demise. The team are all back after their various activities during the break, everyone was back safe, Dump from various sexual assaults, The Onion from self-abuse while reading books on web server optimisation, disappointingly so was Trojan Warlord who made it through the holiday safe, still you can't have everything.

One dissappointing thing was i did not receive any recognition in Queen Tracy III's New Year Honours. An administrative oversight i am sure. But then again i do not live for honours and medals, though it would be nice. I am not bitter, but there is still time to add my name to the list bitch, i mean your majesty. Somehow Quarz did not win the LBE (Loser of the British Empire) so something must be amiss, as i hate him.

Pink Iguana... or is it Gibson's ancestor?

The other day i was reading about pink Iguanas on Terra and asked Gibson, the Dino liaison officer who always seems to have a sore bottom, if he was related to it. He did not find it funny and regarded me with a weary bloodshot eye before trooping off to get a bigger butt plug. Disgusting, he no doubt indulges in the same filth as the not-lamented Delicate Flower, ex-beau of Quarz whom i hate.

Talking of Quarz, who you may know that i hate, i have been investigating the degenerate Crystal Ribbon, some of the pictures i have found on-line... no its just too... weird. I shall have to watch Hanna Montana for a few hours to recover. Still it amuses me this... thing... is said to desire Quarz. Imagine the things she wishes to do to him?! Something involving margarine, electrodes and papier mache according to her blog. He deserves it, i hate him.

Windscorpion is on his way back to GHQ, i suspect he may be coming to stand down as leader of the DDS and then appoint me as his successor. If not now then soon. The future is bright, the future is Commander Redjec. I hate Quarz.


Porquat 640 order Extenders

Porquat 640 have placed an order for 2 Extender-E tankers with the DDS, deliveries could begin in 2110 (though are likely to be later because of the order backlog). Porquat 640 have been rebuilding their fleet mainly using upgraded versions of their indigenous Quagan class frigate but have decided to out-source for support ships.

In other DDS exports news the second Pentekonter has been delivered to New Arit (under joint ownership with Artic). The Aritans have also completed localisation and reactivation of the first 3 ex-Utrek Kalahati Tuuls donated to them by the DDS. The Aritans intend these ships to serve in local/general duties allowing the Intrepid destroyers to take part in DDS operations.

Western Phoenix begins

The first major deployment of 2109 has begun, Operation Western Phoenix which will take place around the Voth Free Republic space using a mixed fleet of DDS and Aritan ships. The DDS fleet led by C102 Australasia left Proxima 7 today and will rendezvous with the Aritan destroyer AS05 Tulan Lanu at Voth later this month.

The first phase of the deployment will be training in the area of the VFR nearest to Bolitic space which has been the subject of frequent incursions by Bolitic ships.
Doing Tha Hit On Tha Bum
With Oscar in danger of falling into Clone hands Special FX is given an ultra-dangerous mission.

Blood And Ice
ZBH and company go on the hunt for a traitor. Crickson and Xaron indulge in their usual witty banter.


Opinion divided on future fleet needs

In our latest poll on what gaps remain in the DDS fleet opinion was evenly divided (50% each) between a "Massive battlecruiser" and a "Multi-role combat support ship". Don't forget to vote on our latest poll!


HCSN prepare for next generation carrier

With the first of four planned Cloneworld class carriers currently being fitted out (and the second due to launch this month) the HCS Navy have answered criticisms from some quarters that the Cloneworld class carrier design is too small at 23,000 tons. Critics point out that that the expected aircraft complement of the type will be just 12 fighters and could be less if the HCSN go for a fixed wing AEW aircraft instead of a helicopter based on.

The HCSN have answered that they need to walk before they can run. "The Cloneworld carriers will help us re-discover how to build big ships, operate them and operate carrier air power." Admiral Phoebus of the HCSN told reporters. "We are planning for a definitive class of carriers to follow at a later date, in the 2120s. These will be much larger, probably 70,000 tons. When they are in service the Cloneworld class ships will become support carriers." Phoebus also said that the last 2 Cloneworld class carriers might be cancelled if the HCSN decide to go early for the bigger design.


HCS Round-up (02/01/09)

The HCSAF have issued a request for designs for a new "stealth first strike and reconnaissance aircraft". This will fill a gap in the air force since the retirement of the RS-80 Spyder a few years ago. This is thought to be different to the existing "stealth" project the RQ-1 UAV and is likely to be a manned platform and not the UCAV-AX project. The HCSAF have given aircraft companies until the Summer to come up with basic concepts before they decide if to proceed any further.

Another old type the HCSAF are looking to resurrect (this time with the navy) is an amphibion for air/sea rescue and maritime patrol. The P-1 Marina served for a few years but was withdrawn due to rather glaring design faults. The HCSAF/HCSN are looking into recreating the design with those faults fixed.

The HCS have begun an upgrade programme for it's fleet of artic AFVs, the TRV-34 Snowcat. The type serves in small numbers in the army but where it serves (on places like Lomar) it is vital to the army's presence. The type has been neglected however and is not even compatible with the current HCS radio system! The upgrade (to TRV-34B standard) will fix the radio problem, it will also bring the type to current HCS operabilitity and safety standards.

The HCS Navy have announced details of their version of the A-85 COIN aircraft, the A-85NTN and NTK. Both will differ from HCSAF examples in the IFF used and the recovery equipment fitted (as they will be travelling over water often), they will also have beefed up emergency distress beacons and improved datalinks. The NTK will have strengthed undercarriage and an arrester hook of course. The first NTN is currently in building and should enter service in the Summer, the first NTK is due for 2111.

A new VLF station for communication with submarines has opened in Micom though as yet the HCSN only has 1 submarine! Construction will begin in the Spring of the new Seawolf class SSK, these will be similar to the existing Tinfish (or to be exact the Lhrana class SSK) but refined using Sirikwanese knowhow and able to fire cruise missiles as will Tinfish one day. The first Seawolf is hoped to enter service "before the end of 2110".

With the Kalahati Tuul and Kalahati Tuul 2 now out of service the HCS Space Navy has slowed Shark production. The Kalahati Tuul S fleet is not as urgent to replace as it was upgraded fairly recently and has around 4-8 years service yet. The HCSSN are looking into a evolution of the Shark to replace the KT-S and older Cosmos in future though full details will not be decided until later this year. Until then production will continue at minimum rate. Just 3 are likely to be built this year.

This will help save quite a bit of money which will enable the Molentic Tuul M programme to be bought forward and could begin later this year with the oldest MT-As. This will bring the whole fleet up to the MT-GX standard and also improve systems across the board as well as refurbish ships to keep them in service until 2120 (though the Clones expect to refurbish them again to keep them going to 2130).


Windy sees the new year in on Delta 9

Windy, traveling back to GHQ aboard K101 Cicero, has stopped off on Delta 9. This is an obscure planet in DDS South that has never been visited by the DDS Commander before. Windy wanted to see the new galactic year in on firm land. It is reported he spent an enjoyable evening terrorising the young male officers from his current flagship and also played an old game from his youth with the Delta 9 Governor called "Gay Fruit Picker".

Although Windy will not be able to hold the foreign policy review until he is back at GHQ sometime in mid-January he has already held talks on-line with Sea Urchin and Firefly and it is thought funding for the special forces Prowler units will be increased.