
MBH stands down as Consul

MBH has ended his term as Consul though publically snubbed the rest of the senate by not travelling to Dino-Land. Instead he stayed on Pulsin and sent Lakes instead to return his staff of office. MBH is understood to be furious about a recent spying mission by El Diablo on MBH's dacha on Pulsin.

El Diablo uncovered MBH has a new ally in a former senior member of Utrek intelligence. El Diablo and his team were captured but were rescued by the Consul Security Service led by Smellyson. In the rescue it is reported a bomb was set off to kill the Utrekian however analysis of the devastated dungeon complex below MBH's dacha indicates no organic matter was found.

Oojok returns to Cloneworld for hero welcome

Oojok has returned to Cloneworld and been met by a rabid crowd of 30,000 supporters. They proclaimed Oojok as the saviour of Clone honour. All eyes were on whether Oojok would support Captain Clone's attack on Lornaca Melnig. Oojok said he supported the troops but gave no support to Captain Clone.

Despite a very likely successful outcome the invasion of Lornaca Melnig has done little to stop the whispering campaign by HCS senior officers against Captain Clone's regime.

HCS begin full-scale landing on Lornaca Melnig

Following the rapid deployment of the 22nd Light Brigade earlier in the week to build a bridgehead the HCS have begun landing the 41th and 72nd Armoured Brigades and the 8th Artillery Battalion as well as 3 squadrons of F-45As, 3 squadrons of A-84s and 2 squadrons of A-85s at the airfield built at their landing point.

This position is around 140km from the main town on Lornaca Melnig and the main source of resistance. Lornaca's defence forces have continued to be pounded from space and from the air however and its not sure how much remains to fight the HCS thrust when it comes in a few days. The HCS have told Lornaca fighters to not resist to avoid unnecessary bloodshed.

"If Lornaca surrenders then it's entry into the Clone Space Empire will be swift and fair." Captain Clone told the population via TV and radio broadcasts, "There will be no reprisals, no massacres, anyone who wants to leave will be allowed to. Resistance will be brutally responded to."

DDS Provider 71A transport A117 Trader has been allowed into a near orbit with Lornaca to facilitate the evacuation of UNP liaison staff. Two Aritan Intrepid II destroyers have not been allowed entry into the system, the Clones have said that only the DDS transport will be allowed in. The DDS say they will also evacuate Aritan citizens.


DDS look to TPM to defend against CSM

The DDS will rely on a version of the Trans-Phasic Missile (TPM) to protect against a future attack by the Clone Space Missile (CSM) which could be deployed by as early as the end of next year. The interstellar missile will be cloaked for most of it's journey but when it begins to enter the atmosphere of the target world like Proxima 7 then the cloaking device will be rendered pointless as friction and air resistance show up the missile.

TPM-A and TPM-G already offer a defensive capability against objects in high atmosphere or LEO but to combat a much smaller and faster target like a CSM warhead will require extensive improvements to the TPM guidance system. A new kind of TPM will be deployed (currently called TPM-AGX) which will detonate a proximity transphasic field explosion in front of the CSM warhead. This allows for a much greater chance of catching the warhead in the blast. A new motor with vector-thrust and improved control software will also mean the AGX is more agile.

However AGX is not likely to be deployed until some years after CSM, also the Clones will be continuing to improve their weapon. It is thought they will add decoys and other penaids to CSM 2.0 which will be the definitive production model expected in around 2114.
The Tough Get Blowing
Trok decides to help Gibson lose some weight.

HCSN go on aircraft spending spree

The HCS Naval Air Service (HCSNAS) on Cloneworld has placed a number of orders for extra aircraft. 5 more F-45As have been ordered on top of the 20 already on order which will act as ground-based support for the F-40N fleet and will give the HCSNAS experience with the type (120 F-45Ks are on order for later in the decade).

A further 6 TR-72M maritime reconnaissance aircraft have been ordered, these will have enhanced communications systems for communicating with UUVs like the Long Watch. Finally the HCSNAS has ordered it's first new helicopters in 12 SH-26WNGM. Up until now it's SH-26s have been ex-HCSAF (and before that many came from the original navy). The WNGM's differences have yet to be revealed.

Extender fleet needs strengthening

There is no doubt that the fleet of Extender 73A oiler/transports are the hardest working ships in the fleet clocking up huge mileages every year supporting fleet operations and acting as the life blood of the DDS. The problem is the Extenders are being worked a fair bit harder than the DDS originally envisaged with a lot more special deployments and detachments now the norm.

The oldest ship A141 Extender was recently examined after serving as oiler on the Southern Spirit deployment. Coming up to 5 years service the ship's state and wear and tear was more like the ship had served 8 or 9. A planned refurbishment for the Extender fleet may have to be bought forward. The DDS will look to strengthening the structure of these ships to they can better cope with the huge workload, which is likely to only get heavier in years to come.

Current deployments (29/12/09)

Ships in brackets are part of deployment but not on station (e.g. on route)

Force Voth

C130 Kaon (flag)
F152 Aral Sea II
F106 Tertiary
A151 Gasoline
SKS Randokan (Sirikwan)
AS14 Helunam (Aritan)

Force Starbot

D109 Cougar* (flag)
F131 Caspian Sea
F112 Holocene
A158 Starbotian Spirit*
+ Starbotian fleet

* Starbotian crewed

Remedian Border Protection Force

D111 Civet (flag)
F108 Eocene
F163 Sea Of Fertility
A143 Liftmaster
+ Remedian Police Customs Patrol

Ships returning to HQ

A152 Kerocene


The Orchid warns against Clone expansion

With the HCS currently invading Lornaca Melnig The Orchid has said the DDS needs to be wary of Clone expansion though stopped short of saying the DDS should intervene in this case. "The DDS must strengthen it's alliance networks, bulk up it's allies and improve it's fleet to act as a deterrence against future Clone aggression." The Orchid told a rally on Solaris.

"I see this invasion as a result of the old reactive foreign policy. Under Orchidism the DDS will become much more pro-active. To take Lornaca Melnig as an example, we would see the planet was a potential future target  and aim to bring them into a DDS alliance network before the Clones could act. The DDS under Orchidism will be pro-active, strong, professional and true to the values we all share of honour, technique and holistic self-actualisationism".

MBH criticised by Dino Senate

Consul MBH has been blasted by Consul Cruggson and Consul-Elect/Senator Jimmy for capturing Senator El Diablo and SS-Commander Stinkyson on Pulsin. It is understood that El Diablo and his team were investigating MBH's dacha in the countryside.

MBH said that the men were caught spying and were being well treated, more or less. He said that he had the right to investigate suspicious characters whom might pose a security risk. He then went on a 2 hour televised rant about why he is great.

HCSAF attack Lornaca Melnig

F-45A and A-84F fighter bombers launched from a Tiamon II assault carrier at high altitude have carried out a number of attacks on the main positions of the defence forces of Lornaca Melnig, such as they are. The attacks followed up a brief orbital bombardment on 3 fortified positions and an ammunition depot.

It is now reported that a ground invasion has begun, special forces and marines landed by Skar assault transports with the main body of the invasion force preparing to land once a bridgehead is secured. 3 Intruders are waiting laden with an armoured brigade. HCS engineering troops are reported to be preparing a landing strip for HCSAF aircraft.

It is thought that some of the invasion troops are Zones which may prevent the Zone population of Lornaca from fighting back. The HCS have said that Zones are welcome to join the empire, other races too though they will be permitted to leave if they prefer.

A DDS Provider 71A is on standby just outside of the Lornaca system.


Clones blockade Lornaca Melnig

The HCS have begun a blockade of Lornaca Melnig ahead of an expected invasion which could happen any day now. HCS spotters report a fleet of Intruders and Tiamon attack ships left Cloneworld on the 24th and should be in the vicinity of Lornaca by tomorrow. The HCS ships that are already in the system have prevented any other ships from entering or leaving the system and some attacks have been made on ground positions by the HCS. Special forces are also thought to be on the planet.

The DDS have dispatched a Provider 71A transport to offer humanitarian assistance to UNP citizens who are caught up on the planet. Two Aritan Intrepid destroyers are also en route to the system. The Dinos have joined the calls for the Clones to desist from attacking Lornaca though the Clones know that no one cares enough to stop them.
Unsightly Discharges
Have ZBH and Crickson gone to pot?


The 2109 DDS Universe Quiz

Think you know your DDS? Well lets find out if you are the Apogee Of Man or the Abyss Of Sadness...

1) The DDS comic book series is the UV series, what does UV stand for?
a) Ultra Violence
b) Ultra Violent
c) Underpants Vacant
d) It doesn't mean anything

2) Windscorpion's favourite football team is the...
a) 49ers
b) Stoke City FC
c) ARSEnal
d) Proximan Giants

3) Psychologists and church groups have critcised the DDS comic books for glorifying and being obsessed with...
a) Violence
b) Fascism
c) Underage girls
d) All of the above

4) Why must you never call a Bolitic a Dino?
a) Its incorrect
b) It is correct but they hate it
c) Its complicated
d) They will probably kill you anyway so what the hell?

5) Which was the first 3G DDS warship?
a) Isometric
b) Quasar
c) Velocity
d) Panther

6) According to MBH Jimmy should be...
a) Consul
b) Killed
c) Chief Toilet Attendant
d) Nothing

7) Who was the first DDS Commander?
a) Ronald
b) Windscorpion
c) Opticon
d) The Shiner

8) Who is the leader of the Tarbot Federation?
a) Dr Slow
b) Dr Medium Pace
c) Dr Fast
d) Dr Variable Speed

9) What was Delicate Flower's, Quarz's friend, favourite pastime?
a) Masturbating over pics of Quarz
b) Bathing in Quarz's faeces
c) Secretly photgraphing Quarz in the shower
d) All of the above

10) Who is the greatest love of Windy's life?
a) Himself
b) Little Ralphie
c) Quarz
d) War

Scores :

No peeking, but the answers are below. See how you did out of 10 with the handy score rating guide:

0-3 : You are a useless, pathetic worm. Hello Trojan Warlord!
4-6 : Not bad, you have some worth, but not much. Hello Redjec!
7-9 : A model professional. Be my wingman. Hello Firefly!
10 : The Apogee Of Man is you! Hello Windscorpion!

Answers : 1a, 2b, 3d, 4d, 5b, 6c, 7a, 8a, 9d, 10b


Sea Urchin gives Christmas address

Every year the DDS Commander gives a Christmas address to the DDS, this year it was performed by interim commander Sea Urchin :

"Fellow DDSers, i shall be brief because i know you wish to return to your mince pies and ...er... stuff. This year has been a good one for the DDS, a year largely without combat which has allowed us to continue our regeneration after the Utrek War. Late in the year we did suffer a knock when Windscorpion retired but i know that 2110 will be a glorious new epoch in DDS history after we crown a new commander.

"I ask all DDSers to remember that the DDS' strength comes from unity, after the election i hope the various factions put aside their differences and come together. Merry Christmas and a happy new year!"

Rumours that Windscorpion was in a fish & chips shop in Hexian City, P7 saw 100s of Windy Massive members converge on the chippie but it turned out to be a dispatch rider wearing a silly helmet. In their frenzy the WM caused a mini riot that resulted in 16 arrests and 7 rapes.

Attack on Lornaca Melnig begun?

According to HCS sources the attack on Lornaca Melnig has already begun with up to 6 HCS warships in the system already and preparing to begin a blockade of the planet. Red Lizard special forces are operating on the planet. An invasion force is about to depart from Cloneworld and should be able to begin the invasion in 2-3 days.

Lornaca has no singular authority, the Aritan colonists have appealed to New Arit for help but there isn't a great deal the Aritans can do. Arit has told the Clones to not attack Aritan towns on the planet and for the Aritans to peacefully resist. Aritan ships are on standby to evacuate Aritans, a DDS Provider transport is also on standby to evacuate humans.

The DDS is not anticipating it will mount an armed response, much of the fleet is currently at home ports and getting a task force together would be difficult. Many crews are on leave and DDS Engineering is taking the opportunity to conduct refits, updates and repairs to many of the ships in the fleet.


Raegris and Vosun clash again

For the second time this week a Raegris and a Vosun ship have clashed near the border of their respective space. A DF-1 frigate was called to a distress call just outside Raegris space near the Manass asteroid field. When it got there it found the distress call was being made by a unmanned radio station on an asteroid.

The Raegris ship then detected a Vosun ship, taking advantage of the Raegris ship being ocupied, entering Raegris space. The Raegris gave chase and after a brief confrontation the Vosun ship turned around and returned to Vosun space. The Raegris have again protested to the Vosun government.

January likely to be a quiet month for the DDS

Much of the DDS is likely to be spending January in home ports or bases with no exercises or major deployments planned for the month on top of existing commitments and patrols. The reason is to faciliate the DDS Commander election. The two candidates will be criss-crossing the DDS to campaign.

Firefly has criticised the paralysis that has gripped the DDS but Sea Urchin, the interim commander, has said the shut down will be a good thing. "The election allows us to have a debate on the future of the DDS in the wake of Windyism".

Clones to invade Lornaca Melnig?

Lornaca Melnig is a free planet located on the northern fringe of the Rim Worlds. It is currently populated by a small number of colonists ranging from some Zones to Aritans, even some humans. Now there are rumours the Clones wish to add the planet to the Clone Star Empire. The planet is of little worth though does have some mineral deposits that can be exploited. It's main worth would be it's location on the Southern flank of the Dino Republic and near to Aritan space. Invading the planet would also form a handy morale boost for Captain Clone and divert attention away from his handling of the Xenon emergency.

Over the last week Aritan patrols have detected HCS warships in the vicinity of Lornaca perhaps conducting reconnaissance. Two HCS legions are known to be on a high alert on Cloneworld and 9 Intruder landing ships and a Tiamon assault cruiser have been prepared for departure though the destination is secret.

The Clones may be planning to invade now while the DDS is occupied with the Commander election and on a low-alert status for Christmas. Because Lornaca is a "free-planet" however then there is nothing legal against a HCS attack as Lornaca does not come under the responsibility of the UNP or any other major power. It's own defences are scant with no space fleet though there is a territorial style defence force in the Zone and Aritan sectors.

Knobhead wants to abolish Central Committee

Up until now Knobhead has been playing catch-up behind The Orchid in the race to be the next DDS Commander but now he has presented some proposals for changing the governance of the DDS which The Orchid has yet to address. Knobhead says he will abolish the Central Committee which currently discusses DDS issues with the commander and replace it with an elected assembly.

"I want to bring greater democracy to the DDS. People should not be in positions of influence just because they have been around for a long time. Whether in the military or civilian sectors of the DDS influence should be a reward of achievement. I will bring a spirit of meritocracy to the DDS." he told supporters at a rally on Liberation.

The Orchid said that her regime would have achievement and merit at it's core but the Central Committee was a solid and reliable institution that was the bedrock of the DDS and should not be replaced by a potentially chaotic assembly.


Pottymouth Arn't You
Gibson feels the fear...


Current deployments (22/12/09)

Ships in brackets are part of deployment but not on station (e.g. on route)

Force Voth

C130 Kaon (flag)

Terran Sea

F152 Aral Sea II
F106 Tertiary
A151 Gasoline
SKS Randokan (Sirikwan)
AS14 Helunam (Aritan)

Force Starbot

D109 Cougar* (flag)
F131 Caspian Sea
F112 Holocene
A158 Starbotian Spirit*
+ Starbotian fleet

* Starbotian crewed

Remedian Border Protection Force

D111 Civet (flag)
F108 Eocene
F163 Sea Of Fertility
A143 Liftmaster
+ Remedian Police Customs Patrol

Ships returning to HQ

R101 Missileer
A145 Globemaster
A152 Kerocene

DDS Research update

Dr Forbidden gave a briefing to journalists at DDS Research before the unit shut down for the holidays. He gave a progress report on some of the projects DDS Research have been working on :
  • EA-X - field trials of the energy absorbant layer have been successful. Two Panthers have been fitted with EA-X over the last few months. The layer, which is applied as a paste to the exterior of a ship and can help absorb the energy from enemy beam weapon fire, will be applied to new build Panther/Independance and Solaris III destroyers from the new year. Other ships will follow at a later date. DDS Research is now working on EA-X 2.0 which will allow for absorbed energy to be recycled into a ship's own weapon ships. In effect an enemy's weapons can be fired back at him.
  • DAC - Distributed Adaptive Computing has been fitted to Isometric ILU frigates since the Autumn. The first new build ship to have DAC will be the Independance class though Panther will likely receive it with it's next update. DAC allows for damaged systems to be diverted to other computer systems seamlessly and automatically.
  • IWC - Info-Warfare Centres are now being rolled out across the fleet but DDS Research is now looking into adding offensive infoweapons to the IWC arsenal. Early tests with offensive computer viruses have been promising.
  • AAPEP - this is a blanket heading for a number of projects looking into improving the carious aspects of traditional propulsion to act as a stop gap before the development of worm drive. One project, which is looking into adaptive hyperspace field optimisation has been promising and could allow speed increases of around 1.3% in some conditions though it unlikely to be applied to a production ship for some time.
  • Level 4 Cloak - early tests with the new more secure cloaking system were unpleasant for crews with projectile vomiting and explosive anal discharges the result on crews by the energy fields generated by the cloaking device. New tests will take place next year, Team Redjec have been volunteered to run the tests (WHAT?! - TR)


Knobhead protests "media bias"

Knobhead has protested against the "media bias" in favour of The Orchid which he claims is giving his opponent an unfair advantage. Knobhead has even protested to Team Redjec who he claims have a conflict of interest in running DDS media affairs and being linked to The Orchid's team.

Team Redjec refutes there is any conflict. Team Redjec is totally fair and balanced said Captain Redjec DSO BSC. "What nonsense it is to claim we are so unprofessional as to favour one side!" he said, "We adhere to the principles of Orchidism which are fairness, professionalism and holistic self-actualisationism. Maybe in his remote and isolated command Knobhead does not know of the great job we have done?"

HCSN company spun off

When the HCSN was newly reactivated some far-sighted HCSAF officers (who had had experience with the old naval air arm) formed a company called Naval Air Services which the HCSN kept a controlling interest in. NAS has won contracts for re-navalising the F-40Ns, producing the arrester hooks and other carrier equipment for the A-85NTK and will hope to do the same for the F-45K.

The HCSN has now spun the company off raising 62 million zarks on the stock market. NAS has a full order book with SH-26 servicing soon to be added to their current work.

Tensions rise between Bolitic and Dinos

Tensions between the Dino Republic and the Bolitic Confederacy are never that great but on the eve of the elevation of Jimmy to Consul relations have soured still further amid fears the Bolitic may try and spoil the party especially as MBH will be losing power. He and Emperor Aliowaki are known to be friends, they often go bowling together according to some sources.

A powerful task force has been sent to Pulsin headed by a Dinomark RS and some 30 other ships along with re-inforcements for the 3 legions stationed on the planet. Security across the republic has been heightened to  combat potential threats both external and internal. The SS have been confined to barracks by Consul Cruggson and SS-Commander Stinkyson though of course have ignored this. Gangs of SS men are said to be prowling the streets of major Dino cities. Young men have been advised to stay at home.

NSV prepares for first superluminal test

The Nuclear Space Vehicle is the second stage of the Clone Space Missile project, the stage that takes the warhead from the orbit of Cloneworld (or another launcher planet) and to the orbit of the target. There the warhead becomes a normal ballistic missile warhead and is directed towards the target though the Clones are looking into kinetic weapons which would strike the enemy target at faster than light speeds it is understood.

Following successful tests in the Cloneworld system including a mock "attack" on an asteroid the NSV has now been fitted with a new engine and hyperspace drive ready for it's first superluminal test which is likely to take place early next year. The HCS are hoping this and further tests will run smoothly as the NSV uses technology from the Nybble unmanned combat ship which is due to enter service late next year.

In a move to placate Benito one of the 4 NSV test craft will be sent to Austini 55 and carry out it's test programme in CSE-E though the others will operate around Cloneworld.


Oojok receives hero's welcome in CSE

Oojok's taskforce has reached Teriatri 7, a fairly minor member of the Clone Star Empire, though the nearest to Xenon space. The task force has stopped off here for resupply though Oojok will continue onto Cloneworld independently of the rest of the force in a VIP Molentic Tuul.

Oojok received a hero's welcome on Teriatri 7. A crowd of several thousand met him at the HCS base on Teriatri 7 (the entire population of the colony is only 23,000) and the crowd were given the benefit of a sermon by Ayatollah Clone XE. He proclaimed Oojok as the "penis of truth" which "penetrates the abyss of sloth and evil".

Oojok can expect a much bigger welcome on Cloneworld which will put even more pressure on Captain Clone, though some sources close to Oojok Madness say Oojok may not wish to milk his victory too much just yet.

C-485 new model; DDS interest

The C-485 is one of the transport aircraft in the HCSAF, it is the second most widely used airlifter after the C-440 being a smaller plane more suitable for smaller airbases and airstrips for which it has an excellent rough field capability. Clone Commercial Aviation are currently working on an upgraded and improved model.

The C-485B will have 20% higher capacity thanks to a fuselage plug and improved internal arrangements. It will also have an improved wing and increased engine thrust. The DDS have some C-485s on order (deliveries due in 2111) and say they are interested in this improved model.

Fishnets & Blackface
Regime change is on the menu for all 3 Central Powers.


DDS begin looking into Terran Sea ILU

The Isometric ILU is the most expensive upgrade programme in the history of the DDS (though largely because there are 25 Isometric 41As to upgrade). The Terran Sea ILU which will follow in a couple of years is likely to be even more expensive though!

The DDS have begun to survey senior DDS officers, especially the captains of Terran Sea frigates, as to the ILU. It is definitely to have TPM-2 and Z6 as the weapon upgrades with MRM support also likely but other improvements have yet to be decided upon.

Demonstration against Captain Clone by HCS officers

Demonstrations against Captain Clone's rule are nothing new and usually brushed aside with a shrug and plenty of police brutality but the latest demonstration outside HCS GHQ is very different. Around 250 HCS officers (most above the rank of Captain) congregated outside the main gates of GHQ and held a brief meeting. Colonel Varany, head of the 141th Artillery Battery, addressed his fellow officers and said Captain Clone should stand aside and Oojok should rule CSE-W.

Military Police did not intervene though they did record who was present. Varany has been put on "extended leave" though has not been arrested. Captain Clone is wary of the powder keg atmosphere on Cloneworld at the moment. On Daggaddon and Sandworld there were smaller demonstrations by HCS officers.

Preparations for a hand-over of power

MBH has returned to Pulsin after a brief time on Dino-Land to chair a meeting of the senate. Now he is in the final days of his time as one of the Consuls of the republic, at the end of the year Jimmy will take his place. Normally this would be a smooth and seamless transfer of power but of course as MBH is involved it is a little more complicated.

Cruggson has put the Dino Army on alert and confined the SS to barracks incase they try a coup. Although MBH officially gave up any control over the SS when his deputy Lakes stood down as SS Commander it is well-known that the SS still regard MBH as their leader and many SS men think MBH should be the republic's dictator. Leading the Dinos into a future of total law enforcement. But then again that is the SS.

Relations between the Army and SS are a little more fraught than usual, there was a fight outside a SS base on Yavilanda that resulted in 7 men being beaten and 4 raped. Two Dino Army soldiers were captured by the SS and their fates are not currently known... except that it is probably rather unpleasant.


Raegris and Vosun ships skirmish

A Raegris warship on a patrol run out of Weyojai has encountered and been attacked by a ship which proported to be from the "New Vosun Space Navy". The ship was of a known Vosun type, a Renuyan type, which is the latest type known to have been developed by the Vosun-Voth before their conquest by the Bolitic. The ship appeared modified and upgraded though which indicates the Renuyan has been built since the conquest and has also benefited from Utrek and Bolitic upgrades.

The Raegris ship returned fire and the Vosun ship then retreated, heading back towards Ya in Vosun Star Empire. The Raegris have sent a diplomatic protest to the Vosun.


F-45C has first flight

The next generation fighter for the HCSAF, the F-45C, has successfully carried out it's maiden flight on Cloneworld. The C, in reality a total redesign of the F-45A, is still a long way from production. Current forecasts are for the first deliveries in late 2113 with the carrierborne F-45K in 2114.

The current prototype is using a modified control and avionics suite from the F-45A, next year the first builds of the C control system will be installed. A full rigourous flight test programme will then be carried out until the arrival of the pre-production models in 2111 or 2112. This is the biggest programme currently in the HCS with the F-45C/K expected to be the backbone of HCSAF and HCSNAS airpower well into the 2120s.

Captain Clone under pressure

Captain Clone has addressed the Clone Star Empire (West) after Oojok's morale-restoring victory against the Xenon. Captain Clone's problem is that many are associating him with the previous disaster and Oojok's victory is seen as a sign that maybe he should be in charge of CSE-W and not Captain Clone.

The Captain praised Oojok though also lamented the loss of the crew of CSS Vonoraky which was lost in the battle. He said that the Xenon had been shown up as being unable to meet the HCS in battle on equal terms. "Let us not forget the previous disaster was due to unbridled trickery and deceit. When the Xenon meet us face-to-face they cannot match us. In future we will be doubly careful when dealing with the Xenon."

Analysts are now wondering if the Xenon may now seek peace. It is not known how strong their fleet is but unconfirmed intelligence reports indicate losing 7 ships in 1 battle was a loss they will not be able to brush aside easily. It is unlikely the Clones will seek to continue the conflict for now.

Isometric ILU ramps up to full speed

Now the SOT programme has been suspended for a period the Isometric ILU programme can now use the entire Isometric jig and thus 3 at a time can be updated. F107 Palaeocene has just been completed and will rejoin the fleet next week. F108 Eocene is already being updated.

F113 Quartenary and F110 Miocene have been taken out of service and will begin their ILU next week though little work will be done until the new year. The DDS have decided not to switch to the Z6 cannon for the ILU because of a current shortage of the new crystals used in the cannon.

Oojok defeats the Xenon!

When Oojok set off with a tiny task force of 4 ships to "get revenge on the Xenon" no one expected he would be able to pull it off, many even thought Oojok may never be seen again. But reports are coming in that Oojok's task force met a fleet of 8 Xenon ships and managed to destroy 7 of them for the loss of 1 of their own, a Cosmos S.

Oojok's force is now returning to Cloneworld. His victory has restored pride to the HCS and Captain Clone has now been put under intense pressure. Some senior officers have openly questioned Captain Clone's rule (though anonymously).


Youth Must Be Crushed
Can Oojok avenge the HCS? (150/1)


Starbot order 2 Olympus 23A carriers

Starbot has placed an order for 2 Olympus 23A carriers to support it's force of Ferret UCVs. Unlike the DDS fleet where the Olympus will be more a support/maintenance carrier in Starbot service they will fulfil a role similar to the Missileer in DDS service. They will bring UCVs to a combat zone and support the operations.

The DDS have 4 Olympus on order, with the first expected in 2111. Slots #2 and #4 may be granted to the Starbotians because they have no existing carrier provision. The DDS are hoping for further export orders, the Dinos are known to be interested. An Olympus-E has yet to be specified however.

Orchid will restore Remedian Navy

If The Orchid is the next DDS Commander then she will help build up DDS allies so they can take on a larger share of defending UNP and allied space. The Remedians will be helped to rebuild their own space navy. After the Utrek War their remaining personnel were absorbed into the DDS though a police and customs force, the RCPP, was formed using Kalahati Tuul 2s.

The RCPP will be the core of a new Remedian Space Navy The Orchid said but would also be boosted with newer ships like Pentekonter-Es. The Remedians themselves are said to be very keen on the plans which indicates this may be partly The Orchid appealing to Remedian votes for her election though it does fit into her broader strategy for the DDS insiders say. That full strategy is likely to be outlined in the coming weeks.

Current deployments (15/12/09)

Ships in brackets are part of deployment but not on station (e.g. on route)

Force Voth

C130 Kaon (flag)


F152 Aral Sea II
F106 Tertiary
A145 Globemaster
(A151 Gasoline)
SKS Randokan (Sirikwan)
AS14 Helunam (Aritan)

Force Starbot

D109 Cougar* (flag)
F131 Caspian Sea
F112 Holocene
A158 Starbotian Spirit*
+ Starbotian fleet

* Starbotian crewed

Remedian Border Protection Force

D111 Civet (flag)
F108 Eocene
F163 Sea Of Fertility
A152 Kerocene
(A143 Liftmaster)
+ Remedian Police Customs Patrol

Ships returning to HQ

R101 Missileer
R104 Musketeer
C129 Charm Quark
F146 Bohol Sea
A149 Octane

Force West ends

The Force West deployment at New Jakarta has ended as expected with the allocated ships returning to HQ. Originally it was planned for the Force West ships to form the core of the initial deployment of forces at the new New Jakarta detachment but ships from Southern Spirit were used instead.

With Missileer returning from Force Voth as well the number of ships the DDS have on deployment is currently the lowest it has been for some time. This is intentional. The DDS have had to work hard this year, Sea Urchin hopes that the DDS can be recharged over the Christmas period ready for "harder work" in 2110.


Z6/Zip news

The Z6 cannon has been cleared for service and will appear on new ships next year, the first is likely to be a Solaris III destroyer which is expected to enter trials early in the new year. It has just been fitted with the first production version of the Z6. Retrofitting older ships may not begin until 2111 because the DDS wish to totally prove the reliability of the new cannon before they go for it wholesale.

The next generation Z Cannon InterPhase (better known as Zip) reached an important milestone this week. A static benchtest of the latest build achieved a dual phase beam for the first time. DDS Research will aim for quad and then full multi-phase in the next few months. Field tests on a spaceship will probably begin in 2111. A recent publication said that Zip cannon could replace the Z6 in around 2114. DDS Research have admitted that Zip has proven far more complicated and difficult than they thought. Originally they were planning to get Zip ready for service by... about now!

The Orchid will increase ship building in FY2110-2111

Ship building in the current financial year has been drastically cut back to minimum rates for most types because of the high rate in the 2 years previous to that and the strain it made on DDS finances. Now after a relatively quiet year The Orchid says she will increase ship building if she becomes DDS Commander.

"We need a bigger fleet and building rates will increase in 2110-2111 by around 50% with the extra Romes, Independance and other types entering production. The extra ships will ensure our security as part of my plans for new fleet deployments and a layered security system." Knobhead has also said shipbuilding should increase though did not specify by how much.

DDS form Amphibious Reaction Force

The announcement was spoiled slightly by the Fleet News announcement but the DDS have formed an Amphibious Reaction Force to supplement the Prowler special forces units. Under the plans for the ARF (which is hoped to become operational next year) one landing ship will be on a 6-hour readiness standby at all times (which means it has to be ready to depart within 6 hours of an alert status).

A company of the New DDS Army (so around 200 troops) will also be on standby to be deployed with the landing ship (earlier reports said a whole battalion would be on standby but this was incorrect, a battalion will be on a 3 day standby with 1 company on a 6 hour standby). The idea is that the troops can be deployed to a UNP/DDS planet within days or weeks of an emergency such as an insurgency, unrest or threat of an enemy invasion. The rapid reaction troops would be used to build and maintain a bridgehead ready for the arrival of other troops later on. The standby ship and battalion will be on duty for a week at a time. The company will only deploy light weapons and vehicles, some of which will be preloaded at the start of an alert period. Three Prowler units will also be placed on standby and will deploy with the other troops though they may travel on ahead in their own transports or other DDS fleet assets.

The ARF will be stationed on Solaris to begin with but will move to Liberation once a new army base and orbital hub have been completed by 2111. Liberation has been chosen as the centre for the New DDS Army and amphibious fleet because it is closer to more likely areas of conflict such as in the Rim Worlds.


Fleet news (13/12/09)

The DDS shipyards have been busy finishing off ships and carrying out their testing before the shipyards shut down for the Christmas period. 4 ships join the fleet this week and were named and dedicated at a large ceremony on Solaris.

P140 Harrier and P141 Goshawk are the latest Falcon 47A patrol ships. Of course they were built by the Dinos though there still is quite a bit of work required at the DDS yard to localise them and to install sensitive equipment. The two Falcons have now joined the general patrol pool, P141 Goshawk will be loaned to DDS Research in the new year to assist in some more tests with UCV / manned ship integration.

L114 Baltica is the latest Pangaea 62A landing ship to be received and has joined the DDS Amphibious Reaction Force. This is a new unit currently forming which will always maintain at least 1 ship on a 6 hour readiness alert status (it is envisaged that each ship in the force will spend a week in turn at this level of readiness) in order to be deployable with a battalion of DDS Army troops (which are on a similar readiness regime).

Finally A121 Starlifter II is the latest Provider 71A and replaces a battle loss in the Utrek War.

CNS Cloneworld completes proving tests, now being readied for service

The first new HCS Navy aircraft carrier CNS Cloneworld has completed the second phase of it's proving tests which mostly tested it's aircraft handling facilities and electronic systems. The carrier has now been cleared to begin working up to enter service next Summer.

A lot of work still needs to be done on ironing out the little quirks a source said but nothing that can "stop the show" has been revealed yet. The HCSN plan to deploy the carrier in a carrier task force next Autumn. Initially it will deploy with 6 F-40Ns and 6 SH-26 helicopters. It can carry more aircraft than this but the HCSN want to work the ship up fairly gently considering the decades that have passed since the HCS last fielded a carrier.

The second carrier in the Cloneworld class, CNS Clone Empire, will begin it's proving trials before the end of 2110.

NDAA completes third phase of flight testing

The NDAA light strike fighter has completed it's third phase of flight testing which included for the first time early weapon testing with a development build of the tactical data bus. There were some glitches with the data bus but these was expected considering it's early state. Flight testing of the prototype has now been completed and the DDS will feed the data into modifications for the pre-production examples which are now under construction.

These are expected to begin a full test flight regime in the early Summer 2110. The DDSAF are hoping to begin pilot testing with production examples before the end of next year though this will depend on a trouble free test regime.


Knobhead wants DDS to draw back from war with Bolitic

Knobhead has said that the DDS seems on a collision course with the Bolitic and says they need to draw back. "Everyday we hear rumours and have escalations, many on dubious foundations, the DDS is heading for war with a powerful enemy. We are simply not ready yet."

Rival candidate The Orchid declined to comment on Knobhead's comments however said the DDS, if she wins, will be proactive and dynamic. "Millions of people could die if we are too timid."

"Panther Plug" will be the Independence class

In a departure from the usual naming convention of DDS ships (typically natural or geological names) the Panther 35B, the "Panther Plug", will be known as the Independence class. These 6 ships will begin building after the final Panther 35A ships are completed. The first 35B is likely to enter service in mid-2111.

The Independence 35B class (to give it it's full name) is a larger version of the Panther. The fuselage has received a number of "plugs" to increase internal space by 34%. This will allow the ships to have more roles than the Panther. The DDS said that typical roles may include mine laying, ground attack and Elint.


Bolitic fleet intelligence report is worrying for DDS

Recently a DDS team has been conducting an in-depth review of the Bolitic fleet using intelligence assets, open source information and drawing on intelligence from the Dinos and Raegris. Their report was presented to the DDS today and makes for worrying reading insiders have said. It is thought that DDS estimates as to the size of the Bolitic fleet are off by some margin.

The DDS estimate that the Bolitic have, for example, 55 Snarl battlecruisers but the team thinks that this number is in reality near to 80. "Previous Bolitic fleet estimates have erred to much on the side of caution and also have made assumptions as to the Bolitic armed forces using a DDS mindset." the team leader General O'Reilly said. "The Bolitic structure is totally unlike the DDS with the Bolitic fleet in reality consisting of many smaller fleets which operate together under the overall rule of the Emperor. By thinking 'Bolitic' we have found much higher levels of ships and manpower."

The team also issued a warning as to the capabilities of the upgraded BS4040A Snarl. "The old Snarl was already a very powerful warship but slow and lumbering. Like a powerful man but drunk so you could evade him easily. The new Snarl is definitely that man sobered up and high on caffeine!"

The team will feed into updated Bolitic fleet estimates at a later stage. Sea Urchin warned that it would be a mistake to immediately assume the team was right and the old way was wrong. "We will carefully consider the report." he said.


Bolitic have Reptoli Tuuls?

The Dinos are reporting that the Utrek have given the Bolitic Emperor Aliowaki 5 Reptoli Tuul warships as part of the payment for Bolitic weapon technology that has rejuvenated the Utrek effort in their war against the Mantae. The 5 advanced warships have been handed to the Chosen Men, the select group of soldiers of Aliowaki's own imperial house which act as his bodyguard and fascist vanguard.

The 5 ships are now fully operational after a period of localisation and training. Some of the Chosen Men have been spending the last year in Utrek service, training the Utrek in tactics and the art of warfare which the Bolitic excel in.

Kelsan spotted by DDS near Oscar

The HCS Kelsan bomber prototype has been encountered by a DDS patrol near to Oscar who managed to take this photograph of the bomber as it was firing a test stand-off missile of unknown type. The Kelsan was accompanied by 2 Cosmos cruisers who chased off the DDS ship. Encountering the ship was a surprise for the DDS as the Kelsan only made it's first superluminal trip earlier in the week (to Daggaddon). The fact it is already firing weapons is also surprising the DDS who did not expect this until the new year.

Gibson officially joins El Diablo's group

Former DDS gimp Gibson has officially been accepted in El Diablo's group which is informally known as "The A Team". "Gibson has proved himself to be very useful." El Diablo told reporters. "He does an excellent cappuccino." Razorback added.

El Diablo has promoted Gibson to Tribune rank permanently (his rank beforehand was a temporary assignment by Ronald). Gibson is very happy to have been accepted, "When i was first assigned to join the A Team the others were sceptical and loathed me intensely, Stinkyson literally vomited over me because i disgusted him so much. But now i have had a chance to prove myself. To contribute to the success of the team and i feel they only despise me now."

The Orchid announces her team

If The Orchid is the next DDS Commander then she will have Action Painting as deputy. Today she announced her team which will help her lead the DDS into the "next decade of opportunity and pitfalls". The Orchid said she was bring about a DDS which was "flexible, lean and professional". Action Painting helps cement her potential regime as being a return to Rotariosism.

LPG will be her executive officer. Captain Redjec and his team, Team Redjec, will be in charge of DDS communications. Firefly is expected to be asked to remain City Commander and the Sea Urchin fleet commander.

Rival candidate Knobhead will not announce his team until after the election sparking some to comment that he does not have any friends and intends for Truman, a man so stupid he once got lost inside a telephone kiosk for 4 hours, to be the deputy commander.

DDS to design own tank

The DDS have decided to design their own tank for the New DDS Army. New DDS Tank (NDT of course in the acronym obsessed DDS) will use the Avenger IV as it's basis (as the Avenger V was a failure) but will be lighter to better suit rapid deployment. A design team has been set up with the help of 2 Terran arms manufacturers who will build the finalised design.

Sea Urchin said he hoped to have something in testing within 2 years though that will be a tough ask. Meanwhile Aritan T-55Zs and T-88++s will be receiving radio and datalink updates in a 17 million zark upgrade packedge part funded by the DDS.


Clones buy 2 Molentic Tuuls "off black market"

It has been reported that the Clones have managed to buy 2 Molentic Tuul warships off renegade Utrekians! The ships were being kept near an asteroid in the Rim Worlds and had been stored there since the Utrek War according to sources. The ships were part of a battle group that got separated from the main Utrek force and decided to hide out in the Rim Worlds instead of fighting. The 2 ships soon became unserviceable and were deactivated. A 3rd ship, a Kalahati Tuul, left the group last year and it's whereabouts are now unknown.

The Clones have paid 200 million zarks to the Utrek group for the ships and have now taken them to Cloneworld for refurbishment, refuelling and localisation. The ships will be upgraded to MTM standard. The Utrekians are understood to have been given a civilian transport (Terran built) as part of the transaction. The Utrek government have made a token demand for the ships to be returned to them but the Clones will want them for themselves to help bolster their depleted fleet. The HCS say the ships could be in service by next Summer.

MBH looks back on his term as Consul

As MBH prepares to stand down as one of the Consuls of the Dino Republic he has given an interview to reporters where he (after lambasting his enemies of course) looked back at the last 2 years. "I feel frustrated more than anything." he said, "This was an opportunity to change Dino society for ever, to modernise it, to take it out from the shadow of decrepidity. Unfortunately the forces of boredom held sway but maybe in future..."

MBH will continue as Governor of Pulsin though, the loss of his Consul powers maybe not being that badly felt because virtually all of his bills and decisions were vetoed by the rest of the Dino senate. MBH will now sit in that senate, he said he was looking forward to exploring new avenues. "I will bring the Dinos into the 22nd century, once the old fart [Ronald] finally gets wheeled out to a retirement home to wet the bed every night then maybe the Dinos can finally progress!"

What is Windy up to?

Since Windscorpion's shock resignation news on the Oiled One has been scant. His personal ship SS Stoke City was spotted last week heading towards Dino space though it is unknown if he was aboard. Now there are reports that his flagship SS Carboniferous has been instructed to prepare for immediate departure.

Where the ship will depart to is unknown, and also why the ship is even still his flagship considering he officially has left the DDS! It is therefore speculated that he has reverted to his DDS Protector role but as yet is keeping things very secret.

Knobhead will not announce his staff

The Orchid is set to announce her team to help her run the DDS if she wins the DDS Commander election, Action Painting is likely to be the new deputy commander. Knobhead however will not announce his team. It is speculated that if he names Truman, his closest ally, as a potential deputy it will badly harm his election chances.

Sea Urchin is another potential candidate, he says he is willing to work with either potential leader. It is rumoured he may become commander of the DDS fleet in an Orchid administration.

HCS unveil Black Dragon & Kestral

The HCSAF have unveiled 2 new UAS at a presentation at HCSAF HQ on Cloneworld. The RQ-3 Black Dragon is a small surveilance drone which will be launched from a special catapult attachment that can be fitted to Tapir IFVs and flat trucks. Black Dragon returns real-time imagery using EO and IR cameras and can provide augmented vision to troops in the field via special goggles. What the soldier sees through the goggles is supplemented with processed data from the drone and filtered by the base station console in the launcher vehicle. RQ-3 will begin being deployed from next year.

The RQ-1 Kestral is a much bigger drone, being able to take off from runways (the Black Dragon is catapult launched and parachute recovered). The RQ-1 is a highly stealthy supersonic reconnaissance drone. Flight testing will begin early in the new year.

The Orchid reveals the direction of future DDS strategy

If The Orchid becomes DDS Commander then DDS strategy and doctrine will see it's biggest changes since the creation of the DDS The Orchid has claimed. She said the reactive policy will end though was at pains to point out that a proactive policy did not mean war. "Our policy will be in terms of military strength to deter aggression. If we have to resort to conflict then it will be as a last resort." The Orchid told a group of DDS ship captains last night. "We will expand the alliance system, strengthen our existing allies and bring in more allies. Even our former enemies are to be considered. I will begin talks with the Clones for a non-aggression pact as soon as i take office... if i am successful of course."

"Deterrance will be key to future DDS strategy and intelligent intervention. Intelligence gathering will be a priority and the Prowler units will be further improved. The fires will be put out before they can burn us either by stamping out the sparks or putting up impregnable fire guards."


Jimmy to halt Dino Army expansion

Over the last 20 years the Dino Army has grown from 6 legions to 17, all now larger and much better equipped too. Plans existed to add at least 5 more legions. The SS also have 3 legions (though the 3rd is still in the process of forming). Consul-elect Jimmy however has said that now the army will only get 1 more legion, the 18th, which was already forming. No more other legions will be added. The SS will also not get the go-ahead to add a 4th legion.

"18 legions plus the SS is sufficient for Dino defence." Jimmy told some Liberal Party supporters, "Each legion includes at least 1 armoured brigade and an artillery battery plus airpower. The might of the Dino Army is many times greater than it was in the past and we have now reached the point where we need to start spending money on other things like benefits for unmarried mothers and the unemployed."

Defence minister Zanus, who is not aligned to any party, said that he disagreed with halting the build-up. "Our enemies are many and myriad. Our commitments are much greater than before. A think-tank 3 years ago said we needed at least 21 army legions, the galaxy has not grown safer since then."

Jimmy's deputy ZBH told reporters that extra funding would go into special forces and co-operation with other armies would increase.

The Orchid talks light cruiser

A new light cruiser is a central part of The Orchid's future plans for the fleet if she becomes the DDS Commander. At a media briefing to the press she gave some more details of the new type, now known as LCX 2.0 (the first LCX project was cancelled a few years ago). LCX 2.0 would fill a gap in the fleet between the heavy Quasar cruiser/bomber and Panther destroyer and would be a general purpose warship however it would have sufficient firepower and performance to deputise and supplement either role.

The Orchid said the total LCX 2.0 project, including 12 ships, was currently costed at 25 billion zarks though the Raegris have shown interest and are prepared to pay 3 billion into the initial development stage. Final costs would depend on the final specification and the unit price. LCX 2.0 would be designed from the off to work with UCVs and would be "worm drive ready".

Benito calls for Captain Clone to stand down

Talks between Captain Clone and Benito Clone have broken up with no agreement reached on how the HCS should be strengthened to react to the Xenon threat. Captain Clone wants a big increase in spending in the space fleet but Benito refuses to let other weapon programmes be cut to allow this. It was hoped a compromise could be reached but the two leaders have now returned to their capitals.

Benito told reporters he thought Captain Clone should stand down. He said Captain Clone had taken CSE-W to the abyss and needed someone else to draw back from the edge. Captain Clone has yet to comment publicly but is thought to be furious with Benito. Some observers wonder if we are seeing the beginnings of the break up of the Clone Star Empire.

One problem is the two massive egos of the two leaders. Talks will resume between Benito's deputy Marcus and a member of Captain Clone's staff. It is hoped these talks will be more fruitful.

Knobhead calls for debate on DDS future

Knobhead, one of the candidates in the DDS Commander election, has said if he is elected he will begin a wide-ranging debate on the future of the DDS and review it's future plans. Knobhead has been criticised for being too much a "play safe" candidate and for being too conservative compared to the radical and innovative programme from The Orchid which would mean a tighter and leaner DDS better able to meet the challenges of the future.

Knobhead also criticised this website as being a propaganda mouthpiece of The Orchid. Team Redjec assures him and everyone else we are totally unbiased and are balanced and fair.

Current deployments (08/12/09)

Ships in brackets are part of deployment but not on station (e.g. on route)

Force Voth

R101 Missileer (flag)
C130 Kaon
F152 Aral Sea II

Terran Sea

F106 Tertiary
A145 Globemaster
SKS Randokan (Sirikwan)
AS14 Helunam (Aritan)

Force West 

R104 Musketeer (flag)
C129 Charm Quark
F146 Bohol Sea
A149 Octane

Force Starbot

D109 Cougar* (flag)
F131 Caspian Sea
F112 Holocene
A158 Starbotian Spirit*
+ Starbotian fleet

* Starbotian crewed

Remedian Border Protection Force

D111 Civet (flag)
F108 Eocene
F163 Sea Of Fertility
A152 Kerocene
+ Remedian Police Customs Patrol

Ships returning to HQ

D151 Velocity


Raegris consider fleet expansion

Over the last few years the Raegris have greatly increased the size of their fleet with cutting edge DDS designs such as the Quasar and Isometric. However despite that the Raegris are feeling the pressure in their unique position between the Bolitic Confederacy and the Utrek Federation. Not a very healthy place to be. The Raegris are said to be considering a 10 billion zark further expansion of their fleet.

The question is what will they buy. Velocity-E is an option as they are already building it for export customers. More DF-1s is likely to take the fleet of Isometric derives frigates up to 20. The Raegris are known to have shown interest in the latest DDS light cruiser design studies and if the project goes ahead then they could become a partner. One type that will feature in future is the RC-2B cruiser. The Raegris design (which people will better know as the Cosmos in HCS service) is likely to be built again in it's DDS updated RC-2B version. The Raegris have liked the results of the DDS upgrade so much they have decided to build some more brand new ships in this configuration.

Southern Spirit ends

The final exercise of the year, Southern Spirit, has ended. The ships from the deployment except D151 Velocity have now berthed at New Jakarta to form the first allocation of forces at this new base for the DDS.

The next exercise is scheduled for January next year though as yet the details have not been revealed. Bloggers are suggesting it may be a minesweeping exercise as some Raegris mine warfare units are said to being prepared for a deployment outside of Raegris space.

HCSAF order light transport, longer range COIN aircraft

The HCSAF have ordered 300 C-426 light transports to fill a gap in the HCSAF transport arm for light transport/liaison/communications aircraft. The C-426 is an 8 seat twin-engined transport and will supplement the mixture of old types currently used for this role (and help replace a lot of them too). The first aircraft will be delivered from early year. The number of conversions from withdrawn A-85s to the unarmed O-47 communications plane will be greatly reduced.

A tanker version, the KC-426, will also be produced. This will support a longer range version of the A-85 COIN aircraft due to enter production next year. The A-85NTLR will have provision for inflight refuelling, a smoother engine and improved flight controls to reduce crew fatigue. This will allow the aircraft to loiter for up to 12 hours (current A-85NT missions can last up to 4).


Clones reactivate 7 Kalahati Tuuls

The HCS Space Navy has reactivated 7 withdrawn Kalahati Tuuls which had been placed in a maintained readiness reserve (luckily as it turns out). The ships will be ready to resume duties by early next year and will help bolster numbers until replacement ships can be bought to restore the fleet after the terrible losses sustained against the Xenon.

The ships are all near to the end of their fatigue lives so this is a short-term measure but the HCSSN say with careful monitoring and scheduling the ships should be able to serve for 2-3 years on less important patrols allowing other ships to be released for more vital duties.

UV149 : Mr Sex

  • Furvert - Windy resigns as commander...
  • The Battle Of Dog 31143 - The HCS suffer a military disaster...
  • Domination Is The Name Of The Game - Oojok plans the downfall of Captain Clone...
  • Its A Sexual Thing - There are new missions for SFX and Comer...
  • Named And Shamed - SFX has to seek and destroy a secret Bolitic weapon...
  • Middle Class Riot - SFX battles to escape...


Molab order minesweeping force

Molab has signed a 3.4 billion zark contract with the DDS for a minesweeping force. They have ordered an Isometric-M, an optimised minesweeper director Isometric-E with Pave Yellow 2.0, and 5 Pentekonter-EMs. The force, which will be known as the Eritran Minesweeping Force, will be made available for "shared duties" by Eritran planets which contribute to the costs. Sear N7 and Oxsasx have both contributed to the cost of buying the ships (thought to be around 450 million zarks each).

As a minesweeping flotilla in the DDS consists of an Isometric and 3 Pentekonters then there will be spare ships available for general patrol duties. A second Isometric-M may be bought at some stage, plus extra Pentekonter-EMs in order to potentially field 2 flotillas. No date on delivery has yet been set. Pentekonter-EM will use the new DMS (DDS Minewarfare Suite) which will not enter DDS service until next year.

Ronald will take over Interior Ministry from Jimmy

When Jimmy takes up his post as the new Consul at the start of the year he will have to give up his current role of Minister of the Interior. Ronald has indicated he wants to take over this role (and thus it will happen). MBH may have thought about taking on that role himself when he stands down as Consul.

Ronald's current job of Minister of Culture will be available though it is possible GBH takes the role over. Officially GBH is Minister of DDS Affairs but he doesn't really have anything to do. Pircasa, as liaison officer, takes one for the team.

Sirikwanese loan 2 Helwin to DDS

The Sirikwanese have loaned 2 of their Bolitic built Helwin patrol ships to the DDS for use in realistic training scenarios. Although the Sirikwanese Helwins are quite old their general characteristics and weapons are similar to what the DDS could face in a battle with the Bolitic.

In return the DDS have loaned Sirikwan a Pentekonter until next year when the first of the Pentekonter-Es they have on order is delivered. X902 Xerxes will operate with a DDS crew with Sirikwanese assistants and will be used to help train personnel in the new type.

First Tapir-HD delivered to Dinos

Ahead of schedule the first TRV-5HD Tapir has been delivered to the Dino Army. Over 2000 of the next generation version of the Tapir are on order for the Dinos, Clones and Telvin 802 though it is expected 1000s more will be built over the years to come.

The HD is the most significant upgrade to the Tapir for some years though was funded by the Dinos and it reported the resulting IFV was not exactly what the HCS would have built for themselves. It has a new gun, fire control, engine and a new alloy used in the armour. Production of the Tapir-G is now winding down though will continue of the specialist Sand Tapir at a low rate until 2112.

DDS develop attack version of Osprey

The DDSAF has successfully flight tested an attack version of it's RQ-10 Osprey surveillance drone. The MQ-16B has a modified wing able to carry up to 4 air to ground munitions plus modified control software, an improved communications node and better EO sensors. 40 MQ-16B Ospreys have been ordered and should start entering service next year. The MQ-16B is based on the larger RQ-12N Flash version of the Osprey that operates from runways. A reconnaissance version of this (RQ-10B) has yet to be built for the DDS though is likely to follow once the existing RQ-10 order is fulfilled.

In the longer term the unmanned attack asset of the DDSAF will be the LLAD MQ-14 but this is not expected to be ready in numbers until 2112-3.
Middle Class Riot
Can SFX and team get out of the Bolitic base alive?


Named And Shamed
SFX seeks the Bolitic super weapon lab...

Kelsan begins flight testing

The HCS Kelsan bomber has begun it's testing programme following a 3 hour sub-luminal trip around Cloneworld. The first superluminal test will take place next week when it (probably) goes to Daggaddon. (The HCS are not publishing the test schedule but new ships always go to nearby Daggaddon on their first hyperspace trip!)

The Kelsan programme is a response to the DDS' progress in creating a strategic attack force and the ship has been designed and built in a remarkably quick time with the programme only starting earlier this year. Though analysts say the Kelsan is a fairly simple design and also drew on earlier aborted design studies.

All being well the first Kelsan should enter service next Summer. The HCS plan to build 20 ships, with them deployed in 2 squadrons of 8 each in the 2 halves of the empire with the other ships in a floating reserve. The full operational status of the Kelsan is reliant on a space launched version of the CSM being developed though this is not expected until around 2114. Until then Kelsan will use older and shorter range weapons.

Sea Urchin closes election nominations; Date set for election

Interim Commander Sea Urchin has closed the nominations for the election to decide the new DDS Commander to replace Windscorpion. The Orchid and Knobhead will be the only candidates and the DDS will vote on who they want to lead them on January 15th 2110. Sea Urchin said this would give the 2 candidates ample time to put their future vision for the DDS across. He said there was a clear choice between the 2 candidates.

Indeed there is between The Orchid's Neo-Rotariosism vision for change and personal growth and Knobhead's conservative plan for no-change and to retain the failed policies of Windyism. Team Redjec of course, although part of The Orchid's team, will of course be totally unbiased in this web site.

Starbot fleet changes

Starbot has ordered a 4th Dinomark XT to join the 3 older ones already in service. These older XTs will also receive a refit and update to improve their capabilities. When the new ship is in service the ageing I-2 Iota will be retired. The ship has been in service for decades and although updated many times now would require extensive rebuilding to keep it operatable beyond it's end of fatigue life due in 2113. The Starbotians have decided it will be more cost effective to buy an XT instead for the scouting role.

Starbot has also ordered a second Provider 71A transport. The first has recently begun it's secondary role as a survey and reconnaissance ship using a mission module designed by Starbot which fits in the Provider's hold. The DDS are also interested in this module.


New Snarl is a headache for DDS

Details are emerging of a new version of the Bolitic Snarl battlecruiser already a very powerful warship but it's new version is much faster and even more powerful making it a definite problem for the DDS and Dinos. The Snarl BS4040A to properly call the new version has benefited from Utrek technology to greatly increase the power of the engines and the efficiency of the hyperspace drive. Early BS4040As were clocked at 500c (200c faster than the older version). Recently a Voth ship detected a Snarl travelling at 607c which is near the theoretical top speed of the type according to intelligence. The extra power has also made the new Snarl more nimble though it still lumbers compared to advanced designs like the Panther, Isometric and PT.

The BS4040A has also been upgunned with a more powerful main cannon and secondary weapons. Advances in reactor design (another Utrek import) has meant this part of the ship has been cut in size and the interior reorganisation has left space for more missiles and warriors. The new Snarl also has a more extensive info-warfare suite with a dedicated mainframe just for cyber attacks and a beefed up communications system. All in all the new Snarl is a very formiddable warship and the DDS will be hoping the Bolitic do not build too many of them.

Knobhead announces he will stand in DDS Commander election

Fleet commander Knobhead has surprised the DDS (and no doubt annoyed The Orchid) by announcing he will be standing in the DDS Commander election against her. Knobhead has a strange image in the DDS. He is competant, even sometimes shows glimpses of brilliance, as a fleet commander and is popular with his men. However he lacks the charisma and vision to really be a "big beast" in the DDS.

Knobhead said he would be the "continuity candidate" and would maintain Windscorpion's "successful policies". Knobhead said the DDS needed stability and careful operation in these times of unpredictable change. The Orchid, on her blog, said that the DDS needed change. "To meet the challenges of the future we need a wide-ranging raft of measures to produce a leaner, tighter DDS. We cannot sit back and let things happen we need to be out there changing the universe to suit us."

Sea Urchin will announce the date of the election tomorrow after the deadline for people to announce they are standing.

Castaris become latest DDS export customer

Free Eritran state Castaris 9065A has placed an order for DDS ships, the first order for some time (though the order books are quite backlogged). Castaris have ordered 4 Extender-E oiler transports and 3 Coril-E shuttles. They do not have any combat warships but the Extenders will be fitted with the combat pack as now fitted to DDS transports for self-defence and auxiliary patrol though of course without Canister TPM.

Delivery dates have yet to be decided. Castaris have said their transports will be interoperable with other Eritran assets and it is thought Molab will be assisting them with training and port facilities.

Utrek using Bolitic technology to turn tide against Mantae?

There have been rumours of a Utrek-Bolitic link-up for some time though little in the way of concrete evidence apart from a surprise speed boost in the latest Snarl battlecruisers of the Bolitic Confederacy fleet indicating they have upgraded their engine technology from someone.

Now there are reports that the Utrek have unleashed a new range of weapons in their long and grinding war against the Mantae. The Utrek have been using what have been referred to as "cyber weapons" against the Mantae and upgraded beam weapons. A Dino sigint mission says the new weapons use Bolitic frequencies.

The Mantae had managed to get within 8 lightyears of the Utrek capital Urlik Utrekia and control nearly a third of Utrek space but following a huge battle near Nebula 78U65/JK9033B (Utrek designation unknown) the Mantae have been pushed back some 5 light years. Now the Mantae are said to "only" hold about 24% of Utrek space.


Nybble buzzes DDS ship?

A DDS ship has been "buzzed" by what is believed to be the HCS Nybble UCV. Rome corvette K105 Claudius encountered the ship which did not respond to radio contact on a patrol near Barnard's Star. The Rome dropped to sub-light speed as did the unidentified ship which then came close to the Rome.

The Captain of the Rome ordered some warning fire which the Nybble responded to with "impressive agility". The DDS later identified the ship as probably being a Nybble after scans indicated no life forms were aboard. The Nybble returned to hyperspace and headed towards Clone space.

Captain Clone and Benito to compromise on fleet plan

Captain Clone and Benito Clone have begun their emergency summit on Petric. Pre-summit talks indicate that Benito is willing to end his opposition to the emergency fleet building plan of Captain Clone to replace ships lost in the Xenon disaster and build up front line fleet assets in return for concessions with respect to his own armed forces.

Benito is concerned that diverting funds from other military programmes will impact his own efforts to improve the defences of CSE-E. Captain Clone is willing to prioritise other equipment programmes for Benito's half of the empire thus it is likely CSE-E will get the first batches of F-45C for example and other weapon programmes. CSE-E will also get the second CSM battery after Cloneworld.


F-10SEP cleared for production, SNG announced

Production of the F-10SIM has ended and now retooling and retraining is taking place on the production line ready for the production of the improved SEP model from next Summer. The SEP has an improved wing, a new databus and reduced IR emissions. It will be a more agile and efficient model with extra range.

Following on from the SEP the F-10SNG will be the next stage in development expected to come in the mid 2110s. The SNG will have new engines (currently in development) and a totally redesigned computer and sensor architecture.

HCSN score major success against pirates

The HCS Navy has scored a major success against pirates on Cloneworld after attacking a pirate stronghold on the Melina islands deep in the Eastern Ocean. A task force consisting of the current flagship CNS Ailier, 2 Olana destroyers, 3 Triona OPVs and 3 Mariner general support ships approached the islands a few days ago and were attacked by a variety of small craft. One Triona was hit by a missile but the missile warhead did not explode (perhaps due to poor maintenance). Three crewmen were killed. Two other sailors were killed by gunfire on CNS Ailier. In return 6 pirate boats were destroyed.

Supported by SH-26 helicopters flown off the Mariners around 400 Marines were landed on the islands and stormed the pirate base. 124 pirates in total were reported to have been killed and over 300 captured. 27 Marines were killed. No pirates are reported to have been able to escape the islands. Two small boats were chased by helicopters as they tried to flee and one was destroyed, the other surrendered.

A HCS Navy spokesclone said the pirate group has been responsible for several dozen hijackings and attacks on commercial shipping. All pirate groups would one day receive similar treatment he added.

Current deployments (01/12/09)

Ships in brackets are part of deployment but not on station (e.g. on route)

Force Voth

R101 Missileer (flag)
C130 Kaon
F152 Aral Sea II
F106 Tertiary
A145 Globemaster
SKS Randokan (Sirikwan)
AS14 Helunam (Aritan)

Southern Spirit

C101 North America (flag)
D151 Velocity
F140 Celebes Sea
F141 Sulu Sea
A141 Extender

Force West 

R104 Musketeer (flag)
C129 Charm Quark
F146 Bohol Sea
A149 Octane

Force Starbot

D109 Cougar* (flag)
F131 Caspian Sea
F112 Holocene
A158 Starbotian Spirit*
+ Starbotian fleet

* Starbotian crewed

Remedian Border Protection Force

D111 Civet (flag)
F108 Eocene
F163 Sea Of Fertility
A152 Kerocene
+ Remedian Police Customs Patrol

Ships returning to HQ

D162 Epsilon Eridani
F144 Flores Sea
F145 Arafura Sea
F122 Permian
D108 Ocelot
F138 Java Sea

Jimmy elected as Consul

Jimmy has finally been elected Consul and will replace MBH, the man who sensationally beat him 2 years ago. Jimmy won 83.2% of the vote and thus was immediately elected being over the 75% vote mark meaning a run-off against the second place (Yenekran of the Dino Communist Party back on 7.1%) was not needed. Yenekran mounted a legal challenge yesterday to try and force a run-off but it was quickly dismissed by the Dino courts allowing Jimmy to be officially announced as the winner of the vote.

Jimmy said that he would seek to readdress the balance between militarism and an improved social security system. "The Dino Republic has spent vast funds on it's armed forces over the last few years but now we will cut that back a bit in order to give money to unmarried mothers and other improved benefits."


The Orchid sets out her plans for the DDS

Prospective DDS Commander The Orchid has made a speech to the DDS in which she laid out her plans for the DDS should she be successful in the election to replace Windscorpion. She said the DDS would be much more proactive. "We will not wait to be burnt by the flames of danger we will go and snuff them out while they were still sparks." she said.

Existing planned ship building programmes would be maintained but she would also look into increasing the numbers of heavy warships. She said she would commission a design study into a light cruiser that would fill the gap between the Quasar and Panther classes. Allies would also be further integrated into the DDS structure with a roadmap for improvement in the DDS' satellite fleets (Aritans, Voth and Remedians) published that the allies would have to stick to.

"The DDS of the future will be a more cohesive and professional outfit where everyone will know their task and all tasks will be as vital as each other. We will foster a meritocracy where excellence is rewarded and sloth is punished." she said.

She also said plans for the New DDS Army would be accelerated in order for the DDS to be able to field a full armoured rapid reaction division by 2112.

Sea Urchin has meanwhile said that the deadline for other candidates to announce their candidacy will be by the end of the week.

Other Fleet News (30/11/09)


The Dinos have received their 6th SX-98 landing ship. For now no more will be ordered but the Dinos have indicated they would like to double their fleet sometime in the future. Jimmy election as Consul means the Dino defence budget is likely to be reduced for a time. The Dinos have already reined in various programmes with the PT and XT lines down to miminal rate. Around 30 XTs in the reserve fleet are likely to be sold off to private buyers to raise funds.


Following the Xenon disaster Captain Clone and Benito Clone have been thrashing out plans for a major fleet expansion programme. Details of this will be covered in separate articles.


The first PC-1 patrol ship has begun trials. This is the Raegris version of the Pentekonter-E and is equivalent to a mid-range model though with Raegris specific equipment and interiors. 6 will be bought by the Raegris to serve on patrol and governance duties.


The first 2 refurbished and modernised Kalahati Tuuls for the Molab fleet have been completed by a DDS Engineering team located on Molab. 20 ex-Utrek KTs in total will be upgraded to serve as the second-line of the Molab fleet.

New Arit

The Aritans have received their second Extender-E oiler/transport. These ships will allow the Aritans to support their ships away from their own space on patrol and supplement DDS assets.


Its A Sexual Thing
SFX is given a new dangerous mission...


Voting begins in Dino election

Voting has begun in the first round of the Dino Consul election. The result will be known before the end of the weekend. There will not be a second round if the winner (expected to be Jimmy) scores over 75% of the vote. This change was bought in to prevent a pointless second round if one candidate dominates.

Unless something seismic happens Jimmy is the next Consul. A recent poll gave him 87% of the vote.

HCS go on offensive against Randalf 74 insurgents

A regiment of F-45A fighter bombers was quietly sent to Randalf 74 over the Summer and now have launched a major offensive against human insurgents on the CSE-W planet. The offensive is said to have been planned for some time but it is no doubt the timing is perfect to deflect attention away from the Xenon disaster.

Six insurgent bases came under heavy attack from the fighters with follow-up operations by A-85 COIN aircraft and HCS troops. No aircraft were shot down though two were fired at by SAMs. Over 100 insurgents were either killed or captured. Analysts say the insurgency, which is no longer being backed by the DDS, may now have suffered a terminal blow.

Sea Urchin rules himself out of Commander election

Interim Commander Sea Urchin has ruled himself out of standing in the forthcoming election to decide the new DDS Commander following the retirement of Windscorpion. It is thought he has come to an agreement with The Orchid as to his role in the new DDS administration if The Orchid was to win the election as seems increasingly likely.

Sea Urchin has in fact called on the election to be bought forward to end the uncertainty. The Orchid has not commented on this, she is currently preparing to outlay her manifesto to the DDS. The Windy Massive has meanwhile appealed to a strong rival to stand against her.

Oojok going to take on the Xenon?

Oojok has requested Captain Clone grant him some warships so he can "avenge the fallen". Unfortunately only a small number of ships were allocated by the CSE leader. Oojok's task force departed Cloneworld a couple of days ago with only 4 ships though is likely to be joined by a 5th which is currently on the edge of Xenon space conducting reconnaissance.

What Oojok can do with 5 ships is unknown but he has promised to make the Xenon pay in blood. Some HCS insiders think getting back alive will be an achievement.


Team Redjec is at the forefront of the new DDS revolution

Team Redjec is proud to announce it is pinning it's inconsiderable colours to the mast on the ship that is The Orchid Express as it steams its way through the tunnels and bridges of the DDS to the capital station to make a perfect landing! Yes Captain Redjec Esq is supporting The Orchid in her bid to become the new DDS Commander! A new glorious era of the DDS beckons. An era of professionalism, hard work, austerity and cold showers! The era of softness, comfort, convenience and Quarzism is over because i hate Quarz!

The New New DDS which will stand for personal growth, holistic goal achievement and a full spectrum approach to the myriad problems facing the DDS tomorrow realigned through a systematic and steered action ... er... portfolio. That is what the DDS stands for which is clear is it not? Unlike Quarz's underwear when he is scared by a balloon. I hate Quarz!

I will be at The Orchid's side directing the forces of professionalism. We will clean up the DDS. Leading it to a new era of unparalleled success and technique. We stand for progress, we provide the steer. Quarz is the queer! You see what i did there? I hate him!

Targets will be set to all stakeholders in the future DDS. Targets will have to be achieved or we will be holding a review... I will probably set Quarz a target of not soiling himself every 5 minutes. He will obviously will fail in this as he is a gimp. Ensnared by a vile vaguely female thing. I Redjec am ensnared only by success! Quarz had best soil himself already. When I am in charge... i mean The Orchid is in charge then Quarz is going to pay as i hate him!

Combat Ware 3.0 in development

Combat Ware has significantly reduced injuries and casualties in combat situations on DDS ships by providing protection for crews and improved communication. Combat Ware 3.0 is the next version which is expected to enter service early in the next decade. Further improved flak jackets will offer better protection but will also be lighter and will be wearable by crews at all times.

Integrated Force Goggles 4.0 will also form part of the next system, as with the jackets they will be made lighter and integrated into the standard headware worn by crews thus allieviating the need to locate and don the goggles in a rapidly changing combat situation. IFG 4.0 will further improve the clarity of displayed messages, IR vision mode and augmented reality displays.

Combat Ware 3.0 forms part of a major review of Damage Control & Casualty Assessment Team (Dcat) procedures. The DDS are also looking at materials used in the interiors of ships and damage containment systems in order to reduce the amount of debris flying around in battle.

Ferret-G production begins

Early model production of the Ferret-G UCV has begun at the large Ferret production facility on Starbot. 24 Ferret-Gs will be produced in this first phase which will be distributed to the DDS, Dinos and Starbotians for type training and testing. The DDS aim to begin operating the type before the mid-point of next year.

The Dinos, who did not buy Ferret-E, have yet to decide how many Gs they will buy or how they will operate them.

Force West to end by end of year

As expected the DDS are disbanding the Force West deployment based at New Jakarta which was intended as a show of strength to try and deter Clone moves to bring Oscar into the Clone Star Empire. As that now seems to be a fait accompli the DDS will revert to a smaller and permanent presence at their newly improved New Jakarta orbital dock.

A brigade of the New DDS Army will be relocated to New Jakarta at a later date taking advantage of the excellent training facilities already on the planet. The planet may thus become a secondary home port for the DDS' growing fleet of amphibious landing ships.


Leaked Oscar vote shows big vote for unification

The official result of the Oscar referendum to decide if the planet joins the Clone Star Empire or not is not due until early December but has been leaked to a newspaper in the former capital of the human half of the planet (though the city is now mostly Clone populated like most of the planet). 86% are reported to have voted for unification.

Anti-unification protestors rioted in the city when news broke of the result resulting in 34 arrests and 6 rapes. The Oscar authorities have refused to comment on the result and have instead asked for patience and calm.

DDSAF begin patrols over Proxima 5

With the number of F-10S Shark 2100 fighters in service steadily increasing the DDSAF now has sufficient aircraft to begin combat air patrols (CAP) over the Proxima 5 central continent home to most of the population and a number of DDS facilities. Proxima 7 and Solaris already have CAP maintained with TPM-A armed fighters in the air at all times providing a layer of air defence against incoming missiles from orbital attack and an ability to attack space craft in lower orbits.

A new booster motor is in development for the next version of TPM-A which will be the last until the TPM-2 is used instead which will allow for ships in slightly higher orbits to be attacked especially if fired by F-10S fighters which have a higher ceiling than the older F-10As. Liberation is likely to receive a CAP by 2112.

Captain Clone and Benito to hold emergency summit

Captain Clone and Benito Clone, leaders of their respective halves of the Clone Star Empire, will hold an emergency summit at the end of the next week on Petric. They will discuss the Xenon situation and how the fleet can be improved and increased in size.

Captain Clone wants a major increase in the size of the fleet but Benito does not want the budget for the other arms of the HCS to be affected, especially where it impacts on the weapon procurement programmes for his own half of the empire. Benito is likely to end his objection to the emergency fleet building plan in return for some concessions including the siting of CSM on Austini 55 and the diversion of some funds from CSE-W's army budget to CSE-E. That of course will not go down well with Captain Clone's Generals!