
HCS Army announce cuts

Finally the HCS senior service, the Army (though of course its also known as the HCS just to confuse us probably), has announced how it was take its share of Clone defence cuts. However the HCS was already in the process of downsizing and modernising/standardising so some of the measures announced are already known and in progress.
  • All remaining 4 regiment brigades to be reduced to 3 regiment size, which will become the standard.
  • Around 27 regiments disbanded, mostly third rate infantry but also some second rate armour. Some brigades will be reorganised, 4 will be disbanded.
  • T-88++ withdrawal will be speeded up though will probably still take until 2114.
  • T-55ZDM2 production slowed and halted if export orders exist to keep lines open, otherwise will be kept at minimum rate.
  • A planned upgrade of the T-89 will now be reworked to reduce costs.
  • Remaining non-standard utility vehicles and trucks will be withdrawn by 2115.
  • Tapir HD production slowed, and as with the T-55ZDM will be given over to export orders if possible.
  • Sixteen army bases will be closed, 27 others will be remodelled and surplus land sold off.