
Missileers to receive strategic weapon upgrade

The Missileer 21B fleet of UCV/missile carriers is to receive what has been called a "strategic weapon upgrade" over the next few months. The upgrade, known officially as Missileer Update 2112A focusses on the types' MRM attack missile capabilities which are to be greatly improved.

MRM weapon load is to be increased, the actual maximum load is being kept secret though one source stated it was "low double figures". The Missileer will also gain a new datalink dedicated to strategic attack, this will allow it to work with the SAS (Strategic Attack System) fitted to Quasar 15A bombers for targeting information. The Missileers will also gain the ability to perform mid-course guidance correction to MRM loads with a new data processing system dedicated to this task.

The DDS say the Missileers will perform a support role in strategic attack up until the Warspite 16A bombers enter service (though they will remain available afterwards too).
  • The HCS will announce how it will deal with its share of the defence cuts in the Clone Star Empire tomorrow, though its thought there will be little new as the HCS was already in the process of downsizing and modernising.